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  1. Clonex

    Stupid question rep given

    i think when you get to that day , your instinct will tell ya if they are ready or not. depends on what the breeders personal preference is when smoking also, we all know how different strains can perform when cut early or late . . . how far along are they or are they not started yet ?
  2. Clonex

    Help my Cactus guys .............

    thank you for that. . . do all cactus plants flower then ? so they will be affected by their light cycle same as my mj plants ?
  3. Clonex

    Stupid question rep given

    i got cross threaded sorry about that , the bath quote was another thread on cracking seeds sorry umbre
  4. Clonex

    Stupid question rep given

    waffle is b s correct , only i was not talking to you my message was aimed at the bath quote lol
  5. Clonex

    Stupid question rep given

    wow, ticks all the box's , i will investigate , many thanks . .
  6. Clonex

    Does this look any goood. Now what

    but you still know the difference between a stick and a leaf my mate, its common sense not experience.
  7. Clonex

    Stupid question rep given

    no seedlings will perform the same. the 52 days is ball park figure. its never an exact science. interesting strain though, sativa with those stats. tasty.
  8. Clonex

    Stupid question rep given

    a plant will never ever , not ever perform to an exact date, nor will two plants from two seeds ever be the same. fact. your 53 days is ball prk at best.
  9. Clonex

    Yellow spots and wholes HELP

    wait until the next watering , i have learned over time that drastic measures never help if the problem is not that bad. yours is not that bad.
  10. Clonex

    Should I plant the seed?

    what are you on about umbre . . . make sure you soap under your arms. lay off the mushrooms.
  11. Clonex

    Stupid question rep given

    waffle sir. pure waffle.
  12. Clonex

    Seedling has stopped growing?

    its a young seedling in soil. it does not need anything but time.
  13. Clonex

    Has anyone ever seen 2 stems grow from 1 seed? (HELP)

    he has more posts in another account =)
  14. Clonex

    What is the point in Auto Flowering Plants ?

    Ahh right i see, so he can have flowering plants in a veg area running 18/6, brilliant, why is that good ? Seedbanks got bored at all....
  15. Clonex

    What is the point in Auto Flowering Plants ?

    I can leave my plants in veg as long as i want to ? that's not a reason.
  16. Clonex

    What is the point in Auto Flowering Plants ?

    I agree. Outdoor they can control the light by covering plants etc , Outdoor it may be useful i guess but totally pointless indoor ...
  17. Clonex

    What is the point in Auto Flowering Plants ?

    Yeah it was aimed at indoor growing , your point is valid.
  18. Clonex

    What is the point in Auto Flowering Plants ?

    Thank you i didn't think of that , that's a very good point , any advantage to the indoor grower ? +rep
  19. Clonex

    Help my Cactus guys .............

    Any ideas on what to feed them ?
  20. Clonex

    What is the point in Auto Flowering Plants ?

    Oh i see , they look good on a Balcony ..... hmmmmm