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  1. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm afraid the light intensity might cook them, even if the heat doesn't.
  2. Viagro

    Stealth Desk growin 007 style

    Gladiator Lighting? I'll have a look. Why couldn't you just replace your cfls with those induction bulbs? They are plenty bright and reflectors would be nice but not essential. An old growers handbook I have somewhere said you can create polyploids by soaking seeds in the juice from...
  3. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    Thanks for pointing me in the direction of your other thread, not sure how I managed to overlook it. Anyway, I left you some thoughts over there. I'm afraid a 40w induction bulb will cook your plants in that cab.
  4. Viagro

    Stealth Desk growin 007 style

    Don't knowhow I missed this thread, but now that I'm here I think you better reconsider the 40 watt induction bulb. If I were you I'd use a couple 15w induction bulbs, or maybe a 25w. (Is this where you bought yours?) You're going to have heat issues, and you might as...
  5. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    Well, how high is high? LOL. Seriously, my induction light is 50w, and my tent is small, so you might be ok.
  6. Viagro

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    6? That would be 2 3/4 sq ft per light. Three Kessils would be plenty. I don't know how you'd even fit 6 in a 4x4 tent with the recommended 1 ft> spacing.
  7. Viagro

    Kessil Giveaway

    Have a look at some LED threads and discover how they have their advantages and can even outperform Lots of misinfo out there because of the old tech. The new LED tech is amazing. And no heat issues in tents and small cabs. edit: read this testimonial
  8. Viagro

    Kessil Giveaway

    I can't play, my FB acct is dead. Good luck.
  9. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    No kidding, I was just looking at these buds from an LED grow.
  10. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    No, I didn't mean it that way...sorry...just curious as to what you have to say once you see some successful grows. And ChronicDoom was a first time grower. Spectacular results. edit: plus this
  11. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    Check out the Kessil giveaway promotion.
  12. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    I tried it in my little tent, and it was pretty warm (I used a converted drop light, too, for a socket). Then, I put it n an overhead fixture above some plants in my entranceway. I'm not sure why it cratered, but I'm supposed to be getting a new one soon. I did get it from
  13. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    Have a look at SwiftGrow's Journal, or ChronicDoom's. there's plenty of others. Search a little, then say what you think.
  14. Viagro

    Kessil Giveaway

    Just received the following heads-up on a Kessil LED light giveaway: I wanted to give you a heads up to about our Kessil giveaway on facebook. Just follow the link from our updated web page and feel free to spread the word. The more people that participate the longer we will do...
  15. Viagro

    Best THC-preserving pulling time

    Just received the following from The Stichting Inst.: Yes, that's true...some varieties do 30 %... but some do not and only do .. 10 %.. Must have ventilation during the period of darkness... Due to a court case...the article is removed from the internet,,!!
  16. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    Make sure you use a surge protector, and don't let it get too warm. I burnt out my dual band light like that by not having it on a timer for occasional cool down periods. I had it in an overhead fixture, so it could've been a surge, but someone was warning about vulnerability to heat. I'm...
  17. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    UK folks can buy from US vendors that ship worldwide. I know Greners does, and maybe the place that's selling them for $206 (edit: Nope, just checked). Prices are usually much better here, even with shipping.
  18. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    I gotcha, thanks.
  19. Viagro

    Led Users Unite!

    Hey Kapt- Are you using a fan speed controller on your bilge blower? Is that even possible since it's DC transformed? I noticed that Rule also makes 3" blowers. I'm considering that, to cut back a bit on the overkill. Wish you had pics of your DIY vent setup. But I think I follow your...
  20. Viagro

    How To Prevent Spider Mites?

    If the only active ingredients are essential oils, how could it not be organic? If the source of the oils weren't grown organically, or what? Do you represent Zero Tolerance in a paid capacity?