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  1. lio lacidem

    Help me out guys plz

    Im gonna go through your posts and see If I can help but its gonna be rough as you have done alot trying to fix it already. The best approach with plants is slow the hell down do not try alot of diff cures until you actuallyhave locked down the problem as these ffixes can cause avsnowball effect
  2. lio lacidem

    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    I am still not convinced at all that its not revegging. It doesnot look anything like a normal cola. Nothing you do besides putting it on 12/12 will help if im correct.
  3. lio lacidem

    Help me out guys plz

    Theres nothing wrong with asking questions...but I would refrain from starting multiple threads on same Issue. Not 100% on the soft rock phosphate but that may contain heavy metals. You may wanna look that up and see if im correct before using it.
  4. lio lacidem

    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    Have you tried any of the suggestions that were offered?
  5. lio lacidem

    First grow advice needed please

    You can put alot more plants then that under a 1000w. It all depends on how long you veg and how big. I agree with kt flip them let them sex and you should then have a manageable amount and a decent yield.
  6. lio lacidem

    Stinky strains

    Why are you posting this In this thread? You will get more help if you ask in the right forum and thread. Try general growing, newbie, or marijuana problems forum.
  7. lio lacidem

    How much will I get?

    Im going to be the voice of reason here. To me since you are asking about yield your probably a newer grower. That being said I would estimate you only get 14-28 grams per plant. You could get more but every mistake can effect yield and lets face it beginners will undoubtedly make them.
  8. lio lacidem

    Ph problems

    They look fine to me. They should grow out of that.
  9. lio lacidem

    New Plants, New Problems

    It is not heat stress. It is not stagnant air. It is mites and mite damage. I can almost guarentee that your caregiver only killed off the live mites then gave out clones. Eggs hatched you got the prize. The more you try and convince yourself its something else the worse its gonna get
  10. lio lacidem

    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    I would switch It to 12/12 and not water for 3-4 days and then only water when pots light. After 2 plain waterings 3-4 days apart you can start using 1/4 strength nutes every 2nd watering.
  11. lio lacidem

    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    You stated that It was random bagseed that was an auto. 1. How do you know random seed was an auto? 2. If it was an auto and self pollinated (usually case with single random bagseed) still only 80% of those seeds will be autos. 3. If it was pollinated by a photo then onlyb50% will be autos.
  12. lio lacidem

    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    And yes that Is definately too much water. Nutes every time? If yes overfed aswell.
  13. lio lacidem

    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    I dont think your auto Is right at all. If that was my plant I would immediately turn my lights down to 12/12 like its a photoperiod plant.
  14. lio lacidem

    Stem thin and white?

    Imo for that size seedling thats alot of water.
  15. lio lacidem

    Stem thin and white?

    They appear to be overwatered. How often and how much water are you feeding them?
  16. lio lacidem

    Ph problems

    Cupping can be a few different causes. Can you post a pic? What are your temps? Do you exhaust room? Is there a fan blowing directly on them.
  17. lio lacidem

    Looking for some input

    No that is not normal it is a sign of overwatering. The bigger concern are the little dots on those leaves. Have you check with a loupe for bugs? Clones are notorious for bringing bugs into a growroom. Also whats your ph?
  18. lio lacidem

    1st grow Helppp! Auto and Photo

    First question whats your light schedule? Looks like It was definately overfed and overwatered its whole life. But it almost looks like its revegging or something cause the structure dont look right.
  19. lio lacidem

    Think these babies are ready?

    Short answer Is no if you leave them like that and flip now you probably would hit 14g per plant. Follow some of others suggestions and up pot them and either top or do some lst on them. Veg longer then flip you will be glad you did
  20. lio lacidem

    am i doing something wrong here?

    Heres an Interesting bit of info. Vectors of transmission Wooly aphids (Eriosomatinae) and other sucking insects are often vectors of transmission for powdery mildew, and other infectious diseases. Typically wooly aphids in sub temperate climates precede and are an indicator of various...