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  1. GrowinDad

    How high is too high humidity???

    Congrats on first harvest!!! Obvious answer is to get a dehumidifier. They aren't cheap but they work. HOw large is the room the tent sits in. If small, maybe get some of the Rid Damp things people use in basements. With the exhaust going, not much you can do in the tent. So you need to dry...
  2. GrowinDad

    my cuttings in propagation.

    They usually come with a clear plastic lid. They need very little light. Wiht 300W I would put it about 18-24" above at least. May make more sense to get a few normal 32W CFL for it to be safe.
  3. GrowinDad

    Tie backs vs normal grow

    You will see it called LST here: low stress training. Very common and very popular.So "yes"!!
  4. GrowinDad

    Starting pots

    Also much harder to water early on with a tiny plant in a large pot. I go solo cup to 1 gal to 3 gal..
  5. GrowinDad

    whats it take to get feed back?

    Start writing in paragraphs. We old timers can't read those long ass paragraphs. Literally, my mind can't folllow it...
  6. GrowinDad

    How long to have lights off for ?

    No need for any. Just flip the timer..
  7. GrowinDad

    First timer 2 plant cardboard grow

    Do lots of traing. You wants lots of tops and to keep her short. Remember she will double in size once you go 12-12. What about odor control? I have a similar setup I use for drying. I hooked a carbon filter up to a 4" duct fan for exhaust.. Worry not about yield for now...
  8. GrowinDad

    Nute Recomendations?

    DynaGro - Foliage Pro and ProTekt.
  9. GrowinDad

    Stem is turning brown, slow growth.

    Post a pic.. Probably fine and she's just growing roots.
  10. GrowinDad

    CFL help

    I would find some sort of rubber washer that works. If not, the metal kind of duct tape...
  11. GrowinDad

    Perpetual SOG Timeline / Feedback Requested

    Way overly optimistic from the start. When I take a cutting, I would say two weeks min before she is really growing anything above ground. Second, another 10-14 days (off the top of my head), before there is possibly anything there from which to cut clones. Also realize you need some node...
  12. GrowinDad

    Soil PH

    I'm with @charface. I don't PH my soil unless I am having an issue. But I believe in PHing water and nute solution. I know soil is supposed to buffer but from my personal experience, when I get lazy on it, I see an impact. I think your municipal water characterisitics may have an impact...
  13. GrowinDad

    Peat moss??

    Can it work - yes. Will it work is the real question and if a new grower, IMO, you are setting yourself up for challenges. I would avoid using MG. It is very easy to overuse it. Get a better nute that is simple (I rec Dyna Gro, Foliage Pro and ProTekt are all you need). I used to make a...
  14. GrowinDad

    indoor, best nutes with Promix HP and why??

    I use Promix and I use Dyna Foliage Pro, Dyna ProTekt, and H&G Drip Clean. The latter may not be necessary but I never have lockouts.... But that is it and all you need.
  15. GrowinDad

    Cuttings and topping

    I use tops for clones all the time. Will be cutting some in an hour or so.. You can top more than once. And you can cut where you like. Lower branches also make great clones! I assume you meant lower ones when you said sides.
  16. GrowinDad

    Results with low light?

    It'll work. But I will tell you that it will frustrate you. You will then start pondering rotating them to even it out. And then you will say fuck it and buy a second light so you can expand to six. Well maybe not you but that is my exact story!
  17. GrowinDad

    How important is direct light for seedlings?

    Seedlings don't need a ton. If she starts stretching or bending toward the light, you will know she needs more. Also, never underestimate the power of a couple normal CFLs and a desk lamp for something this.
  18. GrowinDad

    Advice needed

    I would tie them down and/or supercrop...
  19. GrowinDad

    Just want easy to make vape liquid

    Of course it depends on how much flavor you want. But prob about 30-40% of the VG. Note: You are not going to get something strong enough to vape with that method. You can't get enough THC concentrtion into the VG...