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  1. edispilf

    Have I fucked up everything?

    I think I would personally just run the cfl's until the plants are a little bigger/have bigger roots and leaves....then work up from there. Just let them get established before you put a ton of light on them. Good luck
  2. edispilf

    Have I fucked up everything?

    they are fine. Keep moist not wet and go to a smaller wattage if you can for the seedlings. That will help keep temps down and you won't have to water as often.
  3. edispilf

    Fungus gnats uncontrablable!!

    You'll only get rid of the gnats by getting rid of the larvae. This will do it. Let your soil dry out completely and then drench with the...
  4. edispilf

    secondary light 8watts 1x1 panel

    I've got 1 of the 14w panels for keeping things alive when I run out of room. They are not the best, but I've got a for real tomato plant under one right now doing well. Its maybe 3 inches from the top branches. The old GlowPanels that are 28 w each are better, but are more expensive. Good luck
  5. edispilf

    secondary light 8watts 1x1 panel

    Those are at least 14W panels.
  6. edispilf

    Strange preflower

    Those look more like the formation of branches, not preflowers. Maybe that's why they open up into leaves....thats what they are. Good luck
  7. edispilf

    before i do this to my tent

    Gorilla tape is pretty good.
  8. edispilf

    I don't know what is wrong with my droopy plants

    Over-watering/poor drainage and the problems that arise from that.
  9. edispilf

    Did i just fuck up 5 plants!!

    eradicate???? "eradicate" means to eliminate. What are trying to say? That they contain heavy metals?
  10. edispilf

    planted 9 seeds that had germinated questions please read

    Slow down man you're gonna drown them. They are just starting out and don't need that much water. Be patient and let them do what they do......relax and read. Good luck. peace
  11. edispilf

    What's going on?
  12. edispilf

    My brother in law action

    stop watering them so much. looks like you're drowning them
  13. edispilf

    herm in week 5?

    I can't tell from pics....just look at pics of 'naners' on the web and make sure you don't have any. Pollen can travel further than you might think so maybe it's not you?! good luck
  14. edispilf

    help with grow room

    That's kinda steep I think. Pretty sure I could put that package together for less. Anyway man it depends on how you are growing. You can figure 1 sq. ft. per plant so say 16 per 4x4 so 32 total with a couple 1000 w hps in a 4x8. good, read, read, and then read some...
  15. edispilf

    building a tent

    Just thinking man, but if you're going inside of an existing closet, it might be easier to just get some plywood and 2x4 and build a box.....just a though. peace
  16. edispilf

    building a tent

    My mistake, it was 7''s a link I think Secret Jardin or maybe Gorilla makes one that has a height extension. They are more...
  17. edispilf

    building a tent

    well I saw a 4x4x8 on ebay for about 100 bucks. Seems like that would fit in your space.
  18. edispilf

    building a tent

    I agree with deadgro pvc would be fine. Pvc is used in outdoor greenhouses all of the time for framing.
  19. edispilf

    building a tent

    So are you talking 4x4 and 10 high?