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  1. B

    Three More Reasons for Wealth Deprived Americans to Take to the Streets

    No comment on the proof of propaganda? @ttystik are you sure you're not swerve?
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    Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?

    So apologize for making a stupid joke in poor taste and denounce the racist assholes on this site, simple enough no?
  3. B

    6 simple reasons why Trump is going to war in Syria

    The definitely notRacist Racists.
  4. B

    Donald Trump and Paul Manafort Revived Nixon’s Race-Based Hate Strategy

    You're dick is still broken at the end of the day.
  5. B

    Donald Trump and Paul Manafort Revived Nixon’s Race-Based Hate Strategy

    You're late arrival at awareness makes me wonder how long you harbored those same feelings. Sounds like you grew up in it. J. Edgar Hoover baby, sexually frustrated, paranoid, and angry.
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    Three More Reasons for Wealth Deprived Americans to Take to the Streets

    Yes but he makes Marines look stupid. Ballwashing is not a marketable skill for a White American male unless he applies at Fox.
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    Donald Trump and Paul Manafort Revived Nixon’s Race-Based Hate Strategy

    The racists here don't care and the smart people made the connection as it happened.
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    Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?

    The church my girls family goes to strongly suggested people visit certain websites that had subliminal imagery to vote Republican and Trump.
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    Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen's Offices Raided

    TREASON This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is...
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    Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?

    Yes and I live in cult country.
  11. B

    Trump Tweets "Get ready Russia"

    Also I'm on fire tonight.
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    Trump Tweets "Get ready Russia"

    I know right, as if you had a college degree.
  13. B

    Did a porno star out smart the President of the united States?

    Too late let the discussion and voting begin.
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    Three More Reasons for Wealth Deprived Americans to Take to the Streets

    As poor as he is stupid. In my best sexually frustrated constipated white voice "You know damn well what we are talking about" Nice recovery. Lulz
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    Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen's Offices Raided

    Are you treading freshwater or saltwater?
  16. B

    r/The_Donald is full of useful idiots.

    Pennsylvania. The Florida of the North.
  17. B

    Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen's Offices Raided

    The one that lived in a barren wasteland and never left his home state? I love how he proved me wrong by posting a picture from his trailer of tumbleweeds in a dusty field.
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    Curse you!

  19. B

    Trump Tweets "Get ready Russia"

    We had a state department until your unspoken love destroyed it.