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  1. dirtWeevil

    Thoughts on living organic soil (no till) from buildasoil?

    ah that interview was a few years old, my phone downloaded all the episodes i don't pay attention to the order they are in, maybe they had a falling out since then? Anyone can put on a show i reckon
  2. dirtWeevil

    Is my plant dying

    mine was "marijuana new school: Indoor growing" by Jeff Mowta, or Mota, can't remember. I do woodworking sometimes with my younger brothers, first thing i told them, get books, real books. They say why, we internet? I say "the book still works no matter how many bars you have, or whether your...
  3. dirtWeevil

    Is my plant dying

    plant it out there if possible, you could get a Christmas bonus if it takes outside. If you do this make sure you ease it into the sun, if you don't put it in the shade a few days before full sun it'll die
  4. dirtWeevil

    Thoughts on living organic soil (no till) from buildasoil?

    another thing i like about them is they store their materials indoors, which keeps the mixes intact and free from unwanted contaminants, i got the impression the guy really gives a shit, not just middle manning the cheapest possible sources
  5. dirtWeevil

    Thoughts on living organic soil (no till) from buildasoil?

    the guy from BaS and CC were both on ADS one day, working in conjunction, i didn't get the feeling the coots felt he was being stolen from lol. The thing with the BaS guy is he tracks the source of his stuff beyond just the usual reselling commodities model of most soil and amendment dealers
  6. dirtWeevil

    White silky web like substance inside buds

    that's the only way, unless you have allergies you can use the good parts, the rotted stuff will be brown or pale. It could be in any of the rest of it from the same plant.
  7. dirtWeevil

    Is my plant dying

    it may survive but i doubt it'll be worth it, the buds are very sparse. Once it's interrupted that bad it could take a while to recover. More info needed
  8. dirtWeevil

    Sour d

    i fuckin loved privada sour d, stretches a lot, give it a good 11 weeks of flower, it fills in heavy in the last two weeks
  9. dirtWeevil

    dwc newbie looking for advice

    for bud boosting use big bud powder or liquid, Cal mag if you use RO water, but use the advanced nutrients version of cal mag.
  10. dirtWeevil

    dwc newbie looking for advice

    coco is a whole nother can of worms, if i woke up in your shoes id use the base nutrients you have mixed with tap water, give the kb and calmag to a buddy, and stop checking ppm and ph, the nutes you have do not require it, and may go wonky if you start adding ph up and down and cal from this...
  11. dirtWeevil

    dwc newbie looking for advice

    I finally got the thumbnails to load, overall man that plant looks decent, leaves will die off this late in, keep in mind they'll go through a stage where the bud growth isn't evident to the eye, which can make you think they are stalling. for cal mag use the brand that goes with your nutes, I...
  12. dirtWeevil

    dwc newbie looking for advice

    stop adjusting your ph! If you want to hassle with ph adjusting and ppm get a different brand besides AN you are messing it up by adding the up and down and the extra calmag, 30ml per ten gallon tank is waaaaaaaaay too low, use about 8ml per gallon at that stage, though I would be at 12ml most...
  13. dirtWeevil

    dwc newbie looking for advice

    cut out the stuff from different brands you don't need to run kool bloom or calimagic with those nutes I use tap water instead of RO to avoid needing any cal mag
  14. dirtWeevil

    3 fingered leaves

    I try to kill every seedling that sprouts, in a variety of ways. when they are still tiny ill let them wilt and water, tossing whatever doesn't wake up. I'll feed them twice as much, waaaay too early, whatever thrives I keep alive. I starve some, I put a constant fan on some, more drought. At...
  15. dirtWeevil

    How do u we when my shes completely flushed

    wait until you're confident that the plant has done all it'll do and then use it, probably for a week. personally I like flushed better, though I refer to it as fading. Some argue nature doesn't flush, nature also doesn't smoke pot, nor does it add full strength nutes up til the end, what was in...
  16. dirtWeevil

    Need some strong experienced advice

    the AN sensi line doesn't need meters or ph up and down, just so you know, just step up the strength from 1-4ml per litre depending on the size of plant. For coco make sure you have coco specific nutes. My main advice would be to also run a DWC bubble bucket and see how you like that method...
  17. dirtWeevil

    Should I be concerned and should I do something?

    if you could add oxygen to the table that might work, put some beefy stones all around with a good pump and put the air pump on the opposite schedule, so that when the water pump stops the air pump starts and oxygenates the roots, when the table drains the air pump stops.
  18. dirtWeevil

    Dry shroom cultivation

    Amazonian is like a strain name, mushrooms can be worked into strains similar to cannabis, the effects set can differ from strain to strain or even shroom to shroom. More accurate than calling it a strain would be calling it a race or variety. Technically every joining of two spores is a strain...
  19. dirtWeevil

    Dry shroom cultivation

    those are some dank. ^^^ probably, and a cube is a cube except for PE