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  1. ounevinsmoke

    1 Gram Per Watt

  2. ounevinsmoke

    1 Gram Per Watt

    So i take it your using a 1000watt? I have 12 plants under my 600w space approx same as yours maybe 4x4x7. The genetics are critical+... Last one I grew alone yielded over 50 grams. Just not sure if the gram per watt is too far fetched.
  3. ounevinsmoke

    1 Gram Per Watt

    Decent space, proper environmental controls, and excellent genetics. Using the 600watt. With added assistance from the Mylar, light coverage is distributed well enough. Is this realistic?
  4. ounevinsmoke

    WoS: Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto Flowering DWC Grow

    Gotta question. You monster cropping or FIM? In thje one pic the leaves are yellowing on the edge and looks more like a nute or ph problem. Sheesh I hope your plants stop growing taller when you start flower cuz you are headed for trouble if they dont... good luck bro, overall look excellent
  5. ounevinsmoke

    My 600w multi strain personal Grow :)

    Lol I was just about to start a small closet grow with a 600w and came into this thread to see how you were dealing with heat issues... Damn, looks like I have my work cut out for me.
  6. ounevinsmoke

    i need a hybrid name

    High Fructose
  7. ounevinsmoke

    How do you sub?

    People always say this. I have yet to find the sub button.
  8. ounevinsmoke

    New grower giving an update and looking for some help. Please comment.

    8.) It could be a potential problem for root rot. Usually you just want to keep those cubes damp and not drenched. 9.) I'm not sure if you were trying a hydro grow or a subculture, but since your roots are in the water you must pay attention to the water very closely because now it is in direct...
  9. ounevinsmoke

    Carbon Filter???

    Thanks man I just dont have guidance... I just think backwards I guess. Appreciate all the knowledge...
  10. ounevinsmoke

    Carbon Filter???

    Damn, Ok... For more detail the fan is connected directly to the filter nothing inbetween. Just a regular 600 with batwing. No fancy cool tube or hood. Another question though. Is the filter not working at all the way I have it? Blowing into it instead of sucking from it I mean. My...
  11. ounevinsmoke

    Just some questions

    Thats not really a great soil to use. Has those Grubs in it. I used it before and had to get all kindsof pesticides. Just from my own exp... I read somewhere you can cook them out, but i figured that was too much work.
  12. ounevinsmoke

    Carbon Filter???

    So am I sucking the air in the room into the carbon filter? Example: Air>inline fan>Filter= clean air? Or should it be reverse? Example: Air>Filter>inline fan> Clean air? Result of fan sucking on the filter ofcourse. To be honest I've been doing it the first way and if I'm wrong I need to...
  13. ounevinsmoke

    Dissapointed with the potency of my bud

    Your humidity was too high. Had that same problem with white hairs in the bud and dark bud color from mold. You need to clean that room and free it of mold spores before your next grow get a dehumidifier. I cant say why you have potency problems other than you never developed good enough...
  14. ounevinsmoke

    2 Blueberry Beauties, One Ugly Problem. Do you know what it is?

    when you put a house plant in a new pot, would you give it nutes after that? Just trying to give some perspective. I'm no expert ofcourse and still learn everyday, but from "my own personal experience" the less nutes the better:) Actually I just believe your roots were shocked and as always...
  15. ounevinsmoke

    4 Months down the drain...not to mention the power bill....

    Yea I figured, strange you got spidermites with Hydro though. Whats your medium? By sitting in water you mean the leaves were under water? Either way you just had a shit load of problems. I will tell you this, now that you have gone through the hydro experience dirt will seem like childs play...
  16. ounevinsmoke

    Good first time setup?

    strong fan for that limited space. You could budget even lower on the fan and carbon filter, but thats your choice.
  17. ounevinsmoke

    4 Months down the drain...not to mention the power bill....

    From the problems you state I bet the location of your room is the main Problem. First clean your space. No, Clean the fuck out of your space. Probably has mold spores to spider mites to whatever else. Better yet seems like you have problems controlling conditions in that area. Move your entire...
  18. ounevinsmoke

    Root rot prevention with chlorine, hypochlorite, monochloramine...

    Just wondering why you would prefer chemicals over organics?
  19. ounevinsmoke

    BuD & Fuzzy White Mold InSIDE<no pic quick ?

    So I have read up and determined I need to buy a dehumidifier. I will, Buuuut I caught the mold early sooooo can the contaminated bud still be smoked or am I risking my lungs. It was in the main cola and promptly removed and seems to be drying well but of course I dont want to die or give my...