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  1. DeeTee

    How do my girls look for week 5 in flower?

    Nice looking, I agree at least two months, what strain is it?
  2. DeeTee

    Only ten pages

    Why are there only ten pages of post? or is it just me, also would be nice to just filter only post made the current day, just a suggestion.
  3. DeeTee

    Leafs !!

    I wouldn't worry too much abt it, if it gets worse it's usually a sing of over heating from the lamp, what light are you using? and as said your light may be off center.
  4. DeeTee

    Newbie needing help with yellow spot found on leaf.

    Spraying your plant with 5.3ph is a little too acidic, also it's not needed to spray your plant, if you intend to go dwc your ph should be at least 5.8, if your seedling is in just pebbles I would give it a very week feeding of nutes, your seedling may be hungry, hence the beginning of yellow...
  5. DeeTee

    Hydroponic and Aeroponic question

    How much nute it takes depends on the strain (obviousely) that is something you learn during the grow, I believe it also depends on the room temp, the hotter the room and the plant will drink more, it also has to do with the amount of humidity in the room.
  6. DeeTee

    Hydroponic and Aeroponic question

    Personally I think you're better of with hydroponics, aeroponics could be troublesome, jusst my opinion, as for how much to last a full year, it all depends on how big you grow your plants as well as how much they use.
  7. DeeTee

    Long Time Lurker... Could I put my non weed grow here?

    Nothing wrong with growing veggies, it doesn't have to be just mj, growing is growing no matter what it is, toyed with the idea myself, growing veggies hydroponically.
  8. DeeTee

    New site :(

    I'm not too fond of the new look either, I liked the old , but alas, that's progress, I hope they can clean it up a little, I liked the fact how easy it was to see the date and time of post, maybe it's my brouser (SP) but I find it hard to read, I like to brouse (SP) the "New Post" section, thus...
  9. DeeTee

    what wrong with my plants and how do i fix it?

    I agree, looks like nutrient burn, what kind of soil is that and have you been feeding them nutes?
  10. DeeTee

    New And Updated Rollitup

    Nice to see that we're back up, I guess it will take some time to get used to the new look, was worried that I may not be able to log on any more.
  11. DeeTee

    Did the appearance of this page change?

    Same thing happened to me, the night before I was unable to log on the site, think they were working on it, but it does look different, not sure if they intent to fix it or is this the way it will be from now on, quess we'll have to wait and see.
  12. DeeTee

    Can i Cut one FAN LEAF off and smoke?

    Microwaving your weed to fast dry it is not a good idea, it will taste bad and it will also destroy whatever resin is on the leaf, if there's any, I doubt it would harm the plant in any way, as long as you don't over do it.
  13. DeeTee

    I began a new project and problems started :(

    I agree, looks like you over watered it, as said let it dry out for a while.
  14. DeeTee

    Help. Unknown plant sickness.

    Personally I would cut them off so as not to continue over feeding the plant, as long as there's enough of the other leaves for the plant to feed, just my opinion, never had that problem.
  15. DeeTee

    Can i Cut one FAN LEAF off and smoke?

    You can try if you want, but I doubt you'll get high from it, can understand your impatience but as I"'m sure you've heard it before, patients is the name of the game.
  16. DeeTee

    Leaf problems

    Your ph is too high for hydro, it should be 5.8, do you have a tds meter to check your nutes ppm's, ph and ppm's are important for hydro.
  17. DeeTee

    Harvest question

    You still have a ways to go, and yes, why did you remove all the fan leaves, that's what makes your plant grow and your flowers to bloom, not a good idea.
  18. DeeTee

    First Grow with 3 strains

    Three different strains tend to have different demands, not sure that's a wise decision for your first grow at least.
  19. DeeTee

    Is my plant going to die?

    Are you saying you put your plant outside to gather sunlight or just place it in a sunny window?
  20. DeeTee

    pH paper vs pH liquid. Getting two different results? Which to trust?

    I'd assume you'd be better off with a good quality ph meter, that would solve your problem.