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  1. Tym


    You do know that CFL's are florescent right? Florescents don't stretch out your plants, keeping your florescents far away from your plants stretches them out, same goes for any light source. (except the sun). all florescents, compact or not, need to be almost touching your plants. I've seen...
  2. Tym

    My First Ever Grow - Snow Ryder (white label) & Lowryder 2 - CFL 250watt dual spec

    Like Danielsgb said, I would get the roots out of light. I also would drown them in water, they also like oxygen! Some times you just get a seed that grows slower than the rest.. Don't worry about it, it's obviously nothing you're doing wrong, cause the others are fine, it's just the seed...
  3. Tym

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    A halogen lamp is no good for growing, use CFL's (compact florescent) Or HID (Metal Halide or High pressure sodium). If you're trying to go cheaper cause you're not sure if you want to keep growing or not, get CFL's. Depending on the strain, the plant could smell a lot or almost not at all...
  4. Tym

    The Moon Turns A Fire Red Tonight

    Dear clouds, Fuck you!
  5. Tym

    Carl Sagan (AKA my greatest hero) on Marijuana.

    (This account was written in 1969 for publication in Marijuana Reconsidered (1971). Sagan was in his mid-thirties at that time. He continued to use cannabis for the rest of his life.) …Initially I was unwilling to partake, but the apparent euphoria that cannabis produced and the fact that...
  6. Tym

    The Greatest Man Who Ever Walked On The Face Of The Earth.

    That's for sure. I love your avatar mistaphuck. + Rep!
  7. Tym

    The Greatest Man Who Ever Walked On The Face Of The Earth.

    15 years ago to the day. My greatest hero died. A man who taught me everything I needed to know about science. A man who's singly responsible for my life as it exists. A man whom I owe my career, my loyalty and my unbound admiration. When I was a little boy I was restless, I was always on the...
  8. Tym

    powdery mildew????

    Use the search function, This question has been answered many times. Most people get tired of repeating themselves. If you do a search you'll find what your looking for, since I'm a nice guy I did it for you. I found several threads on it already.. I just clicked on a random thread and found...
  9. Tym

    How reflective is Aluminum Tape?

    Yes mylar is much better..
  10. Tym

    How reflective is Aluminum Tape?

    Aluminum tape is just aluminum foil with adhesive on the back. So yes, it's the same. You can also pick up a can of mothers aluminum polish, you can get a mirror finish on that tape..
  11. Tym

    Whats Wrong? Plant looks droopy ...

    Yup, way to much water.. One of the most common new growers mistakes.. It's all good, live and learn :) It's a good idea if you're new to get one of those moisture meters from a gardening store, and only water it when the meter is on dry.. Or you can stick your finger down in the dirt a few...
  12. Tym

    AIDS Conspiracy

    Do you have evidence of such things happening?
  13. Tym

    AIDS Conspiracy

    No it's not. Fact does not mean "My own paranoid delusion for which I have no evidence".
  14. Tym

    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

    How could they compromise? Let me guess, the big bang happened but that's just how god did it? That's not compromise, that's accommodation. One less gap, so the creationist takes it one step back and says god created the big bang. Completely discrediting the book of genesis, a central tenant of...
  15. Tym

    The 10 Idiocies of Atheism

    It just goes to show that if there is a god, it's powerless and not worth worshiping.
  16. Tym

    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?
  17. Tym

    I Need a Hobby..

    I play guitar, bodybuilding, grow, electronics projects, youtube accounts, archery, paintball, Ultralight backpacking. etc...
  18. Tym

    The 10 Idiocies of Atheism
  19. Tym

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    If you're new to growing, stick with dirt. It's the most forgiving. Get a ballast that runs MH and HPS. Get a couple T5's for clones/seeds.. And get to it!
  20. Tym

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    True, but it's your name on the bill, she can always say she just received it for you, you can just say you're in between places. Either way, it is way less risk than getting it shipped to the same house you're going to be growing in. I don't know about your work, but at mine, people don't open...