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  1. B

    The reason so many blacks are gay.

    Maybe it's because I'm white, but most black women are not very good looking. Maybe it isn't because I'm white because many of the successful and better looking black dudes have a white old lady.
  2. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    We were.
  3. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    You make it sound as if equality was a staple of all societies until recently. It never has been. It's far more equal today.
  4. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    The human condition inevitably leads to inequality. If you think capitalism is unequal, check out the other guys. A better way, thus far, has only been demonstrated in works of science fiction.
  5. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    They need to be universal in a capitalistic system. Ever tried to pay your phone bill with a sack of potatoes, bullets, or even gold? Verizon only takes dollars or master cards.
  6. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    You just described the barter system. A universally accepted medium of exchange can only be money. Money can be gold or silver, it has been salt in the past, and it can be a fiat currency.
  7. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    Having a medium of exchange is how one emasses wealth. The wealthiest wheat farmer in the world is just a guy with a shed full of wheat without a medium of exchange.
  8. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    The two terms are mutually exclusive. Capitalism needs the state because it needs a medium of exchange.
  9. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    Dumb question possibly, but can you tell me what an ancap is? I thought anti - capitalist. But your slant and your usage of the term seems to preclude that.
  10. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    You don't have to measure the volcanic emissions. We know what naturally occurring atmospheric co2 looks like. We know what man made fossil fuel released co2 looks like. Take many measures throughout the entire planets atmosphere, look for concentrations of each, then divide. It's just...
  11. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I thought it was 3, but I didn't want to be wrong, so I rounded up to 10.
  12. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    The total volcanic output of co2 is 10% of what man puts out. We can measures the difference, volcanic co2 is heavier.
  13. B

    Obama now negotiates with terrorists

    You're going to need a team of mexicans to get that done. But about your deck, yeah, they'll do that too.
  14. B

    Obama now negotiates with terrorists

    So your point is that a racist is not able to truly see racism or bigotry in another? I'm not even saying I disagree with you about islam. But it is bigoted since there are suni muslims that don't want to cut off your head. I was not the one who claimed Iran was land locked. Try again. It...
  15. B

    Obama now negotiates with terrorists

    I'm saying you blast others for what you see as racism yet spout a healthy dose of bigotry yourself.
  16. B

    Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl

    You imply that he is saying we should mine it and keep it. The interview is about how does Afghanistan fund its self to become stable. His answer, We get them secure enough to be able to do it themselves.
  17. B

    Is it racist?

    Evolutionary racism or not, other races stink to all other races. I've heard black people say that white people smell funny.... And black people stink like a mother fucker. Seriously, they smell like old rancid pussy.
  18. B

    Equal Rights vs Equal Pay

    It's funny you mention time share companies. I spent most summers while I was in college being an OPC for several different companies in the Smokey Mountains. General seedy nature of the industry aside, you can kill it there if you catch on. I made about $1200/week through the summer just...
  19. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    Just like there is no pure socialism, or capitalism in practice, electing libertarian candidates wouldn't usher in a new era of libertarianism. It would only influence.
  20. B

    A question for Libertarians.

    I've heard that the Black Sea is low in fish populations because it only exists because the oceans rose and flooded the Mediterranean basin, through Gibraltar, then much later flooded the black sea area. Obviously fish are racist too.