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  1. Weouthere

    Odor Control

    I’ve found some cheap scrubbers on Craigslist, I’m just worried about sound. A little inline wouldn’t be too bad I don’t think. Some questions though, so far I’ve only 100% wrapped my head around the inlines from inside the tent to outside.. y’all are saying I can just kinda stick one anywhere...
  2. Weouthere

    Plants leaves droop and curl. help.

    This was my plant under a low watt (32w) light after exactly a month of growth. I think you got some bad genes man. Maybe your medium? What are you growing in?
  3. Weouthere

    Odor Control

    Update! The room still smells but you can’t smell it on the street on in the living room anymore. I’ll know more in the morning for sure but it seems to at least help! Would putting air filters in the room help at all? Like the $30 ones from Walmart? I’m sure I could acquire or even have my...
  4. Weouthere

    Odor Control

    Hey guys! I have a few questions on filters. I’m growing indoors and I still live at home. Dad wasn’t too thrilled about me growing but still sees it as cool that I’m growing something and creating life. He DOESNT like the smell however. It hasn’t been too bad but I’m late into flower and now...
  5. Weouthere

    Need help with some doubs for soil growers

    No nutrients or anything else when I transplant. Just the kelp extract. I think it’s 1-0-0.
  6. Weouthere

    Need help with some doubs for soil growers

    I always water the pot I’m transplanting into before and after putting the plant into it. I use RO water and kelp extract for clones and transplanting, seems to help with rooting.
  7. Weouthere

    Making software, need data. Free app.

    I’d check out journals for a start. Lots of really in depth ones on here and other sites
  8. Weouthere

    Late Flower Removal of Leaves

    Getting riper everyday, still has some bulking to do for sure!
  9. Weouthere

    leaves' edges of seedling are curling up

    I would move the light back? It looks to hot/dry to me but if your medium is still wet I’m thinking it’s light burn/stress.
  10. Weouthere

    Late Flower Removal of Leaves

    This is like exactly how I feel about it! And thanks man I’m pretty proud of her it’s my first grow :)
  11. Weouthere

    Late Flower Removal of Leaves

    Hey guys! My plant is doing great and I am only a couple weeks from harvesting I think. I just have a question about removing the yellowing/dying leaves. I have been pulling off leaves that are obviously dead or come off if I blow/knock on them and fall off. I have pulled a few that have some...
  12. Weouthere

    Male preflower

    Nuts. Nuts everywhere!!
  13. Weouthere

    Don't smoke & grow

    That’s exactly what I did man.. I’m 85% sure what I’m growing is wedding cake. Oh well. Lesson learned for next time!
  14. Weouthere

    1st Time Grower - SuperNova Smart Grow Closet

    I’m only on my first grow so I doubt I would argue with you on anything! I’m open for learning and debate! Anything else you wonder just ask
  15. Weouthere

    Don't smoke & grow

    Here’s mine on day 40 exactly.. it’s a little lights stressed at this point but looks pretty similar to me..
  16. Weouthere

    Don't smoke & grow

    My wedding cake matured very early. When I flipped the lights, the next day there were pistils EVERYwhere.. I’ll try to find a pic of mine around day 40
  17. Weouthere

    1st Time Grower - SuperNova Smart Grow Closet

    For your first grow I would go with soil, something like Fox Farms Ocean Forest, very forgiving and you can get away with just using water for almost the plants whole life. Just from experience.. my first grow I tried hydro bud didn’t know what went into it and killed a nice plant I had been...
  18. Weouthere

    First Grow (Wedding Cake)

    In the last pic, that fan in the corner I believe is 5” or 6” diameter. I’ll post a pic with something for reference Edit: here’s pics for ya!!
  19. Weouthere

    First Grow (Wedding Cake)

    DAY 91 (Day 48 of Flower) Sorry for not posting for so long! Been busy with other things and honestly there’s not a whole lot happening. Not to say what is isn’t SUPER exciting.. I’ve just been giving straight water since I did the top dressing. Twice since then I’ve also used some kelp...
  20. Weouthere

    Under Or Over Watered?

    How often you watering?