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  1. mr2shim

    The Bare Necessities....

    Hydro is crazy simple. All I do is add nutrient water. That's it... As far as the necessities. Since you already have tent, light fan ect... all you really need is nutrients. You don't really NEED a pH meter, ppm meter EC meter if you know what you're doing. I haven't used a pH meter in...
  2. mr2shim

    Contradicting Research.

    Start with metal halide, HPS is for flowering.
  3. mr2shim

    Contradicting Research.

    Oh god.... 10 page debate about why LED is gods gift to growing here we come...
  4. mr2shim

    First Time : When to Prune?

    18" is pretty small. I have around 26" of grow space I can usually keep them 5-6" away from the cooltube.
  5. mr2shim

    3rd week in veg and stopped growing........for last 8-9 days

    Temps are somewhat important. My current plant got a bit too tall and it's pretty much touching the cool tube but it's still growing. The hottest it gets in the tent is 86. CO2 doesn't really matter because there is more carbon dioxide in your home than outside naturally, so running co2...
  6. mr2shim

    First Time : When to Prune?

    Yes if you top the plant it will, but you still have to train the plant to grow outwards by tying down fan leaves and the shoots. Here's two from my pineapple express grow...
  7. mr2shim

    First Time : When to Prune?

    You don't need to prune that. I only prune because my plant ends up literally having hundreds of fan leaves. Something that small I wouldn't dare.
  8. mr2shim

    annoying question that every1 sees everyday :P

    From seeing some grows on this/other websites, you'd think it was.
  9. mr2shim

    Where you at rep wise?

    Latest Reputation Received (5447 point(s) total) Latest Reputation Given (Reputation Power: 63)
  10. mr2shim

    How many ppm for this bad boy!

    Hard to give an exact number really. At that stage some plants will burn at 200 ppm some will burn at 400.
  11. mr2shim

    Kite High Memorial Cinderella 99 Grow

    Good stuff. Subbed. Didn't know he loved the strain, C99 will be my next grow.
  12. mr2shim

    why use waterfarm instead of hempy bucket?

    Waterfarm is stupid easy to maintain. You don't have to do anything except add nutrient water. I've used it for the past 3 years.
  13. mr2shim

    How to get more couchlock

    Sativa's amber just like Indica, they just take longer to flower.
  14. mr2shim

    How to get more couchlock

    Because people are idiots, especially here.
  15. mr2shim

    How to get more couchlock

    obvious troll is obvious
  16. mr2shim

    States To Avoid for Cannabis.

    Idiocracy here we come. "my first wife was tarded, she's a pilot now." States to avoid for cannabis? I'm going to go with any/every state that doesn't have some sort of legalization or decriminalization would be a good start.
  17. mr2shim

    How to get more couchlock

    Oh look more info about why amber trichomes aren't a good thing. THAT is why you do not leave your dried cured bud out in the open, the trichomes are degraded by light thus turning amber THUS reducing it's potency.. Jesus, why is that...
  18. mr2shim

    Cinderella 99 CFL Grow

    That's some fast growth.
  19. mr2shim

    How to get more couchlock

    I can't believe this is still being debated. It saddens me pot heads are this idiotic.