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  1. lio lacidem

    Any help out there?

    I answered In your other thread
  2. lio lacidem

    Any help out there?

    Your plant looks terrible now if you wanna find out why answer some of the questions the guy in your other thread asked you. Lots of problems look similiar in a picture.
  3. lio lacidem

    8 weeks into flower problem

    Take pictures
  4. lio lacidem

    Flowering problem

    Answer the same list of questions.
  5. lio lacidem

    Not sure if I should harvest when directed..

    You are correct in thinking it will not be done in 2 weeks. You probably have 4 weeks or so left
  6. lio lacidem

    What is the dumbest thing you have done to your garden?

    Whats wrong with growing sativas indoors?
  7. lio lacidem

    Choosing a breeder

    Goto the seed and strain section on here. Lots of reliable reviews.
  8. lio lacidem

    Bagseed pony tailing experiment.

    Dont know how that would work? Why not just lst It?
  9. lio lacidem

    One week after topping

    They look pretty good. They do look stretched a little but not much. Next time take pic without light on or move plant to normal light. Makes it much easier to see
  10. lio lacidem

    Flowering problem

    Holy hell! Ok start by giving some more Info please. 1. Growing medium 2. Lighting 3. Temps with lights on and off 4. What type of air excjange 5. How often and how much of what are you feeding them? 6. Whats your ph 7. How much and how often water. Answer those and youll get some help
  11. lio lacidem

    Help! Is that a nanner?

    I use a tweezers to remove them.
  12. lio lacidem

    Help! Is that a nanner?

    I dont wanna say you will def be fine but as long as they dont open you are fine. You seem like you check plants often so Id assume they are new and have awhile to mature.
  13. lio lacidem

    First Grow Journal

    18-24 hours. They usually sink after 12
  14. lio lacidem

    heat during flower

    I would def try and lower temperature ive found sfv og to be temperature sensitive and likes to throw out nanners in higher temps
  15. lio lacidem

    Help! Is that a nanner?

    Yep that looks like a gorillas wet dream. No need to panic. Take them out of room and carefully remove bannanas. Then just moniter It. Some plants pop a few but once you remove them they stop. Just dont do anything drastic and trash it too soon
  16. lio lacidem

    Brown Spots on Leaves (image)

    Until you explain what you feed and other question you arent answering no one can Identify your problems accurately. Many different issues look alike until you have more info
  17. lio lacidem

    Is this bud hermied????

    What have you been doing to that poor plant?
  18. lio lacidem

    Update..5 weeks in..any suggestions?

    And they stated they are only giving It big bloom as I stated its got no N at week 5.
  19. lio lacidem

    Update..5 weeks in..any suggestions?

    Well the Fox Farms website lists It as flowering nutes as it has 0% n.
  20. lio lacidem

    Update..5 weeks in..any suggestions?

    As suggested take pictures In normal light. One question though isnt big bloom for flowering not veg?