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  1. dux

    Why, did the Bubble Gum cross the street??

    What's the difference between a blonde and a washing machine? Washing machines dont follow you around after you put a load in em..........
  2. dux

    Are you friends with anyone who has a butt chin?

    Is it worse than a Peter Griffin "ball sack"chin?
  3. dux

    Why do Japanese people murder Whales? Vs GODDAMN WHALE AND DOLPHIN!

    Not sure about whales but I believe they kill the dolphins because they eat the tuna...? It seems most Asian cultures have a "harvest/kill it til it's gone" mentality ......:wall:
  4. dux

    Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead Stoned....Marijuana Tourism.

    I could handle a limo ride from shop to shop toking up between stops! Be cool if you can see some grow ops?!?!
  5. dux

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    For shits sake,I have to be a borderline hillbilly.had no ice in the freezer so went out to bust off a couple icicles off the roof so we could have cocktails ....
  6. dux

    How Do You Roll?

    I think so? Guess I'm not sure what a "mat" is..:bigjoint:
  7. dux

    How Do You Roll?

    25 years smoking,still can't hand roll a joint for shit! Always use a bill.maybe I should look into these rollers you guys speak of..
  8. dux

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    ^^^impressive !!! That album used to get blasted in my Monte Carlo when I was in high school,the drum intro for painkiller-AWESOME!!
  9. dux

    Reasons to love winter. Because we need them.

    nice! Ill camp like that for ducks during late season, but when it comes to ice fishing I grab my buddies wheel house,I would like to do a winter camp fish trip into the Boundary waters someday..
  10. dux

    Weird things eaten when out of munchies

    I can tell you what NOT to eat..Sunday night =power munchie attack!devoured a package of Oreo cookies,I will never do that again! Yesterday was rough(Monday).
  11. dux

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Geez,no shit ! But hey it has gotten up to -12 here this am,no wind either!! Gonna be close to 30 in a couple days.better start digging my shorts out..
  12. dux

    Reasons to love winter. Because we need them.

    Ice fishing! Camping out on a lake for a day or 2 helps speed up winter..
  13. dux

    Sports suck...

    Basketball? its like soccer with the amount of sissy floppers isn't it?:bigjoint:
  14. dux

    Is anyone out there paranoid?

    Should I be worried? Do I need to move? Oh geez,I hear something.....
  15. dux

    Colorado gold rush.

    Well,so is mine,it just doesn't have the same selection:wall:
  16. dux

    Colorado gold rush.

    Personally I have no problems paying a lil extra if it means keeping "the man" off your back and having the selections to choose from ..argh 17 hour drive for me..
  17. dux

    Cozumel ?

    Anybody have anything to add?
  18. dux

    What kind of drug is this?

    Probably just something to help her put up with you?
  19. dux

    Congratulations Colorado

    Yup! Officially jealous .. :cry:
  20. dux

    Ever get sick after smoking moldy bud?

    Just a couple months ago I packed a bowl and took one pull.instantly made the "yuck face" looked a little closer sure enough you could smell it.that one pull stuffed my head up for the night....