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  1. Guccizillaa

    Chemical + Organic nutrient mix?

    Don't overthink the nutes mate. As long as you don't extremely overload it, your plant will give you plenty of tell tale time to correct any issues you may run into :) Good luck!
  2. Guccizillaa

    Can I start LST now?

    You can, but make sure its LOW stress training. I have heard more than once of growers pulling half the roots right out of the soil.
  3. Guccizillaa

    Going all Sativa

    I have some freebies of seedsmans jack herer I got from a Dinafems/DNA Genetics order. When I pop them I'll be sure to review
  4. Guccizillaa

    Help with 1st Grow

    perfect example of not to overthink it :)
  5. Guccizillaa

    Help with 1st Grow

    i read your first bulletin and stopped because your first statement was false. I put all my seedlings in ffof with zero issues. It has nice low doses of nutrients to get your plants into the first couple weeks of veg with no problems.
  6. Guccizillaa

    Double check

    looks under fed to me
  7. Guccizillaa

    Leaf tips pointing down in flower

    clawing tends to come from too much nitrogen.
  8. Guccizillaa

    Help with 1st Grow

    For your first time you'd be better off with one in my personal opinion. Better off only making a potential mistake to one plant vs five of them. And the best advice is dont over think it, its just a plant. If you're going to be using chemical nutrients its always best to start with small...
  9. Guccizillaa

    Ph question

    6.0-6.8 ph for soil. Nutrient lockouts can occur when exceeding these ph ranges. If you've been testing to 6.5 you're in the money. Good luck on your first grow, its an amazing process.
  10. Guccizillaa

    defoliate more or not week 4 flower

    I lollipop my plants as well as leave them with a skirt of fan leaves at the bottom. what the skirt does is if a deficiency sets in it will affect the lower leaves first, hence the skirt. Defoliation is largely a per grower thing though. Some growers wont defoliate at all and others like myself...
  11. Guccizillaa

    defoliate more or not week 4 flower

    I would personally defoliate some.
  12. Guccizillaa

    First time

    good luck!
  13. Guccizillaa

    most important thing you've learnt?

    Probably that acquiring the knowledge through trial and error is absolutely priceless. You make the mistake, you learn how to correct said mistake, and you learn how to avoid that mistake again in the future.
  14. Guccizillaa

    cloning issues? help !!!

    some strains are more finicky than others. just remember clones will take in all moisture through their foliage since there is no root system yet. be sure to spray foliage with water to optimize success. I also put a zip lock bag that I'll spray the inside over the cutting to trap moisture. Good...
  15. Guccizillaa

    Going all Sativa

    jack herer is personally my favorite sativa strain, other good ones being green crack and super silver haze
  16. Guccizillaa

    I'm back! OG cookies and lemon og

    the lemon og sprouted today, Grow Journal coming soon :)
  17. Guccizillaa

    I'm back! OG cookies and lemon og

    Took a break from growing for several years due to my states medical cannabis laws being so restricted. I am now fortunate enough to be in a situation where I can grow again and will be starting with Dinafems Ocean Grown Cookies, and DNA Genetics Lemon OG. If anyone has any personal experiences...
  18. Guccizillaa

    How much weed?...

    I use Fox Farms Grow Big in flower and it works fine, 2 tsp per water.
  19. Guccizillaa


    Placed my order last night, got 3 more Dinafem original amnesia, and 3 DNA Genetics Lemon OG, aka presidential kush. Most excited for Tangi, green crack, and flowerbomb kush freebies. Wish the girlscout cookies freebies were fem tho, considering the regular ones arent even available for purchase...