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  1. J

    Soil question

    1.6-1-0.6 Total Nitrogen (N) 1.6% 0.152% Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.1% Nitrate Nitrogen 0.408% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen 0.94% Water Insoluble Nitrogen Available Phosphate (P2O2) 1% Soluble Potash (K2O) 0.6% Calcium (Ca) 1% Derived from: Earthworm castings, Alfalfa meal, Blood meal, Feather meal...
  2. J

    How long to veg??? 600w x2

    man, fuck that scrogging shit. Just plant a few extra for a total of like 12. veg for max 2 weeks and flower. Your first 3 weeks of flower is your (stretch) or veg period so it will still get tall !! (so thats 2 weeks of veg plus the 3 weeks of flower (stretch) Also don't vegg your plants...
  3. J

    Bat Guano for veg and flower?

    you absolutely can use that but you should def. use more than that for veg and flower.
  4. J

    root excelurator.

    I used it on my last crop, I got great results as opposed to not using it. I'm not sure if rhiz or Great White are better products, but with roots excel you only need 1ml per gallon. I use it all the way until 3rd week of flower
  5. J

    How often should I give my plants big bud to increase my yield?

    use the shit out of it !!
  6. J

    best soil for indoor grow? ???

    nah man, thats not bad advice at all... You think that soil is FULL of nutrients ? Well its not, its minimal at best. If it was full of nutrients then it would be much more expensive. My initial water for FF OF in (5gal pot) is ph'd R/O water, after the first initial watering its fine (for me)...
  7. J

    Airpots Club

    i upgraded to 19L airpots. 2 week veg time with 9 week flower.
  8. J

    AN Carboload Vs Molasses in Hydro

    since i'm in soil, absolutely but around week four of flower i switch to something like "Sugaree" from Cutting Edge its OMRI rated. Just be careful not to create a slimmy res as the guy last page posted. monitor that res close
  9. J

    AN Carboload Vs Molasses in Hydro

    I can't honestly say as I use soil. I think you can use compost tea's though. All you would need to do is use a cheese cloth or a fine strainer and strain the tea before you put it in the res. By straining you wont get any particles from the compost and it wont clog your sprayers ! If using...
  10. J

    AN Carboload Vs Molasses in Hydro

    dude , your not going to see any negative effects using molasses. Its sugars/carbohydrates. The molasses feeds the micro organisms in the soil/roots. Also, Find a store that brew's compost teas and feed compost tea mixed with molasses in between nutrient feeding. You will win !
  11. J

    best soil for indoor grow? ???

    Black gold is a premium potting soil with no ingredients in it. That means you can start feeding right away :hump: Also I use FF ocean forest , I don't have to wait 3-4 weeks before feeding nutrients. The very first water on FF ocean forest is ph'd water and after that I use nutrients. Works...
  12. J

    AN Carboload Vs Molasses in Hydro

    idk, i've never heard of that . It seems almost all products (typically human food) have some type of corn syrup in them these days .. AN likes to do the research and stand by their product. If they find a better product on the shelf, they will acknowledge that there is a better product and AN...
  13. J

    Sour dee drom cutting edge

    I use the sugaree not the sour D. I had a friend use the Sour D and switched over to sugaree, (I don't know why he switched.) Its nice though, smooth taste plus its OMRI rated.
  14. J

    AN Carboload Vs Molasses in Hydro

    Carboload is more readily available for your plants roots whereas molasses ins't readily available, your plants root system has to break down the molasses before it can accept it. There is more sugars in carboload than molasses. Look on the back of carboload, you'll see a bunch of "ose's" like...
  15. J

    What's your wattage and PG&E monthly cost?

    they wanted financial statements 5,349 kilowatts for one month !
  16. J

    What's your wattage and PG&E monthly cost?

    How do you dodge the fire marshall wanting to inspect your shit ?!
  17. J

    What's your wattage and PG&E monthly cost?

    i run an 8k set up and in residential area it will cost you including electric for general house use about 1,400-1,600 a month. Mine is about 15ish. With the care program it will cost you about 660.00 a month. I was on care but they kicked me off of it ! smh ! If your in an agricultural...
  18. J

    The Superoots Air-Pot

    air pots are great, only down side is if you are hand watering you'll be watering every other day. Also,I would get big airpots. Like 5 gallon if you are vegging for a few weeks. i made the mistake of getting like 10L airpots which is like 2.5 gallons. Those small ass pots screwed me !
  19. J

    stress in veg affecting yeild?

    you should be fine as long as its not stressed during flower.
  20. J

    space race real

    i disagree that, USA has the top notch shit up in space.