Search results

  1. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    I have actually found hydro to be quite a bit of work. I hear people say all of the time that it's easier, but I went to soil because to me it was a lot easier. The absolute BEST hydro grow I've had I did with a method that is NOT fun and IS a lot of work. I tried lots of ways and...
  2. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    Your nutrient lineup and soil go hand in hand. If you are going to go fully organic then it's just a matter of ammending the soil properly and having enough to make it to the end. I believe that some growers will "brew" some teas that they can use if their soil isn't working it out, but I...
  3. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    Outdoor organic and indoor organic or "potted organic" to me are two different world. I have an organic garden outdoors in my backyard and it damn near works itself. In a potted environment it doesn't seem quite so straightforward. I have had pretty good success with soil growing, just not...
  4. laserbrn

    Help Clone Dieing!!!

    How long has it been planted? Just rip it out of there and put it in some Happy Frog or light warrior. Transplant back to the pot when it's ready. Going to take a long time for those clones to adjust to being in FFOF at that size. When you say 400w of flouro's are we talking CFL's or T5's...
  5. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    I have to comment Sunbiz1 after the aweful week I had on this forum last week. I like the suggestion to use organics and I like that he gave references, and did NOT pretend to be an absolute expert and present himself as something that he is not. His link to his own thread inquiring about...
  6. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    I mentioned that MG CAN grow plants. I worded it that way for a reason. If I make a statement such as you just made, 35 people will post defending MG, show pics of their plants, we'll have a huge debate about it and we'll be completely off topic for 2 1/2 pages. I don't recommend MG for...
  7. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    So I think I know what is going on. I've made a mistake. I noticed that 2 more plants had nanners. I've marked the plants that have had nanner spotted on them so that I can find them quickly to search them everyday. The others will be searched about twice a week. I noticed that the now 3...
  8. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    Are you certain you want to grow in soil? Let's start with Soil v Hydro. I have experience with both and I believe that hydro is the hands down winner. My current soil grow looks very promising, but I'm yet to have a soil grow that rivals my hydro grows. Nobody who has smoked my stuff has...
  9. laserbrn

    1000w hps or 2 600w hps?

    Oh yeah, but in all seriousness, no contest, 2x600w. 600w = 96,000 lumens 1000w = 155,000 lumens 2x600w = 192,000 lumens For 200w you get 37,000 lumens. That's a good deal. Those numbers are sort of irrevelant, but they show how much more light the lights put out. Add in that 600w's ride...
  10. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    What strength did you feed? Let them walk before they run.
  11. laserbrn

    1000w hps or 2 600w hps?

    Get 2x 1000w's and end the debate.
  12. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    My post was not a copy and paste. I was just getting ready this morning and got caught up rattling off the details that I think are most basic and important. Writing them repeatedly will help you to always remember them as well. I do use copy/paste at times, but I always cite a source. Any other...
  13. laserbrn

    Help needed any suggestion??

    I am always willing to help anyone who is serious about growing. I tend not to help those that are way off track and have unrealistic expectations about what this hobby is. So far you've shown you are one of the good ones. Given some time and experience you'll be succusseful at this. I've been...
  14. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    OWS protestors don't GIVE a shit. They want to GET all of the shit. I'm so tired of this class warfare nonsense. Fortunately most people are ignoring them, and those that aren't are laughing at them. "The gov't is corrupt" "The gov't is all bought off by Wall Street Big Wigs' "The gov't...
  15. laserbrn

    Anyone using ozone generator's???

    An Ozone generator is no replacement for a carbon filter. It will remove odor, but you'd have to run it unitl it was dangerous for humans to be around before it would remove all odor from an MJ grow. What it is good for is removing residual smell after carbon filtration. I have one and I run...
  16. laserbrn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I missed this thread somehow. I love this post, it's my favorit. Every cannabnis cup entry for the past 10 years has been flushed.... Flush your hydro for 7 days....How many cannabis cup entries have been grown in hdyro?
  17. laserbrn

    Does anyone water cure there bud?

    Don't be a clown. You can't fool people that have been around awhile. Anyone who looks through your post history can see your noob posts. Don't try to act like an internet tough guy, it makes you look stupiid. Don't pretend to be an expert on curing, flushing or harvesting when a few weeks...
  18. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    That's what I believe to be the problem here. The problem really is that I don't have a seperate veg area. If I did I would have taken clones and I'd be killing all clones from the hermied plants. I'd only keep clones from the best pheno and I wouldn't have to worry about this in the future...
  19. laserbrn

    Does anyone water cure there bud?

    Now you're just talking out of you ass. Those of us that are growing for our own personal smoke will properly CURE the bud (for the thousandth time it feels like) and therefore are not willing to starve plants near the end. The reason for this isn't just the benefit of a few grams, and that...
  20. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    No, not the worst news. Yes, feminized seeds.