Street lights? I don't followthis was the main one, "and come in when the street lights come on"
In the us tip, well, most suburban areas at least, the street lights would come on just around dusk every day, and it was a very common thing in the 70's and 80's for.parents to tell their kids to be home when the street lights would come on, which in the summer time was anywhere from say 8 to 9 pm or so..Street lights? I don't followDon't think we had a single streetlight, unless the pub counts as a street light. I come from a place where everyone and their mothers brothers uncles pet dog knew who you were. You simply went back at bedtime else someone commanded you to go home because they knew when your bedtime was and who your parents were
Ha, i grew up in a littel village, we didn't even have street lights. We were just given a bedtime and told to knock on a door if we were unsure of what time it was. I think you'd love, hate, or be intrigued by villages and hamlets in the UK. everyone knows everyone and everything, there is little to no crime, there no guns, crime, bad guys, nothing. Compared to folk living in london, its damned hard work to lose any innocence you have, everyone is just too nice. Can't wait to get back down to our cottage in the hills, it's got 1 shop, which is owned by the villagers as shareholders, and you can't walk past someone without beign drawn into a 20 minute chat of who are you where are you from what are you doing today conversations.In the us tip, well, most suburban areas at least, the street lights would come on just around dusk every day, and it was a very common thing in the 70's and 80's for.parents to tell their kids to be home when the street lights would come on, which in the summer time was anywhere from say 8 to 9 pm or so..
Sounds great except the part about everyone knowing everyone's business as I tend to like to be a loner and don't really like the entire village knowing when I come down with a cold, lol, but all the rest sounds simply amazing..Ha, i grew up in a littel village, we didn't even have street lights. We were just given a bedtime and told to knock on a door if we were unsure of what time it was. I think you'd love, hate, or be intrigued by villages and hamlets in the UK. everyone knows everyone and everything, there is little to no crime, there no guns, crime, bad guys, nothing. Compared to folk living in london, its damned hard work to lose any innocence you have, everyone is just too nice. Can't wait to get back down to our cottage in the hills, it's got 1 shop, which is owned by the villagers as shareholders, and you can't walk past someone without beign drawn into a 20 minute chat of who are you where are you from what are you doing today conversations.
well?.........Gotta a story about my Radio Flyer and Dad's Buick if ya wanna hear it
I had a bike like that except the wheels were bigger and the same sizeView attachment 2914297
View attachment 2914298
View attachment 2914299
Life was much better back then. No orange tips on toy guns, no TSA/Stasi police state, kids actually went outside.
OMG your wagon bent the tie rod on an old '48 Buick!! But things were made to last, over engineered is the term as I recall. How funny, how long was it before you could comfortably sit again?Dad was a pilot, Army Aircorps in WW11, flew B17 in the Pacific....I bring this up cuz this was the way he drove a car....smoothly swaying and stuff. Our house was one lot up from the intersection, and the intersection wasn't a pure 90 degree, so if you approached from the west it was kinda 60 degrees so he would roll it and then a quick left juke into the driveway. I was around 6 and always leaving the RF in the driveway and he'd have to stop get out and move it. Pissed him off to no end and he told me if I ever did it again he'd run it over. I did, he did and it(RF) got trapped under his gorgeous '48 Buick convertible....couldn't move either way, it was trapped...he lost it! Screaming, cursing, he's beside himself. Men from the block show up and they had to jack up the car to get the RF out. Bent a tie rod and stuff. They made the RF real tough back then