Help naming my rottweiler puppy


New Member
How awful. Please try and get another either though the experience must be off putting. It happened to my friends when they bought from a pet shop. They bought 2 more since and have moved on happily.

What holiday? Your 'shadow' who you posted on the picture thread. Either way I'm very sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. Much worse with dogs than cats in a way. I still haven't got another dog after 13 years on 20 dec. A date I shan't forget. :(

nope,the pit has survived so much......two years ago,Dec 30,about 1:00 am my dog got hit by a car.Fucking asshole neighbor.Now its just the pit and me

btw Klite sorry bout the hyjack


Well-Known Member
It's just awful. Whether its a puppy that was too good for this world or a pet that you loved for years. I've only had one dog and my parents made me train him, plus we lived opposite fields. We lost cats though. I've just always accepted that cats never make it long term. With dogs you kind of expect it.


Well-Known Member
So sorry slowbus... thats even more traumatic. I kind of knew it was going to happen and got to prepare myself. Thats just too much of a surprise.

I really want a new dog but im really starting to get the feeling one has to be careful when dealing with Catalans and money... I was always told by the spanish that Catalans are tight and weird with money, but i tend to think the best of people and ignore generalizations. Im very sure i was ripped off with the dog as the vets said he wasnt a rott, it didnt bother me though i had a lovely dog.

I now am refusing to pay for another dog, but it seems hard to get a rottweiler that is free of dysplasia from a realiable source. So im starting to think of getting either mixed breed or something... but im so ignorant about dogs i wouldnt know what breeds dont have many health problems and etc etc. I feel so lost! I thought getting a dog was easy but it seems theres a lot of scammers and people who lie about lineages. Or just have some fucked up crosses that might get serious health problems once in adulthood.
People are fucked up too you know! I want a puppy so i can raise him the way id like and train propperly. but then i go through dog protecting websites and theres dogs being left at dog protections because the dog got too fat! And im like shit you know! Maybe i should just take an old dog and make sure he has a nice life. I start feeling selfish because i want a certain breed and a puppy, when maybe im wrong and most dogs will become protective of me and my property, which is one of the reasons i want a dog.

If anyone is in the Catalunya region out here who could point me in some kind of direction or whatever i would be ever so thankful..


Well-Known Member
and as a friendly word, Klite, I would not recommend a Rottweiler for a first time dog owner.
Thanks for concern and advice. Even if I have the kind of life that allows me to take 2 long walks a day plus a trainning session (even considering going to classes weekly) and making him/her tired by running up and down a hill to fetch stuff next to my house? I suppose one could say ye you say that now but lets see two years down the line, once i commit i commit.

What breed would you reccomend that would be inherintly protective (or maybe all breeds are?) and a good first time breed?



Well-Known Member
i think most breeds are protective. what separates them is their ability to enforce the protection.
So if i interpert wha you said correctly a caniche could be as protective as a rottweiler however due to physical endowments would not be able to be as effective protecting my property for instance? And please, dont think i want to make a dog agressive or mistreat it into becoming protective.

Would I be well served with a Labrador for instance? Ive always liked german shepherds too, but the long hair is a bit off putting with the shedding. Or should i just forget about the breed and get whatever medium to big puppy seems calm at a dog protection? What about possible health problems?


Well-Known Member
I'm in Cataluyna. It's on my location- look left! What do you need to find out in particular? I've been here for nearly 9 years! :)


Well-Known Member
So if i interpert wha you said correctly a caniche could be as protective as a rottweiler however due to physical endowments would not be able to be as effective protecting my property for instance? And please, dont think i want to make a dog agressive or mistreat it into becoming protective.

Would I be well served with a Labrador for instance? Ive always liked german shepherds too, but the long hair is a bit off putting with the shedding. Or should i just forget about the breed and get whatever medium to big puppy seems calm at a dog protection? What about possible health problems?
personally i like dogs that bark to allert me not ones that attack unless that's your intent. i could never mistreat an animal. mb some humans but never an animal. labs are terrific, good family pets and great with kids. i think all pure breeds have genetic predispositions towards certain health problems. that would not preclude me from getting the breed i wanted however. but mutts have the least health problems because of the mix.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Cataluyna. It's on my location- look left! What do you need to find out in particular? I've been here for nearly 9 years! :)
Oh shit were probably neighbours and dont know it! hahahah Itd be nice to hear what another foreigner thinks of the whole indepence issue. Do you also love it here?

Do you have any experience with protectoras, or do you know any good ones? Do you have friends who are dog lovers and might have litters every so often or a dog too many? I was told too to be extremely weary of breeders, plus theres probably shit loads of puppys out there already that might need a good home...

Also after dannyboy's remarks i really dont mind if its a mongrel.


p.s: pa amb tomaquet per sempre!


Well-Known Member
Oh shit were probably neighbours and dont know it! hahahah Itd be nice to hear what another foreigner thinks of the whole indepence issue. Do you also love it here?

Do you have any experience with protectoras, or do you know any good ones? Do you have friends who are dog lovers and might have litters every so often or a dog too many? I was told too to be extremely weary of breeders, plus theres probably shit loads of puppys out there already that might need a good home...

Also after dannyboy's remarks i really dont mind if its a mongrel.


p.s: pa amb tomaquet per sempre!

Joder! Estas aquí también y tu 'parle catalán' ! How about you check out the Tibadabo rescue centre as they have a huge choice of dogs there including pedigrees. I got my first cat there. You go to the top of Balmes and it's up the hill right by the funicular.

So, which clubs do you go to? Would it be K Lite on Muntaner??? I go to quite a few clubs here. Wonder if you have membership for the same. Can you get free membership at some more if you need !!! :)


Well-Known Member
Joder! Estas aquí también y tu 'parle catalán' ! How about you check out the Tibadabo rescue centre as they have a huge choice of dogs there including pedigrees. I got my first cat there. You go to the top of Balmes and it's up the hill right by the funicular.

So, which clubs do you go to? Would it be K Lite on Muntaner??? I go to quite a few clubs here. Wonder if you have membership for the same. Can you get free membership at some more if you need !!! :)
Thanks for that! I will definetly check it out now, hope they have something online... You know the name of it by any chance?

Ahahah my name is Clyde and when i was young someone called me klite cause i liked getting high is a kite. And guess what when i got here my grow shop told me to go there and i laughed my ass off with the name only to find out it is pronounce more like Kálité(from quality). Though the people that originally ran it arent there much anymore and the place has taken a turn for the worse personnel wise, in my personal opinion... I go to Mon Verd too, a small wee place by the hospital clinic, though they have some pretty decent strains. I havent been going to the clubs really much, i went a bit crazy when i first got here but then just realised my own is better. I have heard of a few more places that have some nice strains... Though the nicest strains ive tried still leave a little bit to wish for compared to what i usually have chopped potency and taste wise, and its never as well flushed as it could be, plus no cure really... people also like their PK 13/14 too much and no matter how much i tell the growers to just forget it exists of my two clubs they dont listen, i find it totally destroys taste... I also find the best strains the clubs usually have in are grown by someone else. Also menus are too large, in my opinion, with some complete utter bullshit strains sold too expensive but grown acceptably well... I'd much prefer to see say 3 or 4 strains of each sat/ind/hyb on the menu that are the dogs bollocks than 6 or 7 where maybe one i almost wow. Also people at these two clubs do NOT know how to make BHO propperly, yet they really think they do and do not take criticism well...
Id definetly be up for going to your absolute favourite club, only quality wise i dont really care for how many pool tables and playstations etc are kicking about. esk soy super pijo con mi maria XD

Shit my spanish is barely acceptable, can speak 4 other languages pretty fluently and im realising that with a fifth everything is getting messy in there.

BTW have you been to a Vasque restaurant with the pinchos and such? Is that not just the absolute best munchies!!!?


Well-Known Member
The clubs are making huge amounts of money and the government are soon regulating. They particularly seek cheaper weed and outdoor as there is a larger profit margin. There are some good clubs who sell top quality strains. Obviously they charge more though. I've got a stack of membership cards. Loads of my friends own clubs here and I usually frequent about 4-6. I don't really like Airam. My friend clubs are all in the centre. Marley, Kush, greenage etc. I like Cuidal Condal on Rambla de Cataluyna con Gran Via for Tapas. I've taken everyone there and they love it. I'm on the blue line ight now and the gypsies are playing Xmas music!


Well-Known Member
Rotties all the way for me they are the biggest lovers and have some of the best personalities I have ever seen in a dog. My first dog was a Rottie and my last dog will be a Rottie. They can be a handful but so worth it and the best chick magnet lol.


Well-Known Member
I have a rescue Rottie cross called Lady, she's only a little thing but a huge personality (and attitude!) Got her at 10 weeks old starved and scared of every sound and movement. Now she's got a whole group of dog 'friends' she has play dates with, it's awesome.

I always wanted 2 dogs but since I got a bitch I didn't think it'd be a good idea. I wanted Hannibal and Lecter for names.. Also Tank, Nasher (loved Dennis the menace growing up... good times) A buddy of mine has a rotty and American bulldog. Rotty is called Dave and bulldog is called God. Not in reference to the religious side of things, but because the dog is so dopey he just named him dog backwards.

Merry christmas if you celebrate o7 If you're a grinch like me have a good day too :D o7


Well-Known Member
Shit seems like theres a lot of love for the rotties out there! Im liking it!!
I'm starting to get a bit depressed looking for a dog from rescue, so many sad stories I begin feeling pity and just feel like bringing home an old dog that had a shitty life... I need to go with someone else to the rescue otherwise they will definetly convince me to bring home more than a dog and probably not the one i "want".
Fucking people you know! Getting dogs and then abandoning them cause they got too big. Even my cousin you know! She complains her garden is full of shit and piss but then then walks the dogs once a week, dont train them and doubt they ever get played with... Some people shouldnt be allowed to have flies much less dogs!
didnt know a dog like a rott could be a chick magnet... best not get one then or the girlfriend might get jealous hehe Im fat and ugly anyhow :P Just look at my Avatar!

lahadaextranjera, Im definetly going to that protectora, a bit confused on the website, if it says under a dog en adopcion it means its available for adoption. but pretty much all say adptado/a those are already in adption with people already right? Im gonna give em a call when i arrive tomorrow anyways. A good friend indicated me another protectora in Mataro called Help Guau, he said its hard to find a much better place. I dont know if I'll be that lucky and manage to get a rottie pup from a protectora, well see! At this point as long as its a bigish breed i think i dont really mind...

Thanks for everyone's input!