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  1. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Oh sorry must've stumbled onto the wrong thread. Desperate Housewives, this one, is it? :D Nah it's cute. You're all more girlie than I am. EDIT: TTT, I don't mean cooking is girlie, OBVIOUSLY. It's just that usually it's the women's forums that involve lots of recipe recommendations and...
  2. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Waiting on a fairy text :D Flatmate at home ahead of schedule so I'm gonna have to fake a supermarket dash and that's gonna be tricky to pull off convincingly because I did a shop this afternoon :D
  3. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Glad the steak was up to your standards ;) And happy you ate
  4. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    :D :D Tell ya what, seeing as I probably won't see any of your avatars ever again... Just dusted off me old webcam, just for you, Griffta-who-still-believes-in-fantasies... Go check out my profile to see what the boys in the bushes can see at this very moment ;)
  5. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Nah, Cheddar let me down badly there :D
  6. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah what does mate have to do with gender? Who do you think girls hang out with if not their girl mates? (apart from me of course). You don't fool me, newuser ;-) I can see right through your flimsy mask of feigned indifference....
  7. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    :D The cap-gun and laser pen - genius :D Nah the whole point is I mis-timed stuff and now I'm suddenly smokeless, hence treble paranoia and zero chilling :D I'd be pacing all night even if I hadn't got that email - I've had insomnia for a long time now, hence my firm (and admirable) dedication...
  8. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    :D It's the middle of winter in the middle of nowhere. (a) I don't walk around the living room naked (another of Griffta's fantasies bites the dust), and (b) even if I was masochist enough to do so, a distant sheep of two on top of a distant hill would be the only witnesses to my metaphorical...
  9. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Axe! I knew there was something missing from my tool shed *manic axe murderer cackle* Actually blokes are better at bush-lurking than chicks (because men have larger bladders? because they have thicker hairier skin so feel the cold less? nope! because they are very very good at sitting still...
  10. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Got a moat of sorts actually :D If it werent so fast-flowing I would have filled it with a whole bunch of defensive measures, but most of them would end up in the Thames by nightfall unless tethered (and where's the point in that?!). Still, I like the way your mind works dude :D You're a sad...
  11. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I used to be pretty good at tracing emails but these days I'd probably need a subpoena or something =) yeah I've been itching for one of those prezzies myself, but I promised myself to only stock one illegal article in my house at any given time =) Probably have to make do with an air pistol or...
  12. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sent from Hotmail to my Gmail. I did the usual thing of viewing message source, but major email providers these days seem to scramble or hide locatable IPs - nothing sent from Gmail can be traced back to a geographical location, for example - and the sender is either in the same general area as...
  13. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Bah. Why does shit always rain onto my life the instant I run outta weed? Fucks sake, being bombarded by crap from all sides today. Been getting creepy anonymous emails since yesterday, weird ominous ones - somebody knows a shitload more about my current location and life than my own mother -...
  14. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Not really, but you did inspire some strokes of genius *still laughing at mantiszn's cuttings*
  15. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    ... and they are all heroes. The Queen was telling me just the other day, she wishes she could give them all an OBE or something for their contributions to peace in the British Empire, working day and night to keep the UK stoned. Seriously though. Heroes.
  16. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Getting terrorized by us is half the point of hanging out here (the other half is absorbing expertise by osmosis) :D There are a few UK-ers who terrorize with wit, pizazz, class and style - not me, mind you (I'm here for purely decorative purposes, the token brainless bimbo) - enjoy! You will...
  17. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    It's been 9 hours and nobody's managed to come up with a snappy comeback to this?! :D Me finally dry, not very happy about it. I mean obviously I have no problem being hyper-alert at 9 a.m. - I have an urgent to-do list consisting of stuck-together to-do lists that trails off my desk onto the...
  18. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Me cold. Incidentally what causes the sudden drop in body temperature a few minutes after smoking?
  19. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You're all nasty, cruel boys :D Especially mantiszn (still laughing at his cuttings).
  20. baklawa

    The UK Growers Thread!

    :D Relax, I've paved the way for you.