The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
It's the 21st Century!!!...Hot water in a bottle is for Cavemen!!!....a modern clothes iron with precision heat control is the MOST effective method!!!. I place the material between parchment paper & use the iron to press & melt the tricomes together, press & flip & press & flip. Place the warm pressed product in the freezer briefly to facilitate removal from the parchment paper. Roll into a Cannoli, & begin the aging/curing process...Alex
It is funny because I used an iron to press in my teens and caveman was how my friends called me also in my teens. Go figure.....


It is funny because I used an iron to press in my teens and caveman was how my friends called me also in my teens. Go figure.....
Hello Frenchy; Is there a reason why you abandoned the iron method & instead use the hot water bottle method? For myself this seems counter-intuitive. What better instrument to provide a "Constant" heat source with the added "bonus" of pressing weight, than a modern clothes iron? I can iron my patties SOOOOOOOOO thin ( 1/32 of an inch) that I use the thin patty as if it were hash oil. I place the thin patty on the rolling paper, then the marijuana, and roll. The thin patty burns slowly & completely & is quite Impressive. Appreciate your willingness to share your experiences Frenchy!...Alex

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
I prefer the hot water bottle because I can see what I do when I press. I gave up on the iron when I started to travel, a little heavy to carry around.


Active Member
Hey Frenchy just wondering how you clean out your machine ? do you scope the leaf out with your hand or do you just wash it through ? just curious as to how you do it


Active Member
Thats what I did I too, I'll have some pice up in a few hours forgot to charge my battery before i went to bed. I noticed that after the hash was in the fridge for a few minutes it was easier to chop up into smaller pieces, I did my first chop right away then put the dish in the fridge while i got everything ready for my second wash and once I took it out I got it chopped up way smaller and it was way easier. Thanks again Frenchy for all your teachings you were a big help


Well-Known Member
Here's a flower of purple paralyzer. I did four plants of it this this run because it makes some amazing hash. Gonna run the trim today hopefully if everything goes as planned. The trim off this lady is absolutely amazing!image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Purple Paralyzer....What a name! The hash will be something else if I can judge by the pic.
Yea this lady throws some serious trichs! Very raised with very large heads. Her smoke is amazingly powerful as well. If my back holds out I'll throw some pics up after the run:)


Her name def fits her well. I was gifted this plant by an old timer I know.



Active Member
Well heres a few pics of my first hash run Frenchy sstyle, dried in the fridge for 48 hrs. I'm going to press it in the morning I'm just going to jar it up to make sure I didn't leave too much moisture, I mixed my 73 1st and 2nd wash together they looked the same to me. Thanks again Frenchy for all your teachings
73 1st wash.jpg73 2nd wash.jpg45 micron.jpg


Active Member
Here is my 73 micron Chernobyl Cannoli, I only did a small run so I had about 5 gram of the 73 so I pressed that and I am going to leave my 45 loose. Pressing it was something else, at first I just let the heat of the bottle do the work barely pressing at all, almost instantly you could see the trichomes starting to change colour and after the first pass you could see the change happening before your eyes. The first time I took it out of the plastic it was hard like shatter, so I folded it up made a ball like shape placed it back in the plastic bag and again letting the heat do the work I rolled it out very thin very slow. I repeated this step 1 more time but this time when I took it out from the plastic it had taken on this gooey, soft most amazing texture. When I was done not only had the texture changed but the smell that was before almost none existent to this strong kush burn your nose type smell all I can say is I'm glad I pressed it and I can't wait till I cure it for a month or so and try it, anyway thanks for reading along I just thought I'd share my experience with you all and of course thank you Frenchy Cannoli couldn't have done it with out you

Hash Cannoli 1.jpgCannoli 1.jpgCannoli 2.jpgCannoli 3.jpgCannoli 4.jpgCannoli 5.jpg


Active Member
Frenchy my cannoli has been in the jar now for almost 24 hrs is it normal for it to be very hard now ? will it soften with time ?

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Where I'm from, people want to buy pot and not hash for some reason even though hash is the collected trichomes! I can't figure it out. Perhaps getting a smaller physical amount for more money must seem like a bad deal to them. Maybe they just like looking at pretty flowers or something, I don't know...