I sincerely apologize schuylaar - thank the trolls.


Well-Known Member
what happened..cliff notes version?
lol. Not entirely sure, but I suspect some of the mods' are deleting particular posts and sometimes entire threads because they are either way out of hand or images are too controversial. Politics section is a melting pot of feces, but sometimes it can get so bad the mods' are required to take action. And NLSXK1 or whatever the fuck his name is, is crying about it, as if it were some big conspiracy against him or something.


Well-Known Member
Statutory minimum wage regulation was first introduced in New Zealand in 1894 and the Australian colony (soon to be a state) of Victoria in 1896.[SUP][4][/SUP]

The movement for a minimum wage was initially targeted at stopping sweatshop labour.


So, it was designed for a good reason that was turned bad by Labor, perhaps.

IAC, ole Doer was recently called on for opinions. A University pollster got me to discuss current events and my level of disgust on many issues...Right on!

This question was brought up and I had to say yes or no, if it is a job killer. I said after much thought, maybe...but aloud I said YES.

But, as usual in self rule, it is very complicated and not at all arbitrary, just a sad compromise about other human behavior, as Sky said.

I personally think that times are changing, jobs are changing and health care pools is a necessary step.This is an entirely new, equation of creating, training, and yes, conditioning of a work force for heath and saving, patriotism in taxes, etc. All about the new workers.

If we then understand that bosses were already shifting to part time, nothing new there, the ACA can make it possible to relive these job creators of employee health responsiblity, or even Concern.

So, employers can pay more for these part time workers and should pay more. However, I would like to see it done sensibly with market area minimum. Reel River is not the same as NYC.

But, it won't happen...it is self rule and jealously among States. Our system.

IAC, the big markets where it is really needed, it is needed for the MOB, the underclasses. In a big market where I am, the housing, fuel, food, insurance cost is sky high. Yet, we need the same service economy as anywhere. If these workers are not paid at the parity for services rendered, in this local economy, they are forced to commute, clog roads, and waste gas, or they are forced into the seedy areas.

So, is an increase in min wage a job killer, yes and no, according to how we define job and killer. Maybe we are in a giant social change and aught not think so conservatively...stop fighting the last war, as the warriors say.
you can't have a regional wage however, all states have their own they can implement only if higher than fed..miami is different from apalachicola, too..minimum wage is not a job killer it's a job creators go to complaint..i posted an article yesterday which cited how it is not a job killer..oh yeah! that thread is closed..


Well-Known Member
lol. Not entirely sure, but I suspect some of the mods' are deleting particular posts and sometimes entire threads because they are either way out of hand or images are too controversial. Politics section is a melting pot of feces, but sometimes it can get so bad the mods' are required to take action. And NLSXK1 or whatever the fuck his name is, is crying about it, as if it were some big conspiracy against him or something.
i figured you were there last night and could tell me how it digressed..


Well-Known Member
I'm not doubting the situation, couldn't you have chosen a company that doesn't employ children as modern day slaves to purchase footwear from?
But, why give a damn about these embargo ideas? Not everyone struggles with this kind of guilt. Oh, I know those that do, think all should.


Well-Known Member
you can't have a regional wage however, all states have their own they can implement only if higher than fed..miami is different from apalachicola, too..minimum wage is not a job killer it's a job creators go to complaint..i posted an article yesterday which cited how it is not a job killer..oh yeah! that thread is closed..
We have regional wage scales. That's up to City of Oakland, SF, SJ, etc. But, this just means, what I oppose. When national scale moves up, the regional scales do also, and un-neceassarily in some cases. According to the market, that can be a job killer.


Well-Known Member
i figured you were there last night and could tell me how it digressed..
I was busy drinking a $90 bottle of whiskey and smoking some new york diesel, chillin with friends talking about guns and figuring out where we are going this weekend to blow shit up.


Well-Known Member
So, yes? Appearance was more important?
it used sadden me to see a perfect candidate not be offered a position because their face wasn't perfect or they weren't blond/blue eyed..my company also had quite a bit of class action against it's hiring practices..my manager rolling their eyes with candidate right behind them going to interview knowing they weren't going to offer a 2nd (interview).


Well-Known Member
I was busy drinking a $90 bottle of whiskey and smoking some new york diesel, chillin with friends talking about guns and figuring out where we are going this weekend to blow shit up.
Yeah, I love NYD, and pussy footing, guns, money, all that.


Well-Known Member
I was busy drinking a $90 bottle of whiskey and smoking some new york diesel, chillin with friends talking about guns and figuring out where we are going this weekend to blow shit up.
nice! been awhile since i've had diesel..uhhhhhh my last was sour diesel freebie from the 'tude.


New Member
But, why give a damn about these embargo ideas? Not everyone struggles with this kind of guilt. Oh, I know those that do, think all should.
If you have a look at post #9 sky brought up child labour exploitation aka slavery with an arduous copy and paste. I was simply enquiring as to why she would justify giving her money over to these multinationals, when she is constantly harping on about the 1% and corporate taxation. If you abhor what they stand for and do, why pay them to keep doing it?


Well-Known Member
those shoes were purchased when i was earning a six figure income..my physical appearance was very important to the company i worked for as per their "slides" of the perfect sales representative that i'm to aspire to according to their human resources department..physical appearance is so important at this company, that if you walked in for an interview..you were wasting your time unless your looks were aryan in nature..you're previous employment, accomplishments meant nothing..
Apparently you had no problem with that while you worked there...

I guess the cash was more important than your morals.


New Member
Apparently you had no problem with that while you worked there...

I guess the cash was more important than your morals.
she doesn't understand the absurdity of her position - instead she bitches about republicans who have more money than her, profiting off a system she voted for.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you had no problem with that while you worked there...

I guess the cash was more important than your morals.
i'm curious, where in my post does it say i had no problem with it or that i encouraged it? i merely stated corporate expectation was made in manner of pictures to teach us how they wanted us to dress.

EDIT: as for the cash?..you need to make up your minds..you don't like me unemployed going to school full-time and you don't like me employed making six figures..jelly asses, really. my morals? who are you to comment on my morals?


Well-Known Member
i'm curious, where in my post does it say i had no problem with it or that i encouraged it? i merely stated corporate expectation was made in manner of pictures to teach us how they wanted us to dress.

EDIT: as for the cash?..you need to make up your minds..you don't like me unemployed going to school full-time and you don't like me employed making six figures..jelly asses, really.
Your acceptance was implied when you accepted the job.

I know you dont want to take any responsibility for your actions but it is plain as day.


Well-Known Member
If you have a look at post #9 sky brought up child labour exploitation aka slavery with an arduous copy and paste. I was simply enquiring as to why she would justify giving her money over to these multinationals, when she is constantly harping on about the 1% and corporate taxation. If you abhor what they stand for and do, why pay them to keep doing it?
Got it. So, not him Sky, you. Oh, you you you...:) College Girl.


New Member
Got it. So, not him Sky, you. Oh, you you you...:) College Girl.
it's the same with Apple products - everyone knows the company in China [foxconn] building their stuff is a modern day, corporate gulag - it doesn't seem to stop people buying their products and handing their money over to a company that is happy to look the other way.


Well-Known Member
Your acceptance was implied when you accepted the job.

I know you dont want to take any responsibility for your actions but it is plain as day.
actually, i was "sold" to the company..after enduring my co-wokers' dismissal from day 1 when corporate takeover was announced..leadership coming in and pointing out who needed to pack up their desk that day..accepted? far from it..


Well-Known Member
actually, i was "sold" to the company..after enduring my co-wokers' dismissal from day 1 when corporate takeover was announced..leadership coming in and pointing out who needed to pack up their desk that day..accepted? far from it..
Did they chain you to your desk? Were you held at gunpoint? Did they allow bathroom breaks? Sounds horrible....

Why does anyone OWE you stuff again?


Well-Known Member
what a bunch of jellys ferrys.

edit: i may have been the main culprit in getting that thread shut down. i just can't hep myself around red, especially when the thread is on fire like that.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
So, now that the moderators have properly bowed to your glowing persona, SkyLard, did your thread ever make a point? I tried to read it but the content put me into a semi-comatose state and I fled for my own safety.