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  1. GrowinDad


    Read up, develop a tentative plan, and then ask specific questions. You didn't even say if growing indoors or out. Your soil doesn't look very good. And it looks way too wet to me. Not trying to sound like an asshole. But there is a lot to know and you clearly haven't read up...
  2. GrowinDad

    soil and pest question

    People actually cook it first.
  3. GrowinDad

    pH issue/N def?

    Def seems like some overwatering.
  4. GrowinDad

    EJ Mix Ratio

    Absolutely. As long as it is still warm, not a problem at all.
  5. GrowinDad

    EJ Mix Ratio

    I finish purging the ethanol and then mix in my EJ. Then I add my PG and mix again. I don't know what impact adding the other stuff in would have on the purge. The only reason I add the extra in is to suck it up and get it into a normal glass dropper bottle. It helps with the measurement as...
  6. GrowinDad

    HELP Please

    Not really. I have some small channels cut out of the bottom to let air in. Any odor is form not having a strong fan in there. Ona, IMHO, is just like spraying an air freshener. It may cover up the weed, but anyone would wonder why that smell. It is a little institutional smelling.
  7. GrowinDad

    Quick LST Question

    You can top and LST. I do it all the time. You can LSt anything. But primary shoots end up with better results, more even canopy.
  8. GrowinDad

    HELP Please

    I have a carbon filter attached in a cardboard box I use for drying. Basically, the filter sits in a corner of the box (propped up on a box). I attached it to a duct fan that sits on top of the box. You just need to make sure it is all propped up on something for weight.
  9. GrowinDad

    So far so good with Dyna-gro

    The most I use is 5ml/gal. Mostly around 3ml/gal.
  10. GrowinDad

    So far so good with Dyna-gro

    Protekt and Foliage Pro start to finish. Sometimes I suppliment with some bloom if I see a need but rare. I was totally happy when I used bloom and grow, but even happier since moving to FP!
  11. GrowinDad

    Ph worries

    I think need to PH in soil depends on your water. My water is really high and my soil, even with added lime, does not buffer. When I get lazy on PHing my feeds, it shows. Just get everything you are feeding the girls to 6.5 and you should be fine.
  12. GrowinDad

    A question about the Temperature of my AeroGarden

    It looks small but healthy. I wouldn't worry about that. You need to do basic research on growing weed and then ask questions. If you are asking about sexing a seedling, that is your first step. I don't use an aerogarden. But if you are in one of those tiny things where someone can clip a...
  13. GrowinDad

    Does the new Area 51 w90 have potential?

    I think you could definitely grow one plant under it. I throw four under my SGS160 and two under my lower one (75 or 90W?).
  14. GrowinDad

    making glycerin tincture. curing question

    If trying to make an ejuice, a simple ticture will no be strong enough. Go to the concentrates section and you will find what you need... VG doesn't work well in ejuice as it separates from the oil. PG and PEG are better. Best place to find VG and PG is Amazon by the gallon...
  15. GrowinDad

    Noob here. Be kind. :)

    I don't think you can scrog with an auto... Not enough veg time... You want something with P and K, not just N. Look up the ratios on popular bottles of nutes to get where you want to be. I don't like the red/blue lights, I would get one of the all white ones designed for start to finish...
  16. GrowinDad

    Question about branching when LST

    I have never grown an auto, but training seems best suited to photo period plants. There are two things with LST. One is to create more tops. Basically, when you put a vertical shoot horizontal, all the nodes because their own main cola. I don't think this is the thing to do with autos. To...
  17. GrowinDad

    yellowing leaves

    What are you feeding them? Probably need N...
  18. GrowinDad

    Mother and Veg tent lighting

    It is one from I think that was teh URL, been a long time. Just a basic Metal hood. There are seven sets of bulbs on v adapters so it is long. My veg cab is two small kitchen racks facing one another wiht some space in between, all wrapped in gorilla film. Ugly but works...
  19. GrowinDad

    First time tent/soil grow

    One fly won't hurt anything. Maybe it will get sucked up into your exhaust fan :-)
  20. GrowinDad

    Mother and Veg tent lighting

    I run normal Cree LED bulbs (8W I think) in a hood for my veg area. Hood takes 12 bulbs, I use 9 LED and three CFL (for added heat). I can veg out 6 or so plants pretty easily. I love them!