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    Aphria name change suggestions

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    break out the pardons....

    pardon DOES NOT loose or erase a record. it removes the guilty verdict, record stays ! the pardon is a legal document giving you the get out of jail card. an expungement removes a record
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    break out the pardons....

    where do you see cash grab? pardon for cannabis will be FREE if you want to go the expungement route that costs and will take a looong time
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    Marijuana News Today: Supply Shortages Strike Canada, Pot Stock Market Plummets

    who cares about canada post strike when ontario and quebec have nothing to sell anyways how does the gov think they will kill the BM when the LP's on maximum output can only produce maybe 30% of the demand.
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    break out the pardons....

    pardon is not a expungement of your record. also the us border has an old list from canada and your name could still be on it when trying to cross. in that case you're screwed
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    LP's will see you busted for over 30 grams lol

    i would need a back pack to carry the different meds i take daily if i purchased and used LP packaged shwag.
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    the biggest mistake of the cannabis industry in canada with stock promotion is that they consider themselves "pharma". well they should be classified as "farmers" and realize the ups and downs of that industry.
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    Anyone used a 615W CMH Dual Ended yet?

    i see they are lightspeed brand. i have used their digital ballasts in the past. they work but honestly did not produce the same product that another 2 digital ballasts and magnetic did.
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    Quebec Could Have The Strictest Weed Laws In Canada Now That The CAQ Has Been Elected

    i live here and am confused !! mind you i don't care as a patient. how do they even think they can battle the BM in this province. so ass-backwards.
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    Changes to the ACMPR - any truth to this ?

    what's with them barking up the tree with home safety again and again? it has been proven in court (Allard) that there is no concern and the "experts" were tossed. HC keeps ignoring the truth, makes you wonder what job they are doing with other meds. can't trust them what so ever
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    plant remedies in canada

    have used nematodes many times in the past. always works
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    Marijuana legalization Bill C-45 officially passes Senate vote, heading for royal assent

    listing of how voted anyone have the final Bill C-45 that wa sjust passed, not the 3rd reading one from November 2017 ?
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    the decision in #Comeau will be released on April 19 at 9:45est.

    someone in my hood is dumping mmj earmarked for destruction! selling at $100/oz. would love to find out where it's coming from to know what outfit is not destroying their poison schwag.
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    the decision in #Comeau will be released on April 19 at 9:45est.

    Judgment / Decision in PDF format
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    the decision in #Comeau will be released on April 19 at 9:45est.

    well supreme court upholds law on interprovincial trade....buh humbug !!
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    the decision in #Comeau will be released on April 19 at 9:45est.

    decision arrives today....can't wait to see what happens. definitely want the decision in PDF to read through it when available
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    High Times 2017 Best Vape Pen

    i love my pax and also use a yucan for concentrates
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    Merry Christmas!

    Happy Holidays to everyone
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    Quebec to table Cannabis legislation this week

    Bill 157 is EXEMPT from persons with valid Medical Marijuana License so a med user can grow while recreational user can not the except of Chapter IV" has to do with where you can smoke so for med and recreational users will be limited to where you can smoke in public
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    Quebec to table Cannabis legislation this week

    Quebec Bill 157 An Act to constitute the Société québécoise du cannabis, to enact the Cannabis Regulation Act and to amend various highway safety-related provisions (PDF, 459 KB)...