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  1. GrowinDad

    Magical Butter - Converting Tincture to Oil?

    Look into QWET and QWISO....
  2. GrowinDad

    First grow - Nervous about spots

    No, only where the water hit the leaf...
  3. GrowinDad

    First grow - Nervous about spots

    Any chance it is just nuted water that splashed onto the leaves?
  4. GrowinDad

    Drug test

    A haircut won't help. They take it from your underarms or legs instead. Depending on your metabolism, one week should be okay for urine. Other things you can try is drinking a lot of water, and taking some creatine (which makes the test not look diluted). Most head shops sell cleanse things...
  5. GrowinDad

    First time smoking pot

    My first time, smoking out of a coke can, I felt nothing and everyone else was baked as can be (all others had smoked before). The very next day I took a couple bong rips and was WASTED!
  6. GrowinDad

    28 days from seeds how do they look ?(PICS) pls reply

    They look fine. Your soil looks like it could something for aeration like perlite. Don't see any "big ones" and all are too early to sex. Good luck!
  7. GrowinDad

    Other plants in grow room?

    Basil, occasionally parsley or cilantro. Want to do more, but that would be precious space taken away :-)
  8. GrowinDad

    Spectracide safe to use in flower?

    I wouldn't spray anything my plants that I wouldn't put in my mouth... Unless you plan to wash your weed... Which I saw a video from Jorge on that was posted here but not for me...
  9. GrowinDad

    Silencio ! Need help building a super silent cab.

    And normal centrifugal fan will be loud or noticeable. The muffler helps, but the white noise is clear as day. I wonder whether running a series of duct fans would work. I use a 6" in my veg cab and a 4" in my drying box and they are truly silent with no muffler. So you would need to get...
  10. GrowinDad

    Failed drug test today for new job!!

    I work in the world of employment today and trust me, a company that requires a drug screen is not going to hire someone without one. Not unless they are coming specifically to you offering you a job without solicitation. I was talking about medical with a VP of HR a couple months ago and he...
  11. GrowinDad

    Why are my seedlings keep coming out like this

    First off, no need to start over. They aren't that bad. I am with others in guessing that your soil is the culprit. I have no problems with MG Seed Starter with some extra perlite for small plants. I don't use any other MG but that stuff is everywhere amnd works great for me. I would also...
  12. GrowinDad

    Clone questions?!?!?!

    The last two echo my sentiments.
  13. GrowinDad

    Cloning Problems - Need HELP!

    YIKES!!!! Since you are saying you haven't given them nutes in a week, what did you give them before? I am guessing you fried them.
  14. GrowinDad

    trying to clone

    I mist into those baggies every day or two. I do also put the cups on a seed mat.
  15. GrowinDad

    trying to clone

    As soon as you cut, you should throw the cutting into water to increase odds. Vermiculite holds water where perlite has it run through more. I like how they work together in my main soil mix - keeps it moist and airy. The bottle and O2 seem excessive to me. I go into solo cups with MB Seed...
  16. GrowinDad

    can I grow with these types of bulbs

    Warm white is better for flower than veg. They will work. I pop off the safety glass on the Cree LED I use in my veg cab. As you how many - as many as you can!
  17. GrowinDad


    24-7 in my tent...
  18. GrowinDad

    Shout out to homebrewer

    Swig was my homebrew BTW...
  19. GrowinDad

    Shout out to homebrewer

    Just saw this thread and not about to read 5 pages. So in the spirit of the OP, HomeBrewer is a class act from what I have seen, always there wiht a straight up answer/perspective. I am a DG guy and in tne midst of converting from Grow and Bloom to FP (and sticking with the ProTekt). So...
  20. GrowinDad

    qwizo's qwiso

    I made a drying box out of a large amazon box, duct fan, and old carbon filter. That's where I do all my drying, bud and concentrates. There is a mild alcohol odor the first few hours but that's it.