it should be fine, just alittle stunted from the ordeal. As long as you have not damaged too much.
Water is pulled up through the xylem tissue of the plant. Which is like the BArk of the trunk .
It should make it !
You should search LST. Low stress training for your next one ;) .
You need the numbers off the globe , and it will tell you what all the UVA, UVB readings are. imfoa , you are going to need a particular type of bulb and light.
... someone who knows :) :) !!!!
:dose a little dance:
I don't meet to many with sympathetic back issues , though with your ruptures I can only empathise. But Im sure you are aware that back pain is debilitating regardless..
because when you argue with our reality, you lose - but only 100% of...
2.25 Locked in
2 Locked in
3.5 Locked in
probably have to do atlittle low stress training , but wont be doing much. Shes wild ;)
Thanx all for kind words, I will get update shots when things change :)