Search results

  1. MrMoores

    what difference makes the size of the pot?

    i just started using air pots for this grow and there booming when i was gettin opinions for them one guy sed to me when u pull your plant out of the pot after harvest its roots are like a bog brush [one of those brushes u use to clean shit from the inside of your toilet] lateral rooting all...
  2. MrMoores

    AirPots technology plant pots

    gunna try my own make up using some non coloured thin fabric and net pots [i think u get the idea], probably wont work as well as yours or have the re-usability BUT im usualy good with this sort of shit, just thought rite now... i could just put the fabric in the wash after each grow! these seem...
  3. MrMoores

    AirPots technology plant pots

    Wow. that link you posted has some incredible information had to stop reading when i got near the bottom otherwise my brain was gunna need defragmenting so much to take in. And thxs for the help mint idea with your airpots get a patent on them mate :D wot about net pots lined with the weed...
  4. MrMoores

    Single Cola Grow Journal (Round 2)

    top notch stuff guys +1subscribed, im looking to do this myself and few weeks ago went searching on the internet typing in "single cola grow cannabis" and took me to a thread on rollitup i got interested and subscribed but that was only moderatly interesting and helpful this thread is the fukin...
  5. MrMoores

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    if i was you id try to keep your plants close and do lot of pruning but its do-able Qeustion- for flowering... is a 400 watt red sprectrum hps better then a 600 watt multispectrum hps??
  6. MrMoores

    AirPots technology plant pots

    i seen someone using pipes as pots by taping a bag to the bottom so u can still have alot of soil for them to root to and cram more plants in great for sog and single cola i think when i get these pipes im simply gunna punch alot of small holes in the side of them to increase air intake to the...
  7. MrMoores

    is a 400w hps red spectrum better then a 600w multispectrum for flowering?

    thxs but its not cleared it up totaly for me
  8. MrMoores

    is a 400w hps red spectrum better then a 600w multispectrum for flowering?

    i dont think its as simple as that im talking about the spectrum of light the plants will be receiving from a 600 watt multispectrum bulb, if the percentage of blue to red in these bulbs are 50/50 then you would need 800watts to match the output of a single 400 watt red spectrum bulb, trouble is...
  9. MrMoores

    is a 400w hps red spectrum better then a 600w multispectrum for flowering?

    cant seem to find the answer anywhere , hopefully one of you guys knos
  10. MrMoores

    Comment Alerts

    i think a trick from facebook would come in handy on here instead of searching thru loads of new threads if it poped up "MrMoores has replyed to your comment on thread1" you could skip straight to it i waste loads of time searching to see if i have replys Thanks:wall:
  11. MrMoores


    also my brother pk'd them [wich is a nute to be used in the final 2 weeks] about 3 weeks to early the fuking tard, anybody kno wot will happen regarding that? also, we started pk'ing them again, wot effect will this have? [sorry for hijacking your thread bro i got carryed away with myself]
  12. MrMoores


    ye, would nt worry bout that, try not to stray to far though , my bros electric went they got about 2 hours too long then the timer broke few days later and they ended up changing schedules alot due to him getting home from work n shit only in the region of an hour or less, theyr fine but they...
  13. MrMoores

    Grow tent help PLZ!!!

    id get one this size, have a look at there other tents.. for some reason it would be far cheaper to get 2 tents that are half the size you...
  14. MrMoores

    F*ck jail

    drink a shit load of flush :D or move to england jail is cushy you get a tv in ur pad , 3 meals , hav a few fights play footi do some weights then maybe a game of pool later on, not much of a deterant
  15. MrMoores

    AirPots technology plant pots

    Realy ! how com everyone isnt using thm? iv never seen any pics of plants in em
  16. MrMoores

    500 grams of dried product each indoor plant? anybody confirm this?

    i just think you need enough soil for it to root in to and enough time to vedge and good conditions obviously but i dont think u would need to have SO much experiance , heres another strain that claims to be "massive" yeilding...
  17. MrMoores

    AirPots technology plant pots

    opinions please i would love to try these out the logic behond them seems good maybe some one can poke a few holes in there product [watch the video]
  18. MrMoores

    Canna Coco grow

    i use canna coco terra plus, the one with added perlite i found it to be better then the normal canna coca witch one do you use?
  19. MrMoores

    Northwest of England Growers

    only if ur a united fan
  20. MrMoores

    people in the know, can 1 plant be better than multiple in tent ?? info inside

    weird!, im in the exact same ponderous predicament, i was thinking of doing single cola plants [for the 1st time] but due to more reading people saiyin sog is most yeilding im in two minds, but with you id say the choice is clear 9 plants vedging for about a week in that flood n drain setup is...