Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I thought Trolling posted a pic of an internet girl and claimed it was his girlfriend. I must have completely missed the penis incident.
yep, he had pics of himself jerking off on his moms couch, on his photobucket acct. or something.

It was pretty friggin gross really. There were also some pics of himself in the shower I believe.

fucking weird


Well-Known Member
There was a thread here maybe a year ago about a RIUnian who <cough!> appropriated a homeless man's dog. The e-fur flew.
Oddly enough, that was a thread I found by searching pink slime.

Ah, WTF? May as well show my support for stealing homeless peoples' pets if they're abused. Glad he took Fender!


Well-Known Member
Someone cut me off going into a parking lot today. They failed to use their directional and looked right at me while driving like a douche. 10 years ago I would have called him an asshole when I parked across from him a minute or two later. Now I just smiled and said "Hey man, I think somethings wrong with your truck, the directionals don't seem to be working." The look on his face was priceless.


Someone cut me off going into a parking lot today. They failed to use their directional and looked right at me while driving like a douche. 10 years ago I would have called him an asshole when I parked across from him a minute or two later. Now I just smiled and said "Hey man, I think somethings wrong with your truck, the directionals don't seem to be working." The look on his face was priceless.
I like to clap and cheer at people that do things like this, although it's a little dangerous they seem to get very upset for some reason. lol.


Well-Known Member
Someone cut me off going into a parking lot today. They failed to use their directional and looked right at me while driving like a douche. 10 years ago I would have called him an asshole when I parked across from him a minute or two later. Now I just smiled and said "Hey man, I think somethings wrong with your truck, the directionals don't seem to be working." The look on his face was priceless.
I started doing that about ten years ago. We must be around the same age. Most people seem to not get it but the look of shame on those that do is great. Lot of idiots out driving right now. Self included :wall:


Well-Known Member
Lmao, yeah that will do it, also very dangerous, hehe.
Bitch sped through the crosswalk as I was leaving the grocery store the other day, close enough I could have kicked her car like I did the last one, but this time I decided to just shove the cart a little faster.:mrgreen:
When she got out and asked why I hit her car, I told her if she had been paying attention instead of talking on the phone, she would have seen the pedestrian in the crosswalk.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
yippy kayay!!! Old avitar roxxxxxxxxx! Buck was posting links to a site that had all his pictures on it. There were a couple dick shots he took of himself that were hilarious, and one of his ass. Hes a strange cat that one.....and he has a weird lookin peter. :):):)
Meeeeeee too :)


New Member
Done plowing. Happy to have a closed cab with heat this year. Previous years I froze my ass off.

I'm using a Honda Foreman for a few driveways this year.I think I'm going to go back to the Ford.My ass is all wet and I feel like I been on my old harley for 300 miles.Closed Cab and heat for the win~