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  1. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The seven biggest economic lies

    A few year's ago,,,A "Millionaire",,,was big Money,,,Now some of those "millionaire's",,,are Billionaire's,,,Not hard to figure out why. It's easy to make money when you have money,,,But I'll give you a Minimum wage job and this economy and see how long it take's you to be like the rest of...
  2. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Pink Floyed's 2012 tour!

    Sorry guy's,,,My wife called me and I did not check into it,,,it is a "Cover" or some crap,,I'm hardly ever home.:wall:
  3. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The guy that killed 8 people in California a tea party member?

    Yea,,,Typical "Tea-Partier",,,Saving America and killing off everyone else. another Lunatic on the fringe.
  4. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Who thinks Herman Cain's 9/9/9 plan is nuts?

    I guess if the coke dealer and prostitute's make that much i guess There is a lot of demand,,,Ya' know they are supposed to report there income and be taxed,,,guess they found a loophole. Also,,,I worked my ass of growing up too,,,still do. But A lot of people are in different situation's Than...
  5. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Pink Floyed's 2012 tour!

    Hell Yea,,,I'm going again:hump::o:hug:
  6. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Football Thread

    Go San Fran...............
  7. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Democrats Are You Worried?

    I am too,,,Because,,,He is at "Least",,,trying to do the best thing for US,,,Just having major "Setback's" with what was dealt,,,and how everyone,,,no matter what will not co-operate,,,or even try and help...all it is "get rid of Obama",,,He's done this and that?,,,Who care's about the...
  8. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Democrats Are You Worried?

    I guess everyone Voting "Republican"...Than,,,but you think your voting "Libratarian",,,We are in trouble,,,We as in US as in the USA.............Thank the next guy......Coward's!
  9. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express Smoke Report w/Photos

    I;m Happy,,,Got me some Pinapple and widow,,,and Purple whatever...Graet seed's and gro',,,I hope!!!!
  10. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    Your snobby in my book,,,if you can't apprecitare a man an sweat,,,Your just being pickey,,,I have become to appreciate and find Love in my own ball sweat,,,It take's time to grow but you will know and understand the meaning of life after a guy like me....You will fall in Love!
  11. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    fuck me, how am i going to trim all this?

    Just imagine throwing $25-100 out of the window every few minute's.,,,Take your time and know it is better than minimum wage!
  12. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Fox Farm nutrient question

    Yea,,Look it up and be careful,,,Not knowing your condition's,,But you will be fine,,,I use FF ocean Forest and I rarley ever have to use the Veg stuff. Feed when it need's is my new motto.
  13. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    Ask my wife?
  14. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    I can barely pay rent, how do I deal with it without my 'alternate job'?

    Join the military,,,Than when you get out you will not be paranoid,,,about dealing. and will get you straight for a while!
  15. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    "April's Got long finger's,,,Here I am:lol:
  16. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    i shit you not

    Just Regular Bud in a Can,,,Light-Weight,,,or User....Buy your own damn beer next time lol....They did probably piss in it cause Your moochin' brew's.:mrgreen:
  17. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    Mine come's out looking like,,,Well right off the cob,,,no shit!
  18. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    Oh Thank's Than play:lol:,,,Fecal matter?,,,I was talking about corn:shock:?
  19. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    girlfriend wanted

    Yes they do!!!!lol...not me tho'
  20. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Democrats Are You Worried?

    I think they need to put "Ms. Clinton",,,On the ballot for the dem's,,,Than they can hate on "Bill,,,A woman,,",,,kinnda like take the Edge off of "Obama",,,and his being nice to appease to the "Other side"...Way too much...