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  1. indican3

    Quads City Genetics

    Seedling #1 This seed popped a day after the 2 seeds shown in my first post. It was healthy from the beginning, growing quicker than the seedling that popped before it. Once it got nearly root bound in a 3 gallon container I moved it outside. Pic 1 - Day 5 Outdoors. I didn't harden it off or...
  2. indican3

    Quads City Genetics

    Awesome! 2 seeds made it 8) 2 seeds germinated (after investigation) but didn't ever surface, soil was too compact, oops. 1 seed (shown in first pic) germinated but never got true leaves, it died Now to tell the story of 2 plants
  3. indican3

    bodhi seeds

    I hate fungus gnats too! My tips: 1. Water less - Top soil needs to dry out every so often to kill larva. Throw some diatomaceous earth on the top also if you have some to allow the topsoil to dry out quicker. 2. Have good drainage, rocks/perlite at the bottom of potted plants. I had gnats...
  4. indican3

    Are you in BLOOM Yet? Tis the month!

    Southern Ontario (Canada) Pre-flowering/flowering : Pure Kush (Greenhouse Seeds) Not yet flowering: Sharksbreath (DNA Genetics), Sleestack (DNA Genetics), Pink Tahoe, Lions Milk (Bodhi), Critical Cure (Barney's Farm) Flowering (2 weeks in): Northern Lights Not sure why the Northern...
  5. indican3

    Planning Ahead

    Reminds me of: (32 mins into video) feasible but I have no experience.
  6. indican3

    Sativa & Hybrid strains for heavy Indica users

    I smoke large bowls on the regular and Indicas are what do it for me most of the time because of high tolerance levels. That being said, some sativa & hybrid strains I've found to be a good contenders, strains that don't waste my time and $. Here's 3 that I know I like : Lambsbread (sativa)...
  7. indican3

    Ew, what insect is this and how bad is this 'mold' residue?

    Seems to be a mealybug, someone correct me if they think otherwise. Blasted it off the plant with a stream of water from the spray bottle, avoiding using insecticidal soap for the moment (not sure if organic?)
  8. indican3

    Ew, what insect is this and how bad is this 'mold' residue?

    You can actually see the pest in this photo, it's the white thing. I'll look through the pest guide to see what it is but if anyone could chyme in with some info that'd be good. The plant was an indoor plant, then became an outdoor plant. It was dying outdoors, poor sunlight + slug damage, so...
  9. indican3

    Led Users Unite!

    A Pure Kush plant I'm starting to flower under 1000w Mars (or Mars equivalent) Led. I had some plants outdoors, many got ravaged by animals, this one was one of them. I nursed it back and am keeping it small because it's a bit late in the season to veg it out anyway. The Sharksbreath plant to...
  10. indican3

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Some OG Kush on the way! Found a loose seed on my bud picked up from dispensary. Soaked it > 24hrs and it looks viable :)
  11. indican3

    bodhi seeds

    Damnn, that plant was huge, next time maybe cut off a branch and sex it so you find out sooner.
  12. indican3

    bodhi seeds

    1 of my Lion's Milk plants has the most satisfying canopy I had to share :). I topped it maybe 5 days ago, left it outside in direct sun for a day (it's only been an indoor plant, still is currently) which stretched out the fan leaves and now more light can get to the new grow sites. It's...
  13. indican3

    A Guide To Colloidal Silver

    Cool thread, learned something new. If anyone's looking for a silver source I'd recommend the good ol Alex Jones' version I tend to trust their stuff in terms of value/quality, it would seem so disingenuous for a conspiracy news source to...
  14. indican3

    bodhi seeds

    Sir works :wink: And no thank you, this thread is my only outlet to share really Thanks! I have 3 in progress and helped all of them removed the shell, now I just need 1 male lion, although 3 lionesses works also, can never complain about that :)
  15. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    And here's what it looks like 4 days later (also I put it out in the sun, so it grew larger or at least taller than it would have in the tent under LED)
  16. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Plant started to look healthy, here's what it looked like before re-potting
  17. indican3

    bodhi seeds

    Some Lions Milk progress ^^^^ Day 20 (since planting seed)
  18. indican3

    Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

    True, next grow I'll definitely leave the mix out for a couple weeks first and dig the cages deeper.
  19. indican3

    Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

    I can't be sure but coyotes is my bet. Seen one in the area last year and recently I stumbled upon feathers from a bird (turkey?) that was ravaged by something. Also I often see track marks from some pack animal but I don't suspect it's deer.
  20. indican3

    Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

    Ok so here's the shit I'm dealing with, sorry to thread hi-jack I know the cage should be like a foot deep in dirt but I thought (more like hoped) a quick stakedown could work. On the upside the cage stayed upright and plant was undamaged. I attached a photo of my current fix but it's not...