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  1. Monkeyfloss

    Can i re-use soil???

    hmm interesting. Broadsheet or Tabloid?
  2. Monkeyfloss

    Can i re-use soil???

    I hear what youre saying, soil is dirt cheap.... But its really environmentally unsound and for me thats a consideration. It took a load of Hydrocarbons to dig it out the ground then transport it to the shop etc.... Yes, I know someone will point out "what about your 2x600w HPS on 24hrs a day...
  3. Monkeyfloss

    Is this safe? PIC included

    lol very creative? huh? ... The dude screwed some light fittings to an old piece of wood or am I looking at the same pics.
  4. Monkeyfloss

    Can i re-use soil???

    Thats not what I said ...... IF you feel you have left over salt in your soil flush with water ... It shouldnt be too hard for you, if it is you should find an easier hobby. also, IF you have crawling pest they can be frozen. In certain parts of the world this can be done by leaving outside over...
  5. Monkeyfloss

    Can i re-use soil???

    IMHO Using soil once is a joke.... Anyone you starts growing with soil just has to learn how to treat it before reusing it.... Left over salts can be flushed and pests die with either freezing or baking. Its all good, try it if you havent already!
  6. Monkeyfloss

    1st time grower. Can someone help me with my plants leaves? Lots of pics SLH

    I would ..... flush out a little with some fresh water. Then add an organic compost tea brew with all the good stuff. seaweed extract, worm casting etc. Then start my feeding regime new with reduced nutrient feed or no feed at all for a week or so. The plants are very young and dont really...
  7. Monkeyfloss

    best store bought soil

    errr I never called you Hitler, just made a little joke. Although now you mention it .... When you start a post by saying I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about. 'That has a touch of the 'Mein kampf' about it. also , if you...
  8. Monkeyfloss

    clone tips turning yellow

    Heres my 2 pence. ..... They need humidity. either a dome or propagator. .... regular misting, they'll root faster if slightly warm temps
  9. Monkeyfloss

    Is this safe? PIC included

    OK .... not a troll and before you tell other people not to listen to my posts you should do some research and learn what a T5 actually is... That way you might be able to impart some actual knowledge and not the sycophantic drivel you posted above. peace
  10. Monkeyfloss

    Tangerine Dream Week 11.5 flower

    Well good luck with those strains. Smoke some Rhino last week, proper couch locked I was. .... anyways.... whats up with your light reflection?? Dont you like using Mylar or Black/White sheeting. The plants would prefer it to your khaki painted walls. peace
  11. Monkeyfloss

    best store bought soil

    I dont know what the best is ... havent tried them all. I do recommend Biobizz all mix or Plagron do a new supermix containing all the good stuff.
  12. Monkeyfloss

    best store bought soil

    'I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about.' Adolf Hitler (1939)
  13. Monkeyfloss

    Can i re-use soil???

    also, since soil is mainly composed of 'rotten' organic matter it can hardly be called 'fresh' however many times its used.
  14. Monkeyfloss

    Can i re-use soil???

    No No No .... Toilet paper cannot be reused. Unless you fold it over and use the other side.
  15. Monkeyfloss

    Tangerine Dream Week 11.5 flower

    Also ... I may be wrong but those buds do not look very dense. are you getting enough light to those girlies. ... some mylar maybe??
  16. Monkeyfloss

    Tangerine Dream Week 11.5 flower

    Was going to try Barneys Tangerine but ....... They look a bit too leggy for me. I prefer the shorter strains. looks sativa dominant. and flower time would be too long for me. Great job though (on the plants not the pics lol)
  17. Monkeyfloss

    Can i re-use soil???

    Yes - nature 'reuses' soil all the time.
  18. Monkeyfloss

    Hydro Seeds?

    I hate to say it but I reckon this OP will have a challenge on his hands to produce any smokeable bud. Seems he's one of those pseudo-scientific dudes who dreams up a crackpot idea and runs with it.... Goodluck anyhow.
  19. Monkeyfloss

    Is this safe? PIC included

    That doesnt look good at all.... Dude, growing weed is supposed to be fun ! Do yourself a favour and get yourself a half decent setup. ... At least a T5 unit or something. Youll get better results with less risk and pussying around.
  20. Monkeyfloss

    Why Do Pot Plants Produce A Smell?

    1. The smells have been selectively bread by humans 2. Humans taste and smell are closely related, if the plants didnt smell they wouldnt be much fun to smoke.