Search results

  1. GuyLeDuche

    First seed order.

    I ran the Chronic x NL that I got as a freebie, it was decent middle-shelf, though it didn't get much frost for me. To its credit it was extremely easy to clone, had vigorous veg growth, and took training very well. I ran a few clones straight to 12/12 and got I think 1/4-1/2oz each, with almost...
  2. GuyLeDuche

    3 and a half weeks into flower

    Well to be fair midweek song just repeats the info the breeder puts out, they have nothing to do with flowering times. I know CFLs are very slow, especially using just 3 23w bulbs ( I would use 8-12 for that plant in a scrog). I've had weeks added to flowering times of known strains trying to...
  3. GuyLeDuche

    200 w cfl grow, by DANfour20

    ^This would be my guess. I have a small 8x23w closet box for projects and backup, and it does really well with proper training and decent plants. I have 6x bagseed clones in there ATM, they got really sick so they don't look great here, but the box is pretty nice lol The issue with CFLs...
  4. GuyLeDuche

    Barney farm seeds?

    Yea I've seen it, not convinced it's a real issue though. I noticed he uses some weird culinary paper in the video, IDK what it is made of. I use good quillion-free paper and a glass ball collector, I'm quite confident there's no paper particulates in my oil. Good shout though, people should be...
  5. GuyLeDuche

    Barney farm seeds?

    Yea it was good smoke, made great Rosin too. Very light color and great terp profile :) This squish came out like an ink blot test lol, people seeing angels and elephants haha
  6. GuyLeDuche

    Barney farm seeds?

    I ran some Cookies Kush I got from MWS, it was super frosty and terpy, but 2 of the 3 self seeded a little bit, nothing to ruin the crop though. I think this snap is from around wk5-6 and the plant had about 3wks veg. I'm currently running a Critical Kush freebie (also MWS) from Barney's...
  7. GuyLeDuche

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    Fair point, just because someone said something I know to be untrue doesn't mean I have to make an issue of it. People are allowed to be wrong lol. As far as not trying to insult me, I'm not so sure.... Not exactly a compliment.... But no hard feelings and I apologize for slightly...
  8. GuyLeDuche

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    FYI, your plant's leaves store nutrients like your arms store cheeseburgers lol. The roots convert the nutes into stuff the plant can actually use, you won't find stores of Mag, Cal, or any other mineral in the leaves. Do some basic book learnin'... But what do I know, I'm just a "ficticious...
  9. GuyLeDuche

    Save the first-timer..

    I'm no expert, but I think I can help with a few of your questions.. 1. The issue IMO with planting directly in the end pot is commonly over/under watering. At first the rootball is very small and can be drown or dried out very easily. With Autos (which like to be planted in their final pot) I...
  10. GuyLeDuche

    cfl grow from seed

    Haha, you got it ;) Gets kinda warm in there, so I tossed an exhaust fan above the fixtures and popped some holes in the first, but ended up cutting squares out over the bulbs in the 2nd, felt like the loss of reflection directly above the bulbs was nominal and it makes a big difference on...
  11. GuyLeDuche

    cfl grow from seed

    This is my simple little closet box for overflow/orphans, I like to run a mix of 2700k and 5000k 23w bulbs, nice and cheap at WalMart lol
  12. GuyLeDuche

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    This thinking really confuses me. Last I heard, a plant needs 16 different nutes. How many nutes are stored in your leaves? Mine have none lol
  13. GuyLeDuche

    Looking for light

    Maybe T5s are an option? They are cheap and low heat, I've seen some guys use them for the full cycle with great success. Especially with 2 4bulb fixtures using mixed spectrum, set at a 45deg angle to optimize light angles.
  14. GuyLeDuche

    12-12 from seed yeild?

    FWIW all the plants in the Party Cup Challenge are 12/12 from seed, some prodigious yields in past events...
  15. GuyLeDuche

    The Vault Comparative Grow, in association with Mephisto Genetics - Heisenberg Special Autos

    I like your style bud, paper mache cups in a Sterilite bin lol. I'm totally down with the DIY gardener :) Full respect to the people who have it all, but some of us need to get creative ;) Edit: This is me getting creative with some orphans I couldn't bring myself to cull Hard to see, but...
  16. GuyLeDuche

    The Vault Comparative Grow, in association with Mephisto Genetics - Heisenberg Special Autos

    I'm pretty new to autos as well, but I think I did ok last run by just watering lightly (maybe 1/2cup) in a ring around the plant, about midway between the stem and the outer edge. I felt like this kept the roots from drowning, and made them reach out towards the moisture. I use SS #4 as well...
  17. GuyLeDuche

    Alien x Triangle auto comparison by The Vault

    Here's a quick snap of my 2nd round of AxTs that I'm running alongside the Heisenbergs, I can't believe it's only been 14 days since I dropped them in water to start germ :)
  18. GuyLeDuche

    hey ....just need some feed back from others

    Personally I would spend the $100, for the peace of mind knowing it's authentic and the newest build, as well as starting a relationship in case there are issues, it's often better to deal directly IMO.
  19. GuyLeDuche

    Win 100 Awesome Seeds with The Vault and Sweet Seeds!

    Another awesome giveaway! Black Jack Auto looks good to me :)
  20. GuyLeDuche

    The Vault Comparative Grow, in association with Mephisto Genetics - Heisenberg Special Autos

    That was fast! You must be neighbors lol. Congrats on getting in, the last comparative grow was great, good bunch of people sharing ideas/experiences :) I think they would be ok to store just in the pack they come in, it's pretty airtight. I would just find a safe place that is cool, dry and...