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  1. GuyLeDuche

    Got 2 free plants!?

    Ummm.... it looks very small lol... I can't see it ;)
  2. GuyLeDuche

    The Vault Comparative Grow, in association with Mephisto Genetics - Heisenberg Special Autos

    Here's a quick snap of my Heisenberg @8wks from sprout. She's 18" tall and you can see she would be perfect to SOG ;) Here's a blurry shot with a spray paint can next to her for scale:
  3. GuyLeDuche

    Seedling growing really slow please help

    My guess is the bulb is 75w equivalent? That's not enough IMO, the 23w actual (100w eq.) are best I think, you might want at least 2 of them.
  4. GuyLeDuche

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    Nice job buddy! That looks really good, was it the AxT?
  5. GuyLeDuche

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    I put my Fast & Vast (contest winner :) ) in a 3gal, you want about a gallon per month of life. While I disagree with the OP on the quality of modern Autos, I have always wondered why they were suggested for beginners. I find them so easy to permanently fuck up, any little mistake anywhere in...
  6. GuyLeDuche

    Anyone grown Midweek Songs - Girl Scout Cookies ??

    I have one of these (GSC) in my stash, I hope you guys can post some bud shots when they are done for inspiration? I added it as a freebie on a whim so I'm glad to hear they look good :)
  7. GuyLeDuche

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Thanks :) The Cookies I ran before almost tripled at flip so I may have to throw this one on the back porch lol, but timing wouldn't allow me to flip it until now. I'm still looking for easy myself ;) but I picked up the Dinafem Critical+ 2.0 because it's claimed to be fast flowering (7-8wks)...
  8. GuyLeDuche

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Cool, I think I have the short pheno, mine is very bushy and I keep having to work it to keep a good canopy. Here's a crappy snap of mine @ Day32 of Veg: And from a side view you can see how I like to train, with 4 mains in a + then all topped a few times And since I have the camera...
  9. GuyLeDuche

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Great stuff guys, gets me excited to see what mine will do :) I'm about 5 weeks into veg on a Barney's Critical Kush and a Dinafem Critical+ 2.0, and also have a 8 week veg Barney's Cookies Kush going ;) I've run the Cookies before and have an idea what the 2.0 will do, but I'm wondering how...
  10. GuyLeDuche

    NEED WISDOM!! Need A Double Check Please ...

    I get 70 cubic feet for your space? That would make the 4" more than ample IMO... The "recommended for grow volume" line I think means actual floor space, so the 4" would do a 3'x3' grow space and the 6" would do 6'x6' (sorry it's in feet, I'm a colonist ;) )
  11. GuyLeDuche

    germination is the seed dead? (pics)

    That's more or less what I do too. I put them in water until they sink (it is possible to drown them if left too long), then it's into the damp paper towel in a baggie until I see them crack and the tap pokes out. After that I was going into a solo cup, but I kept getting the moisture wrong so I...
  12. GuyLeDuche

    I'm having a problem naming my plant.

    I feel the exact same way lol, my plants have clever designations like "CK1/4" or "PF2" ;) Just entries in a log...
  13. GuyLeDuche


    I personally keep the first two 5 blade leaf nodes and top just above them usually...
  14. GuyLeDuche

    Easy way to get seed out of bud

    Last time I had some I pushed it through a metal pasta strainer. Got back a pile of nice seeds and a pile of bud powder lol. Worked great in the vaporizer, but I didn't like smoking it (maybe too many hull remnants). I ended up running a bunch of QWISO with most of it and that worked out great too.
  15. GuyLeDuche

    Clone help

    Yea they look hungry to me, I would give them 1/4-1/2 strength feed personally. Some of the newest growth will often be yellow at first, and I think that may be what you are seeing on the bigger ones, but they do look underfed to me as well. Often you get the downward droop if the plant is sad...
  16. GuyLeDuche

    Clone help

    Some yellowing at first is normal as the plant eats itself while waiting for the root system to develop enough. I haven't used the Happy Frog, but I think it's pre-loaded with beneficials which may need time to grow out the microbes, IDK I use soilless lol. Maybe a little reading up on the soil...
  17. GuyLeDuche

    Want To Make 100% Sure There Are Ball Before I chop

    Is it the only plant in your garden? If it's a true hermi it can still produce some good flower, you would just have to get the seeds out after harvest. Of course if it's just a straight male then it's not much use unless you really want the pollen. I had a plant with these: and ended up...
  18. GuyLeDuche

    Will panda film melt easily?

    I think the smell is going to depend on the strain more than anything, though I've read that stress can cause the plants to give off more smell as a defense, so keeping them happy should help, but I'm not sure about a direct relationship between heat and smell.. I think 1 smallish plant in a...
  19. GuyLeDuche

    Will panda film melt easily?

    IDK if it will work for you, but I find diamond film far superior to panda film for wall lining. It's thicker, more reflective, and better insulation. I have 2 DIY tents made from panda film and am now lining the inside with this stuff, it really is good IMO...
  20. GuyLeDuche

    Vault Promo – Buy or win CBD Oil from The Vault

    Awesome guys :), I'm in!