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  1. zubey91

    Drying suggestions?

    What climate do you live? And yes get like a large box from home depot or if you wanna dry the whole plant get a wardrobe box from uhaul
  2. zubey91

    How'd I Do?

    Ive had all those.. The cotton is tastey and frosty oh i didnt see the lemon D .. I just grew 3 emerald lemon D.. In fact heres a pic of the last plant i have of it.. 3 weeks left.... My take... Big thick buds, very hairy.... Diesel smell but not overpowering... Taste is where it kinda...
  3. zubey91

    From newbie to expert

    Thanks C. Dawn, i owe most of this to you and your very wise grow box instruction. The rest is genetics and 20+ grows!
  4. zubey91

    From newbie to expert

    Right on, whatever works for you, for my situation and my lighting bill ( only increases 35.00-40.00 a month). My set up works great plus i dont need 100 pounds of weed i just need my minimal harvest per month so i pay very little for bud!
  5. zubey91

    From newbie to expert

    I cant stress enough to read read read! There is a lot of misinformation on here but if you research enough you can usually spot it. Good luck in your venture! three weeks left on these girls!
  6. zubey91

    From newbie to expert

    Thanks RIU! I credit this site for being my top reference guide while i learned how to grow with CFLs 5 years ago. I went from a semi newbie growing decent looking plants to harvesting/drying curing incorrectly with minimal yield (like an ounce off a 3 foot plant). I always was too paranoid...
  7. zubey91

    Curing to Perfection

    Yourmethod intrigues me however as you know once you get it right, its hard to try something new ;)
  8. zubey91

    Michigan Caregiver curious about working in a Colorado dispensary

    Its fun, you learn a lot even if you know a lot, you work a lot but you dont get paid a lot
  9. zubey91

    Over Dry Can't Seem to get it right

    I just jar em sooner
  10. zubey91

    Is my hermie reveg a ticking time bomb?

    Um kill that hermie, if you have other seeds cracking you dont want any possibility of pollen getting everywhere, thats uf its not already everywhere from it pollunating itself ... However, if the hermie is female based and you pollunate another female, youll have feminised seeds.. But i wouldnt...
  11. zubey91

    this is my first time growing in a closet with cfls

    Just know when i grow with those little 23wCFLs i have about 8-10 on each plant, if i hAve 2 side by side i have a total of 15 on top and surrounding them, i grow/stretch to about 2.5 feet and get 2-3 ounces per plant, depending on strain and phenotype. One i just grew was critical plus, super...
  12. zubey91

    Over Dry Can't Seem to get it right

    What climate do you live? Dry? Humid? Desert? Sounds like you live in an area where it has a low RH, take away the fan.
  13. zubey91

    brown leave tips

    Its a little nute burn from when you fed or ph is off
  14. zubey91

    Need help diagnosing deficiency .

    Have you been feeding it?
  15. zubey91

    How cold is to cold?

    Cold slows growth, did you just plannt the seed or did you sprout it first?
  16. zubey91

    Why am I not high?

    Switch strains, after smoking the same strain for weeks it usually doesnt do what it should
  17. zubey91

    need help with my grow lights...noob question XD

    That things gonna get hot
  18. zubey91

    Getting some advice about my plant

    Hard to see but it may be a male ball, can you get a better pic?
  19. zubey91


    Dont feed it yet youll burn it, the lil circle leaves contain nutes
  20. zubey91

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    Ill post a pic when done. I just harvested 3 plants about 2 feet each... Three zs of each... Getting pretty good at this