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  1. HookdOnChronics

    Club 600

    Oh dude, I honestly can't even explain to you. It's like, starting all over again. I'm a new grower again. I know a hell of alot about my CFL's, but finally got me some HID. I find myself looking at the plants ALOT more often (like I did when I first started growing) and it's making it seem like...
  2. HookdOnChronics

    Club 600

    Hey guys, just got some better pix of the setup I thought I'd toss up jsut for the hell of it. 175w HPS, 400w HPS, and I've tossed a CFL underneith for light, and to make it up to the 600w ;) haha. Anyways, here's some better pix now. Strains = *Pineapple Express* - *Purple Napalm* - and *Lacy...
  3. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Thanks zoso! Always appreciated man! Oh sweet man! basically same here. Vegged with CFL's (really didn't do much vegging on most of them, lol) and now under 575w HPS. Sweet shit man! pretty plants!
  4. HookdOnChronics

    Passthatsh!t23 2nd Grow

    Hey man lookin good! In the first 3 pix, it looks like your growing in straight beach sand! lol, just curious as to what medium/soil/sand your using, lol. Lookin good tho man! NICE! I've got some seedlings in the boring veg stage aswell right now, lol, only about 12 days behind your 2 girls I...
  5. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Hell yea man that's sweet! I'd give it a go, worth it to me! I like almost every high man. So I'll be happy either day. And my after work bowl is my FAV bowl of the day! Someguy man..... I've been really contemplating hydro man. I'd really like to grow a few plants like that first before just...
  6. HookdOnChronics

    soil to hydro

    If this is really the case. It's probably dead, and not comin back. No leaves=no way of Photosynthesizing
  7. HookdOnChronics

    Inline Fan from HomeDepot... need opinion

    Yea this is exactly what I was thinkin!... My lazy ass just didn't want to make a diagram..... +rep for the bonzi
  8. HookdOnChronics

    Club 600

    lol, for real tho. Craigslist is the shit!!!!! Within the past 2 weeks. I have upgraded from 312w TOTAL of CFL. To 575w of HPS, air cooled hood, bulb, ballast, everything, and I spent a total of $40 for a 175w HPS, and $165 for a 400w HPS complete setup. So a total of $205 for a completely...
  9. HookdOnChronics

    Inline Fan from HomeDepot... need opinion

    lol, TRUMP!.. For real tho OP, I'd listen to Bonzi. lol Um sorry, not trying to make you sound like an idiot or anything. But ya see, what bonzi is talkin about here is having a passive intake. (pay attention here, because this WILL solve YOUR heat problems, oh wait, you already wasted money on...
  10. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Not a problem bro! You gonna be giving the air-root-pruning techinque a go next time round?.. I'm really really liking it!..
  11. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Ya know MC, I'm really not 100% sure on that. But I think they're only 2gal pots. Dude that's awesome! I'm REALLY glad to hear that! I've never smoked Purple Napalm, I've never seen Purple Napalm, I never even heard of Purple Napalm untill I got the clone! So I'm glad there's someone here who's...
  12. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Just some pix on my new setup for the LST thread. Pineapple Express, Purple Napalm, and Lacy girls LST'd under the new 575w HPS lights. Lovin it! lol, nice man! Looks a bit like my closet! haha, what lights you usin?
  13. HookdOnChronics

    Just harvested my first of two plants :) +pics

    Hye nice shit bro! Grats! I remember my first harvest. Makes a man proud! Looks good! And I was about to type all this shit out, but motherfucker took the words right outa my mouth!!!! lol, nice man! VERY nice! Listen to this guy!
  14. HookdOnChronics

    Ditty makes a $57 grow box in 22 minutes w/pix

    Sick ass veg box man. I made pretty much the same one myself just couple more lights. Works amazingly! Noticed you had one of them Hot Shot No Pest Strips in there. Just wanted to say, any bug problem you got, that thing will wipe them out! Those things are the shit for pest control! Nice man! Nice!
  15. HookdOnChronics

    Club 600

    If spider mites are your problem, then (click link>>>)Hot Shot No Pest Strip(<<<click link) is your answer. Guarenteed fix if used correctly. Careful tho, don't chill around in the same room as that shit for more than 4 hours a day. Aight!?! If you wanna know more, lemme kno. :blsmoke:
  16. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    All the girls just got a watering so I busted out the camera real quick. Strains again are, *Purple Napalm* - *Pineapple Express* - and - *Lacy* Everyone's doing awesome under this new HPS! I love it, wish I woulda gotten one sooner. It's all good tho, I've got one now. Enjoy peeps :weed:
  17. HookdOnChronics


    On his profile he said, (and I quote) "average yeild per plant dry 2oz in 60 days give or take a day and i plant 80 in the system at once so its around 160oz dry every 2 months " What kinda lights you gotta be runnin for that shit? lol, wow..... You DESERVE to get cought for being such an...
  18. HookdOnChronics

    Club 600

    Member that tincture I told you I was gonna make with my trim after last harvest MC?..... Well, I'm sitting here, drinking a tincture & tonic right now. Getting nice and baked! :) I DO drink to get high! :) hahaha And GOODDDDAAMMMNNNN!!!!!..... Ummm, got any tips for someone wating to grow a...
  19. HookdOnChronics

    Check out this new CFL

    Dude, I'm as straight as an arow..... But I'll be fucked in the ass before spending $59.99 on a SINGLE CFL bulb..... I've never used them... Seems a bit sketch to me
  20. HookdOnChronics

    2 weeks and 5 days of flowering ak-48 1000w hps

    just wait. Your first grow? You ain't seen nothin yet. I don't even know what your getting yourself all hyped up for. You got another 2 month's so stop killing yourself! lol, seriously, the best thing to do, is water them then forget about them. If your doing everything on schedual, you should...