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  1. Weouthere

    Possible powdery mildew?

    Looks to me like yes, that’s pm
  2. Weouthere

    Grow tent advice needed for an extremely new newbie

    Welcome to RUI and growing man!! There is tons of info and it is a lot to go through, but if you feel you know enough to get started, that’s the best way to learn more! I’m on my first “real grow” , calling it that because I tried and failed to grow before with no knowledge at all. Anyway I’m...
  3. Weouthere

    Clones are droopy and yellow leaves

    What kind of soil?
  4. Weouthere

    Can anyone explain how should i use cal mag whit RO water in soil

    Is it all older leaves or the ones touching the dirt? In that last pic I think that’s the problem. What are you growing in?
  5. Weouthere

    First Grow (Wedding Cake)

    Hey thanks, I appreciate it friend! I killed my plant the first time I tried growing because I tried hydro with no knowledge on anything.. I hadn’t even taken a biology class yet (never took one in high school or even middle school) Now a few years later and A LOT of research (plus some...
  6. Weouthere

    First Grow (Wedding Cake)

    Day 78 (Day 36 of Flower) I’ve noticed some yellowing the past few days. Some big fan leaves have been full of deficiencies. I’ve been going through and pulling them off as I think they need or look bad. I think the soil is about out of nutrients and I’ve been giving it a weird dose of bottled...
  7. Weouthere

    First grow please diagnose

    Normal growth don’t worry
  8. Weouthere

    HLG Light usage

    I’m currently running the HLG 100v2. I read 12-24” for that one. I didn’t have it for seedling stage but I got it at about week 3-4 of veg. I had it at about 18” and the growth was insane. I just had to move it up because it was 7” above the tops and starting to burn them. Hope this helps a bit...
  9. Weouthere

    Brown patches, holes, and tears all over plant. Help!

    Could be a calmag deficiency, what medium are you in?
  10. Weouthere

    Yellowing Leaves in Flower, Should I Worry?

    I also have a root stimulator I got with my HLG, it’s 1-0-0 could I water with that?
  11. Weouthere

    Yellowing Leaves in Flower, Should I Worry?

    I was thinking of just top dressing with some more ffof and stopping the extra nutrients. Would this add the N I need? To me she looks hungry, like something is missing. It isn’t degrading the plant too quickly or anything though, just a little bit of yellowing every new day. I had an outdoor...
  12. Weouthere

    Yellowing Leaves in Flower, Should I Worry?

    This helps a lot, I really appreciate you takin the time man! I hadn’t thought that little light was gonna be too much.. until it was :wall: Definitely adding some Epsom salts next watering, I’ll go pick em up today. And thanks for the answer about th light too! I’ve just been curious about...
  13. Weouthere

    Yellowing Leaves in Flower, Should I Worry?

    Hey thanks man I really appreciate your responses! I added calmag today, I’m assuming that will help? I’m very curious about the Epsom salts and have been wanting to use them for a while. Is it just like normal bath Epsom salts from the store? Or is it more growing specific? I have also...
  14. Weouthere

    Yellowing Leaves in Flower, Should I Worry?

    I just raised my light from 7” above the canopy to 11-12” three days ago and I can raise it at higher. I also watered with some calmag today Does epsom salt provide either of those?
  15. Weouthere

    Yellowing Leaves in Flower, Should I Worry?

    Hey guys! I’ve been doing research and I can’t figure out what is going on. It isn’t very advanced at all but I would like to get it under control if it is a nutrient or ph problem. I’ve noticed that the leaves on the colas and most of the upper parts of the canopy are slightly yellowish/light...
  16. Weouthere

    First Grow (Wedding Cake)

    Day 72 (Day 30 of Flower) Oh man she’s lookin good! Been watering with nutes and normal water as I feel she needs it. Probably should have a schedule but it’s sort of been feed feed water feed water water. She’s been REALLY thirsty, drinking a little more than a half gallon every 3 days...
  17. Weouthere

    Beginner Tea?

    I didn’t ever use it, but here is an easy recipe depending on the soil you’re using. I am using and was planning on using FFOF. I don’t remember the exact measurements but it was only water, ffof, and seabat (sea bird and bat guano). Mix it all together and let it sit. I’m sure a quick google...
  18. Weouthere

    Old dog, new tricks.

    I’m running Wedding Cake in ffof as well if y’all wanna check my journal it’s my signature
  19. Weouthere

    Can somebody help?

    Nitrogen toxicity? Overwatering btw isn’t how MUCH water but how often. I don’t use coco it seems too finicky for me but hopefully someone will be along soon with more help than I am lol :joint:
  20. Weouthere

    Brandon's frost factory

    Me too man! I kept saying “next week” for two weeks but it was perfect when I finally did.