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  1. Punk

    25 finger leaf! Any thoughts?

    LOL. I bet that would work, too. Unless you got a neighbor who takes notice of the perpetual flowers.
  2. Punk

    25 finger leaf! Any thoughts?

    I've had mutations, none as pronounced as this, but in every case they did hermaphrodite during flowering. Pot is so hybridized that pollen chuckers indiscriminately introduce new "strains" to the public without truly doing any selective breeding, as in the case with your buddy. You can be a...
  3. Punk

    Will my plant recover from defoliation early flower

    If your leaf color still looks good, no spotting, frying, persistently droopy leaves, etc, then you're probably ok. You didn't mention any specific maladies in your description, so I'm guessing you're just being overly careful. As for stunting bud growth, again, if you have good leaf color...
  4. Punk

    Little mutant, worth growing?

    I would think its too early to tell for sure what you might be dealing with...let it grow some more. One thing I've noticed, though, is that when you see oddities during pre flowering that persist, the plant (if female) usually hermaphrodites. By the way, that big bud photo is killer huge.
  5. Punk

    My easy ryder looks strange... need help & advice

    Looks pretty good for first grow. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Next time try to give them more light somehow.
  6. Punk

    Help diagnosing these sprouts

    When people say that, they're assuming it doesn't take 3 weeks to get only that big. Your plants aren't growing much, but they still use nutrients, so maybe a light feeding is due. Poor lighting is likely to blame.
  7. Punk

    Light for small tent? New Grow set up

    Perhaps start with a 250 watt and you can grow one or two plants at a time with it. With a 400 watt lamp, you'll see much stronger, compact bud growth and that will handle 4-5 plants.
  8. Punk

    Large White Mushrooms popping up in Coco - Any ideas?

    I can't help, but I am curious, how long have those plants been..alive?
  9. Punk

    Name that deficiency

    If they're not clones, they won't grow the same, even if the same strain. Seed growing is more difficult than growing a batch of identical clones, you have to look and treat each plant individually, see how the leafs droop when you water it, if you get spotting from nutes, etc. You don't want...
  10. Punk

    O.G Kush Auto in desperate need of a diagnosis please.

    LOL, You got me there, I guess both of them...I didn't notice it was a different person until you pointed it out.
  11. Punk

    O.G Kush Auto in desperate need of a diagnosis please.

    Cryptic response, at best. Stopping a PH problem generally means flushing the plant. A good flush includes using warmer water. Flush, wait a half hour to loosen up everything, flush again.. But a good flush also washes out much of the nutrition, so be ready to start feeding it again.
  12. Punk

    Name that deficiency

    You mentioned different containers. I wonder if by chance one of them does a better job of keeping runoff water from reabsorbing back into the container. Make sure your containers are raised slightly (couple thin blocks of wood) and not sitting in the runoff water.
  13. Punk

    Beginning leaves turning spotty & yellowish

    Doesn't seem like you have too much if any perlite in your soil. Perlite helps regulate moisture in the soil, keeps a little air in there so things don't get stagnant. Without it, you can trigger a host of problems, including 'nute' burn, symptoms of overwatering (which is looks like you have...
  14. Punk

    Power Plant Problem Puzzler

    undercovergro, well spoken. Jimbob, just to offer some clarity, the humidity tray is used to get clones to sprout roots, not for putting already germinated seedlings into it. The little starter containers you get when you buy cucumbers, tomatoes, etc, those work nicely on seedlings. Once...
  15. Punk

    HELP! I think the plant has become a hermaphrodite but im not sure ( pics included)

    The worst is when the seeds only partially form, a bitch to remove...and that's usually how it goes down. Man I was plagued with that shit for the first year and a half of growing. To echo others here, you don't want to plant those seeds. You have about a 99% chance they'll herm on you.
  16. Punk

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    Haven't we always seen eye to eye on most things here?
  17. Punk

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    One can't feed one's way out of most plant problems and molasses is rarely a fix. Polishpollack is correct, fluctuating PH during flowering is a common occurrence, and this is the result (one of them, anyway).
  18. Punk

    once again YELLOW in early flower!!!

    You should give them a dose of nitrogen, but pull back once you start budding. They shed leaves, too...buds are forming, which means the plant canopy is filling in and light becomes a premium on lower or interior branches and bud sites. I think they look really healthy, imo.
  19. Punk

    once again YELLOW in early flower!!!

    That's pretty minimal yellowing. PH in your soil can change as you progress into flowering, perhaps do a gentle flush when you begin flowering, sort of reset it all, then go forward with more bloom feeding. Also maybe look at your container size and see if you might need a little more soil...
  20. Punk

    Thrips in run-off water

    You took that photo of the bug? Damn, that's a good shot. Those fuckers look nasty up close. Good luck.