Obviously "edit our my words" is a typo.
Go to or go through, either way is fine.
If you can equaite them to what I said then I must be getting the correct idea across, which is, after all, the point of language.
Why can't you give credit where credit is due? I credit Obama with not destroying the economy. But this is the slowest economy in a long long time. Obama has been so so. Not terrible. He has been kept in check the last 6 years.
You're a fool if you think one president of one party who is...
Popular vote? Wtf is that? Oh thats right. It doesn't matter.
Places like California let illegal aliens vote and many places don't require ID or anything so multiple votes are made. All in Democrat areas.
Since all black people look a like you have to have ID votes for them. Or one person...
Maybe maybe not. They're always looking.
And yeah, the way he included his children in his campaign was a clear signal that he viewed them as talented and capable and would likely use them in his administration.
You monitor what everyone says on this forum. For pleasure. And you've done it for years from the looks of it. You can recite multiple lines to multiple people about what they supposedly said or did Lord knows when. You apparently stalk, dig for as much info as you can, and save their posts and...
Obama has destroyed the Democratic party. Demicrats are weaker now than they have been since, well really they are probably weaker than they have been since maybe the 1920s or perhaps ever.
Democrats only have 15 governors, and across the nation have lost thousands of seats in state...
China is manipulating its currency. They do this to get an advantage in trade.
Its the same as selling a guy a load of lumber and him giving you less than the agreed upon price.
Yeah, that's not an act of disrespect.
The own a tiny portion of the whole. I'm not saying it is insignificant. But China benefits from our mutual relationship more than we do.
They certainly do not have enough squeeze on us to push us around.
What was the gaff?
It's reasonable to say that policy should change. We have a democratic and prosperous nation that were obligated by treaty to defend.
The reason we made economic and diplomatic concessions to China in the 70s including the ignoring of Taiwan, was all designed to take a...
I never mentioned you calling me thick. Idgaf about that. I pointed out for any honest objective reader that you're calling me an idiot for what I said without saying why either I'm incorrect or what your counter position is.
You and your sock puppet master is simply the evolved version of a...