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  1. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Should I trim or not?

    Looks real nice bushy plants already dude! I like to lst mine into similar shape and would say, personally i would not trim at moment as i find a fair portion of lower leaves can still get some light, plus the ones that don't will generally die off & the plant will suck nute reserves out anyway...
  2. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Grow Shop Rip Off

    Yeah, i know what u mean man - for most accessory stuff like pots, trays, thermometers, plant supports/netting, oscillating fans, etc i find hardware shops, big supermarkets or cheapo budget stores stock them all at same quality but lower price than grow shops. The only thing i buy from...
  3. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    beware of cops with these things on their nose--

    I reckon the only way round it is that Denver is gonna end up looking like one of those satellite images from the wars in Baghdad or Mogadishu where there's loads of stacks of tyres burning on every street corner and massive plumes of black smoke! Tho any budget growers/tokers who wanna...
  4. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Start Panic-Buying Nutes, Quick!!!

    Was reading on BBC about decrease in worlds supply of Helium & linked into this story - looks like we better get growing while the Phosphates are still flowing! Could be no more green for anyone soon! lol! Bit of a long article but quite informative, and is interesting to see that Morocco...
  5. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    beware of cops with these things on their nose--

    Lol! That's even more funnier as i wasn't expecting it to be a serious, real story! Crazy!
  6. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Please Help! 3rd post trying to solve this "defeciency". (Pics)

    I dunno for sure, but from what u say & how u seem to have it set-up well, my only thought would be maybe something else is getting in ur RO water?? Do u give that water to other plants/garden plants, etc and they're fine? I might be totally off kilter but possibly it needs filtering too? Maybe...
  7. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Growing in the cold.

    Thats quite a big room u got there to heat, and i never done as big myself (sadly!) but if they're worthwhile, i can offer 2 possible cheap-ish solutions. Firstly, have a browse for tubular heaters - i got one off ebay for £20 that runs at only 80W!! Its a 2ft long metal tube, with brackets &...
  8. RedWhiteBlueGreen


    Shit dude - real sorry to hear that man - it does sound like a fucking bitch! It should taste nice at least still, if u dry & cure as usual, but just won't be as potent - still better than nothing i guess, but very harsh still.
  9. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    HOLY EFFING ROOTS!! ALL in the 3/4" tubing of my CAP E&F system. Please look, tips?

    BUt seriously, i'd take it as a compliment they obviously loving it so much - looks like good roots dude. And without meaning to sound smart, but beyond the aesthetics of u looking at it, i don't see u mentioning that u having any particular problems or issues?? If all is good (and i reckon...
  10. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    HOLY EFFING ROOTS!! ALL in the 3/4" tubing of my CAP E&F system. Please look, tips?

    I think they're trying to find a way to grow into ur brain when ur asleep at night! Be very careful!
  11. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    jock horror, always the same problem, i need some help..

    just re-read urs back dude & new soil sounds like good idea - i hope it works & maybe try some other seeds or if u could get cuttings off ur mate would be cool too. Hope it goes smooth finally anyway man!
  12. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    I haven't smoked in 20 years

    Lol! What a funny debate & gotta say there's quite alot of ill-informed opinions coming from 1 or 2 so-called seasoned smokers! Firstly, even a little research into history of weed shows it has blatently got stronger since it was first commercialised, and a wider range of stronger strains are...
  13. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Cfl grows ww x bb and mystery bean opinions needed on growth

    don't worry bout how late u added lights - they'll provide a boost at anytime & at least u got them in place for next time. Glad to hear u got top reflector going on too - might not be so essential with that shape bulb to be fair, but it will deffo add benefit regardless. Possibly even for ur...
  14. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Cfl grows ww x bb and mystery bean opinions needed on growth

    Although Whoooaaaaa!!! After just re-reading top of page, we may have to argue basics!! I sincerely hope that camera u flashed round the dark door was within 20 mins of lights either going off or coming on, and not few hours into dark period??! And to answer u last posts (since ur right...
  15. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Cfl grows ww x bb and mystery bean opinions needed on growth

    I gotta say i like the look of ur plant man & it seems to be flowering well in schedule with what u'd see from CFL growing. And they look healthy & responsive enough too. Tho the main thing i like is how u have topped as thats perfect for lowering that crazy CFL into as a sorta vertical grow...
  16. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    jock horror, always the same problem, i need some help..

    To give u my 2 cents worth dude, on first glance at ur pics, i too would've initially said ur problem was either over-nuteing too early or high temps are distorting their growth too much. Tho to be fair, all the additives ur using are root & soil stims only and ur temps & air circulation sound...
  17. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Northern Lights

    I love NL - its fucking gorgeous smoke if done well! One of my top 3 for sure. And growing it, as long its from decent seedhouse, its usually stable, sturdy, pretty resiliant & quite low odour too. But yeah, don't believe everything u read: including the back of seed packets! If u can pull in...
  18. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Just another is it done yet :)

    Yeah, they all look ripe to me & they've been in real flower for at least 10 - 11 weeks which is fine even for CFL's. And if u say they mostly milky trichs then that sounds pretty much ready to chop too. And despite looking like they've tried to eat themselves to death, they do look nice big...
  19. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Suggestions on trimming leaves, pics

    While ur plant is only that size & if lower dying leaves not blocking airflow then u may as well leave them on as there's still loadsa nutrients in there that the plant will suck out & redistribute. If i can, i always wait till they go totally yellow, dry & crispy and just break off in ur hand...