Search results

  1. Joint Monster

    HighSeeds of HolidayExotics?

    No one? I've decided I'm going to try them out. I asked some breeders and found they are a legitimate company. Their instagram seems pretty decent, not huge.. but they have a good community. I will leave a thorough review once all is said and done! I may have just found the place for them...
  2. Joint Monster

    How important are genetics?

    A Clone is the exact same as it's mother, so "technically" you should produce the exact same bud. However that is if your growing process is exactly the same, and your drying/curing process is exactly the same. Every aspect, every bump in the road, will lead to deviations. ...Generally speaking...
  3. Joint Monster

    Clones -- What should I do?

    If you put it in a 5gal you might have to top water until the roots get longer. If you have a cloner, it might help to have the small mini step to get the roots going. If you don't have a cloner, you can always put it into a solo-cup of soil, or perlite (look at Hempy-Bucket). It's easy to wash...
  4. Joint Monster

    DWC Overwatering or Underwatering?

    ^I second that. The third pic - the brownish/purplish colour on the top set of leaves possibly looks like the result of root rot. By the looks of the roots they seem to be doing okay now!
  5. Joint Monster

    Need help identifying a few problems!

    Does FFOF have a "nutrient strength X-X-X" on the bag? It's an organic mix right? Are you foilar/misting them at all? If so the first two pictures could be a result of that. The third and fourth picture look like they are over-watered. Be very careful watering girls that small, in containers...
  6. Joint Monster

    HighSeeds of HolidayExotics?

    Title: HighSeeds OR* HolidayExotics? (autocorrected of) Highseeds(dot)co(dot)uk ... "High Seeds Quality Seed Bank" - They have a physical address in the UK, a Facebook and Instagram, Phone Number and minimal other info. - One or two good reviews, and one or two bad reviews - Not much...
  7. Joint Monster

    How to make trimming fun

    Why are you guys using orange goo?!?! Take a fresh razor blade to clean off scissors (keep that ooey gooey goooop for a nice joint or vape break) and then give the scissors a quick ISO spray and wipe. (Then optional, wipe with a disinfectant cloth or water cloth.)...
  8. Joint Monster

    Drying in a cardboard box ok?

    Probably both as faster drying affects the flavour, smell and smoke. Can you hang it from a hanger? In your closet or washroom? Buy a drying rack thing that you can hang from a hook? Parchment paper on the floor on top of cardboard boxes?
  9. Joint Monster

    Just a little help needed 're fan and filter Amazon shows purple. I would not look into lights directly. Sunglasses are nice for a grow room.
  10. Joint Monster

    Just a little help needed 're fan and filter

    Plug it in and see purple... those a Blurples. :) You shouldn't worry to much over it really. The main difference is quality, light penetration, Par, Lumen output, etc. However in your size tent, with one-two-three girls, you'll be alright. let's not blame the weather (Unless you...
  11. Joint Monster

    I hope I didn’t make a newb mistake...?

    I'm like 99% Certain. How far into flower are you? Like 3-4weeks?
  12. Joint Monster

    Just a little help needed 're fan and filter

    Are your lights purple? (blurples?) Quantum Boards/ Cobs > Blurples. (Check out the LED section for more information on them!) If you get a controller, only get a Brand Name one. Don't want a fire hazard! (Certain brand models, usually more expensive, have controllers built in.)
  13. Joint Monster


  14. Joint Monster

    I hope I didn’t make a newb mistake...?

    @Devon70 To me it looks like maturing pistils. If so, it is completely normal part of the plants life cycle.
  15. Joint Monster

    Overripe or budrot?

    Always hurts to see that. :( Definitely something wrong. Some type of rot maybe, I don't know exactly. If that brown/dead stuff is not removed it may begin to mold. Although like salt said, it's spread throughout , don't know what can be salvaged. I'm more curious to know why that would have...
  16. Joint Monster

    Inside of a Stem (Like Aloe Vera)?

    Curious if anyone has tried to use/rub the inside juice/water/gel like substance in the middle of a stem, as a topical for pain relief? (I'm talking about fresh plants.) It wouldn't be viable large scale or for extracting the water, but it you crack a stem in half, rub your finger against it...
  17. Joint Monster

    DIY Topicals, Lotions, Creams. Salves

    When I used to have excess trim, I'd experiment with a variety of different topics and ingredients. It's been a while now. You guys should also try some "alternative" or "home-remedy" ingredients, you might be surprised. Things like Menthol (found in Peppermint, used in Rub A535), or other...
  18. Joint Monster

    Need some help choosing another method besides smoking

    The doctor is going to give you their best knowledgable opinion. They said they would prefer you to use an edible form over smoking, over vaping. That is a completely reasonable suggestion, one which was also suggested to me by my doctor. ....Here's the problem (IMO.) a light dose edible, wait...
  19. Joint Monster

    Marijuana-induced psychosis behind Toronto lawyer’s bat attack, judge rules

    These articles feel like subliminal suppression. A variety of isolated cases in the media which continue to show how harmful cannabis is to use and grow. ..It's like this story hmm how did it go... Child was super afraid of fireworks when parents wanted to get them this year, come to find...
  20. Joint Monster

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    In no particular order.. Duct Tape. Garbage Bag (White>Black). Poly/Panda Film. Mylar. Reflective insulation. Foil (I wouldn't).