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  1. tea tree

    2 liter bottle ebb and flow, built, orchids, kalamchoe, herbs and more...

    just google 2 liter ebb and flow. I would not use it for pot. The roots get so long I hear it clogs after a full sog. At least put some screens. I ran it for a few weeks with pot and it did very well tho. It uses a pump and in the middle tube with no bottle there is a whole on top. Water will...
  2. tea tree

    What about growing a Neem tree?

    dude, dont put neem on yer cat, lol. And that shit stinks hehehe
  3. tea tree

    2 liter bottle ebb and flow, built, orchids, kalamchoe, herbs and more...

    i am doing good with the rwo liter botle system. however I have discovered orchid madness now and am going to buy a 24 table make a nice stand from wood and use those 27 gal black and yellow tubs that work well as reservoir. I get a lot of light from a window right there but I want to add some...
  4. tea tree

    Organic fertilizer recipe (bananas/eggs)

    i thru a bannana outside once and hada fungus gnats for a year. lol. so be sure to bury it. they are a bunch of punks.
  5. tea tree

    Air pump size question. DWC noob.

    right on. i read the 8 watt model and assumed that was it. it seemed a little weird that was it. thanks. no offense, always good to hear good news. I hate it when a hydro company lets me down. they are my church as i still attempt to get this grwoing thing down. my 20 watt is louder than my 35...
  6. tea tree

    2 liter bottle ebb and flow, built, orchids, kalamchoe, herbs and more...

    I built one of these looks like this That is not mine. Mine has diferent plants and is now a regular addition to my living room. I am using the lucas formula. I built a long time ago for pot but never really used it. I use green ones unpainted. Leaks are a prob to seal. Use...
  7. tea tree

    Air pump size question. DWC noob.

    1 watt per gallon is right. I have a 35 watt pump for 5 five gal buckets and a 20 watt for a 5 gal and a ten gallon. I wud not use the hydrofarm pump. It is a scam. 8 watts! Get on eBay and buy a 50 dollar 20 watt or a 60 dollar 35 watt. These are the real comercial airpumps and work very very...
  8. tea tree

    Bacteria in Aeroponics

    wait a minute. you say your pump is dual diaphragm. I hope it is not that crappy 80 dollar gh pump. That thing is like 8 watts and billed as special. It is retarded. you need 1 watt a gallon of water. I have a 35 watt pump for 7 five gallon buckets. I only run 5 on it in case it gets hot or in...
  9. tea tree

    Bacteria in Aeroponics

    lol, on another note. Dont buy the 35 watt 45$ airpump with free shipping. It works but it gets very hot and has plastic parts. I almost burned down my pad just now. Two hours ago I guess I tossed some dirty clothes on it by accident and I just checled the buckets and the pump had shut down...
  10. tea tree

    Bacteria in Aeroponics

    at leat I think. I had hot water and bad air for a few days. But it occured around airstones for me. Mine was clear jelly. H202 helped so did more and cooler air and cooler water. The smallest root systems became brown. The bigger made it.
  11. tea tree

    Bacteria in Aeroponics

    I just had this, lol. I just figured out what caused it. Also I just got rid of it. The prob came for me cuz the water got to hot. I just got a huge air pump. I placed it in the tent. So it was pumping its own hot air into the tent. After a few days of this with no h202 it got like that. I...
  12. tea tree

    And the idiot of the day award goes to tonkaak!

    what about some gypsum. that loosens clay soil. Just lay it all over the top and knead it in. The gypsum shud loosen the ionic bond of the clay.
  13. tea tree

    germination tray

    just soak until the taproot is well out. 100 percent success. then plant in rr, jiffy, rw, or soil or whatever. they grow like crazy. water is the key. I use tapwater with 8 ph and lots of minerals. water softeners tho are bad. they add sodium which is bad.
  14. tea tree

    Please Help me get he right equipment.

    lol, welcome to the right place. Dont be discouraged about putting things together yourself. screw those tiny sad bloomboxes. Cruzers is cool for sog. SO is albfucts hydro sticky. Every one forgets rotating four week sog sticky with two 1000 watters.' If I were you I would figure out a...
  15. tea tree

    hard water, alkaline, ph climb normal?

    trust me try them both if one does not give you satisfaction. I am using regular micro and tapwater with a calium 10 points under what is tech "hard'. When I used hardwater micro it kept my ph at 7.5 no matter what I did. But when I switched to reg micro I recieved an auto ph of 6.2 that STAYED...
  16. tea tree

    Super Lemon Haze 800watt hps grow journal

    I just smoked some of my SLH the other night for the first time and I fell over and started laughing. Seriously I could not walk. Strong shit.
  17. tea tree

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    i added about 120 mg of morphine a day to my diet and I am a much happier person. Seriously studies show this is a smart even us govt approved way to improve your day. :) No offense tho.
  18. tea tree

    store guy tells me happy frog is same as light warrior just less this true

    no. light warrior is also used as a soiless media it is so much peat and without any nutes gut the gentlest, worm castings with a 1-0-0 and used mostly for the beneficial microbes. Happy frog is a soil with less peat moss compostion and more fert, even batguano. It is a full on soil, true tho...
  19. tea tree

    Growers Against Miracle Grow

    you can grow in anything. I am growing in water! For christsakes. lol. buy miracle grow and support monsanto. Did you guys know they make a corn seed that needs no water. No bs. cool shit.
  20. tea tree

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    i dont think it is your ph. A higher ph like 6.2 just locks out P and some others. I have had high ph for a while in buckets and I only noticed probs in flower. It looks lead curl do to heat or maybe some water prob. Maybe the spray. I would look at those. Just my 2 cents. :)