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  1. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Chinese Troops are in texas

    Imagine,,,if Obama,,,Gave Texas to china for our debt,,,I'd say yes,,,Take em' away:clap:
  2. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The guy that killed 8 people in California a tea party member?

    WTF is that Like a "troll",,,screw you than:shock:,,,and what happened to the "Middle finger Smiley"?:shock::fire:
  3. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    This is Why I Carry a Weapon !

    Not Me?,,,I target shoot,,,Was a Infintry trained Marine,,,Shoot a lot and still do. Not at anyone,,,There are Law's and regulation's,,,of owning fire arm's,,,At least where I am.,,,and other place's I know getting caught with an illegal firearm will get you a mandetory 5 year's,,,But Yes i...
  4. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    This is Why I Carry a Weapon !

    Than why does everyone,,,Except you in court,,,Carry a Gun,,,What happened to good old fashion shoot out's like in the old western's?
  5. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    This is Why I Carry a Weapon !

    Anyone ever watch " Death wish...",,,he was like a vigilantie,,,That was great growing up as a child!
  6. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    This is Why I Carry a Weapon !

    Gun's don't kill people,,,people kill people with Gun's,,,knife's,,Car's,,,Rope....ETC.....I support gun's and I'm a democrate,,,Go figure?
  7. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Pink Floyed's 2012 tour!

    Yea,,,It was "pink Floyd experience",,,I have seen David gillmore and pink floyd with who ever,,,in the "pulse",,,concert,,,in sysracuce NY,,,Was the best show "In lighting,,,sound,,,visiual's"...etc to date,,,although i seen better show's,,,meaning the crowd,,,I would Never pass a opportunity...
  8. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Abortion / Death Penalty

    I'm pro choice and Pro Life,,,In other word's I'm for women to decide,,,and against the death penalty.
  9. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What Justifies Breaking the Law?

    Police,,,Have Discresion,,,If they decide to use it is at there discresion,,,That's why you hear all cop's are not bad,,,and that's the truth IMO,,,Some understand other's are all about the Book,,,and that can be Hell.
  10. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Burning In Hell

    I can relate kinnda "Ever had a Really bad Trip",,,i did on lot's of LSD,,,I chaged for the better after that. I kinnda agree with the reflection thing,,,but i don't go to church and all that,,,i just see thing's and do thing's that are "Good",,,Not bad no more,,,In my eye's,,and have no guilt...
  11. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama Campaign making a KILLING

    If Ron Paul is a Challanger to Obama,,,We will talk,,,but i see no way the "Republican's" will nominate him!,,,Simple as that. IMO....
  12. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The guy that killed 8 people in California a tea party member?

    You will see "Real monster's" perform LTA,,,if "Roe Vs. wade" was overturned,,,and a lot more babbie's in dumster's and landfill's. They are doctor's not scumbag's?,,,Hell some doctor's look at nasty rottin' diseased vagina's,,,They are ok? I'm not going down that road,,,They are targeting...
  13. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama Campaign making a KILLING

    That's one outta how many people it take's,,,More than 1.
  14. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama Campaign making a KILLING

    Kinnda Like Everyone think's the "President",,,has all the power in the world to change everything that's Bad,,,A pipe dream,,,He just has special abilitie's Not all the power,,,that would be the "Supreame court"! I don't dis-like Ron Paul,,,I dis-like his party.
  15. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama Campaign making a KILLING

    And the "Republica's",,,In the house and senate,,,To save the future,,,:wall:,,,Look who he is "Seated" with",,,:shock:,,,All you see is the "Ron Paul smoke screen",,,Put in you contact's.kiss-ass:-P
  16. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama Campaign making a KILLING

    Ya I guess me too,,,Let the "Republican's" take over it won't be "Paul",,,and the Real drug war will be on again,,,keep hoping for it!
  17. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The seven biggest economic lies

    I totally agree,,,But some people actually work to make money and it does no good,,,Me included,,,kinnda?,,,If you have the money to begin with and invest without knowledge or understanding you deserve to be ripped off,,,But with million's the only investment would be my investment's!,,,Which...
  18. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The guy that killed 8 people in California a tea party member?

    I seen a "Fat" marine,,,Must have pushed Paperwork!
  19. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The guy that killed 8 people in California a tea party member?

    What Target's are those,,,Ya nut Job?,,,I put them right up there with the "Religous Fanatic's",,,Ya know the one's that wanna save Life,,,Than go Blow up or kill doctor's at abortion clinic's. Kinnda like your type say's the 99% is just a mob of worthless animal's,,,Not your word's,,,but your...