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  1. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    Once a week. Main part contains N I can’t remove it
  2. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    I’m in hydro, no run off, no soil. Just constant direct access to the water supply The RH isn’t perfect atm but that shouldn’t affect the ability to have a healthy plant. It won’t be the most efficient but I only have my co2 At 600ppm for this reason atm. And the burner is rarely on as I’ve...
  3. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    I have used veg+bloom base nutrients for ages now and it’s always been fine. I’d feed and watch the ppm daily and let it drop 10ppm over 24 hours and keep topping up. I upgraded my room sealed it up added co2 and upgraded my lights and run the room warmer at 30c (that’s the only change) Now...
  4. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    I’m in hydro No soil to speak of. This deficiency is driving me nuts
  5. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    This is driving me crazy. 730ppm yesterday gone up to 750ppm today. Without me touching it. Burnt tips on new leaves and clear deficiency on old leaves... It doesn’t make sense
  6. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    Can you burn with too much gypsum and Epsom?
  7. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    I’ve literally doubled the dosage of gypsum and Epsom salts that was recommended on the previous post here and I’m still getting what seems to be a calcium or magnesium deficiency I’m at 800 ppm now. (X500) I’ve literally never had this before it’s weird as hell Can you overdo gypsum/Epsom?
  8. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    I’m Thinking of designing a fog system that is rotary like the volksgarden system. Just need to figure out how you properly size a motor to make it turn. A quick google put out loads of random math jargon I didn’t understand
  9. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    I have a 6 disc house of hydro mist maker here... it seems like the mist is no different to any other ultrasonic disc. The company do seem adamant that it carries nutrients fine though. They said to me the issue people have is that they never provide enough fog. It needs to be a very thick and...
  10. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    The guy from that video replied to me with details. He’s using 1000 psi direct drive pumps so it sounds more like HPA than fog ponics
  11. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Limited space ... I know all about that lol. I run my business from home in the attic. I have a family and live out in middle of the sticks so I’d rather struggle with the space issues than find somewhere to rent/buy as id have to be out all day tending to the plants. Working from home keeps me...
  12. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Yeah I currently have a resevoir with low profile totes connected together so that my water can flow back into the resevoir. I have low height issues so it takes away a lot of my grow space. If I can do dtw and fog I can get a larger footprint on my grow and less hassle recirculating 1000l of...
  13. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Yeah did it a few mins ago haha. We think alike. I hope he gets back to me. If I can get this to work and do it as a drain to waste it will make my vertical grow room design 10 x simpler
  14. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Seen those but doesn’t show much detail into how much mist needed for that huge system. I’d have a guess and say many 12 disc house of hydro units... also if he is recirculating water back to res and How he’s getting it back. All those details would be nice
  15. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    I would setup a test with one plant but I have no means to cool the water so the temps will probably get out of control
  16. S

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    I’ve been reading up on fogponics lately and info is limited. Most people I see say it doesn’t work for flower. House of hydro claim their products work and produce enough mist for all plants needs. They say people just underside the fogger and don’t create a thick enough mist. Anyone able...
  17. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    In other news my house of hydro fogger arrived today... even with a 6 site fogger I can’t get my humidity above 60% my ac units must be draining a shit ton of humidity out of my air
  18. S

    Mag/calcium deficiency?

    Right so I’ve used 0.2g /l of gypsum and 0.25g/l of Epsom salt yesterday and I had some more calcium/magnesium deficient leaves today. Should I give it a bit more time or up the dosage of those?
  19. S

    Drying/curing room

    The plywood was painted with a paint that absorbs into the wood and seals it somewhat but it doesn’t matter too much as the humidity would always stay at 62% as if it did somehow drop I have humidifiers and dehumidifiers in there. Temp isn’t an issue atm but I’ll add a sealed water line to water...
  20. S

    Drying/curing room

    Built a timber framed cabinet plywood walls caulked and sealed. Circular hole saw intake bottom right, hole saw out take hole top left. doors on the front with a Hinge weather seal around the entire door frame and a latch on the door that presses against the weather strip when closed to seal...