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  1. GrowinDad

    ....need some help.....AGAIN...

    Well if they are herms then they are producing pollen. So if there are any females around flowering, yes they will get pollenated and produce seeds. It won't herm them, and in theory a female that gets pollenated by a herm "female" will only produce female seeds. No way to reverse it and...
  2. GrowinDad

    advice please on soil ph balancing please :)

    I don't know that coco product or grow in coco, but coco gets treated like soiless, doesn't it? So you need lower PH overall. Do some serious reading and less acting to get yourself in shape!
  3. GrowinDad

    Ph problems for soil grow....3rd grow

    This is where you need to know your soil as it may already have the lime in it... I add it to my neutral soil mix. But right now I hav some plants in FFOF for the first time and only ammended it with perlite. I have seen some people say they up their feed/water PH to 6.8 or so late in flower...
  4. GrowinDad

    advice please on soil ph balancing please :)

    Slow down. Post a pic. Write in sentences so old folk like me can follow... You are going to do more harm than good trying to fix things. For a slight nute burn, I would do nothing. On my next water only feeding, I would go for a little more run off. That's all. Runoff does not equal soil...
  5. GrowinDad

    Ph problems for soil grow....3rd grow

    The soil should naturally be okay. I don't really test my soil. I do adjust all water or water/nutes to 6.5 PH before it goes to the girls. I have a Blulabs PH pen.
  6. GrowinDad

    Label your shit...

    I'll just say that when popping seeds, label and track. I am just now getting out of a drought caused literally by one bad seed. I didn't track what clones came from what and ended up with my plants all being from the one bad seed. For the first time since i started growing, I am cutting it...
  7. GrowinDad

    Ph problems for soil grow....3rd grow

    A soil PH meter i the way to test. NOt sure what you are using. My rule of thumb, PH everythng that goes in and no need to worry from there.
  8. GrowinDad

    What's the best water to use on my girls?

    I got the PUR filter for my beer brewing originally. It does remove chlorine and some stuff. But I honestly can't say it is helping me any and may be a small waste of money. But nothing like buying water!!! I imagine it may also depend on the quality of your tap.
  9. GrowinDad

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    I would switch to 18 hrs of light, not 24. Don't add nutes until your plants show they need them. I would recommend getting a nute brand more commonly used. I am a DynaGro guy myself. You made no mention of exhaust, intake, or odor control. You will need to get a filter fan combo to exhaust...
  10. GrowinDad

    What's the best water to use on my girls?

    Tap. I use a PUR filter that fits on my faucet as well. Let it sit for a day or two or air out any chlorine. Key thing is to adjust PH appropriately before feeding.
  11. GrowinDad

    Just planted my first clone, need lots of help

    I am with Suess. Watering issue. Post pics.
  12. GrowinDad

    When starting to flower where do i want to add my dark period at?

    What Salty said. Your call. Only difference is when makes most sense for temps in your room. This time of year, some like lights off during the hot hours of the day.
  13. GrowinDad

    How to vape weed?

    I have never found a good pen for herb, but also got tired of trying. Today, my consumption is almost 100% Vape juice I make from hash oil. Lots of threads and info in the concentrates section. It goes into any normal tank and battery system. I like my nautilus mini tanks for it... Feel free...
  14. GrowinDad

    Stretching mid-flower and bud rounding

    What is your light cycle? That rounded leaf looks a lot like reveg to me. You are keeping on 12-12 right?
  15. GrowinDad

    what u do in different stages of managing your plant

    I go solo cup then into one gallon then into final 3-5 gal.
  16. GrowinDad

    help please

    I think your best bet is to post all tha you did, figure out what went wrong, and try again...
  17. GrowinDad

    Making your own soil.

    Here's what I mix up. Roughly equal parts of a cheap potting soil (Earthgro) with no time release nutes, plain perlite, plain vermiculite, and peat moss. I add in about 2T of dolomite lime per gallon of soil mix. If you can find a good source of big bags of perlite and vermiculite, it is dirt...
  18. GrowinDad

    need help

    Simple answer is yes.
  19. GrowinDad

    qwiso hash powder won't melt

    Honestly, you got me beat!
  20. GrowinDad

    what u do in different stages of managing your plant

    Best advice given so little info provided... Keep it simple. Don't try any of the funky shit you read about here other than basics like topping and LST until you have a few grows completed. When some problem arises, be slow to react, or at least don't overreact.