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  1. lio lacidem

    purge bho questions

    Since you do not have a vac purger what i recommend is: 1. Freeze butane and material 2.Boil water in house, bring pot of water outside with you. 3. If doing both 7 gram tubes put 2 shot glasses full of 190° everclear or 99% iso in pyrex . 4 water should be cooling off now, float pyrex in...
  2. lio lacidem

    purge bho questions

    Im gonna use an analogy here. I can take 16 hours to make proper spaghetti sauce (and enjoy it) or buy sauce from a can ( and complain later). Put simply yes that could work but its gonna be full of residual butane. There are ways to do it without vac pump but imho this isnt one of them. A 7...
  3. lio lacidem

    First time bho. Just wanna make sure i know what i think i know.

    Dont put it in the oven. Heat is too high imo. If your doing the iso thing just let it air evap and scrape. Id then use a griddle and hot water bath to get it to the consistency you prefer.
  4. lio lacidem

    First time bho. Just wanna make sure i know what i think i know.

    Yes i have tried blasting directly into pyrex with small amount of iso in it. It works ok. When i did it that way i would let iso naturally evap with a fan. You should do hot water bath outside never brong inside till 30 minutes after reaction stops
  5. lio lacidem

    First time bho. Just wanna make sure i know what i think i know.

    First freeze material, tane and tube. Second no toaster oven please! If your gonna try a heat only purge i would suggest a hot water bath on a electric griddle. Third if you dont have a vac purge set up i highly suggest wintetizing as you will not get all butane out with just heat Just my opinion
  6. lio lacidem


    If you go to the search bar on here and type guzias1 in the member bar and stand in the keyword. That member built a pretty nice clamp contraption i believe
  7. lio lacidem

    where and how to properly store bho (shatter, wax, ect)?

    I store mine in the fridge as well
  8. lio lacidem

    Help! My Patients want wax not bubble Need to make decision now

    Hahaha frenchy exactly right if all extracts looked like oilmkrs id never smoke oil again
  9. lio lacidem

    blasting wet vs dry frozen trim

    You all suck!!..... just kidding im just jealous!
  10. lio lacidem

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Did you do any vaccing or just air evap and done?
  11. lio lacidem

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Very nice War
  12. lio lacidem

    Best use of my Trim?

    I Definately take stock in your experience and knowledge frenchy . I am just going on info that i have studied repeatedly.
  13. lio lacidem

    Best use of my Trim?

    Frenchy here are some links backing up my point.
  14. lio lacidem

    Best use of my Trim?

    @ frenchy an activated extract is only necessary when ingesting it to get the cannibanoids to cross the blood brain barrier.
  15. lio lacidem

    Best use of my Trim?

    First of why would you use a hot water bath for an iso run? Any heat at all is gonna darken your extract up. Quick washes with absolutely no heat is imo the only way to get a golden iso extract. Second of all why post a pic on a website if you dont want people to comment on it? If your extract...
  16. lio lacidem

    Best use of my Trim?

    What im saying is for a person new to concentrate making i always suggest starting at the easiest route. The only point youve made that i agree with is chemical extraction is not sonething just anybody should be doing. There are alot of people putting out residual loaded bho. That doesnt mean...
  17. lio lacidem

    Best use of my Trim?

    Well since your 3 requirements are easy cheap and safe ill have to agree bubble hash.
  18. lio lacidem

    Shatter E-CIG Oil, Yes, it works!

    I would ask your local shop , i know the ones in pa keep it behind counter but do have it
  19. lio lacidem

    A proper full melt dry sift tutorial. This time the right way.

    First off cubangrower used part of your tek then refined to take 3rd place until someone solely uses your tek and wins anything shut the fuck up and stop riding coat tails. bho is outlawed in CA so what? There are plenty of people here with chem backgrounds who can argue science with you. Your...
  20. lio lacidem

    Dabbing BHO + CO2 Oil Mixed

    Imo your friend probably got too high and had a mild panic attack. There are some extremely racy sativas that have made me feel weird. Definately not because you mixed co2 with bho.