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  1. lifesgood

    Very Serious Business Proposition

    LOL 400 bucks i dont know if i can do it , its a bit much...... u have tent and seeds.... hmmm maybe just maybe.... OH shit A FUCKING TENT im IN!!!!!!!!!!! Hey man this is all me no 5 people i want to reap all the rewards dont even think about steppikng onmy investment...... SHIT...
  2. lifesgood

    How long to clone clones, and is my light good enough?

    i use those t-5 bulbs to root my clones and they work great... i have never tried to veg them with them but i would assumer 3 weeks plus if u want to get 2/3 cloines off each clone.... dont forget bud have sub par lights will mostly likly result in sub par clones and potentially sub par...
  3. lifesgood

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Hey bud, how do i safely install a breaker in my panel and run wire to the power board i have.... what im going to be running off that power board is: 2 ( 1000) watts lights 1 ( 600) watt light a small ac or possibly cold cat( if cold cat then i add dehumidifer) fans & pumps and possibly a...
  4. lifesgood

    Do you guys believe in extending harvest time because the strain does not look ripe?

    Thanks u so much for that answer... so for sure 100% extending the harvest time an extra week or 2 will NOT increase yeaild????? I really dont care about the high as i dont smoke that much its more to just get rid off..... So based on this info i assume its better in my situaiotn to get 12...
  5. lifesgood

    Is it worth it for me to get a co2 system when my room has constant intake % exhaust?

    it is not a window ac, its one of that that stands on wheels.. but maybe its the same for these types of acs... however from past experaince i do remember the ac untis that i have exhuasting stinky air... so i assume its from the room and therefore would exhuast the co2 enriched air as welll....
  6. lifesgood

    Is it bad for the plants to have the sulfur burner always on?

    Really in clones?? like stil in the domes.. thats nuts ive never heard of that... maybe ur cubes/peat pellets are to moist.... do u ever wipe down the inside of ur domes ,i do every day before i give them a spray.... fdd that really shouldnt happen.. ive heard of getting mildew in veg and bloom...
  7. lifesgood

    2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

    Hey bud, It depends on the table i use different shades and tables to fit the room better... take a lookm at the jpeg i just posted i think its enough light if not to much for the area....btw, all the shades have 1000 watt bulbs.... Yes please tell us more, sounds very intriguing.....
  8. lifesgood

    2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

    K cool ill give that a try, so pretyy much flush first day then next day include the cal-mag into the flush..... I have a big ac and i can maintin any temp so far i have noticed with the cherry strain they like it a bit warmer so i keep it around 83-86 with co2. Another intresting thing i...
  9. lifesgood

    2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

    Intersting stuff thanks for the info ... is there something i should be adding in week 1 of bloom to prevent this early yellowing, and is yellowing in week 4 considered early or normal..... love passed back :)
  10. lifesgood

    2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

    K , so i have too much N but lack of cal and mag..... ur right it doesnt hurt to try cal mag.... would u reccomend i flush for a few days then drop my feed to say 1000 ppm for week 5 and include cal and mag? could i inclue the cal and mag when i flush??? and do u have any idea as to why...
  11. lifesgood

    2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

    hmm intersting stuff... makes sense about the microelements so what nutreints should i add to make up for these micro elements..... would "buy some cal-mag or nutes with magnesium." those be my answer? I dont want to undermine ur knowledge im just looking for more people to agree or...
  12. lifesgood

    2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

    LOL i dont think its the toilets thats the problem its those fuckin spicy tacos i over feeding and lack of magnesium???? at 1400 ppm is that possible.... like how can u have a lack of something when ur over feeding.........someoneelse told me its lack of food so im kinda...
  13. lifesgood

    2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

    Ive noticed a trend come week 4 and when i turn on the co2 , i dont know if they arel inked together or seperate things, but its driving me nuts as i cant figure out if its a defeceny or something else.. My setup is: Hydro-Flood and drain recurculating I use AN micro, grow, bloom with some...
  14. lifesgood

    Is it bad for the plants to have the sulfur burner always on?

    Shit man that sounds horrible i dont wanna be hurting my girls and my yeild over such a simple thing like that ... thanks so much for the info .. props :) cool man great idea, imma implement it and only when the lights are OFF!!! Yea ive heard of seranade as well but these rooms are too...
  15. lifesgood

    Is it bad for the plants to have the sulfur burner always on?

    not to run it with the lights on???? i just read that u should have the sulfur burner on when the lights are on.... its not that bad my humidity is 40 when lights r on but 80 when lights off and i think thats whats been causing the powerdry mildew to come back from time to time.. so far i...
  16. lifesgood

    Is it bad for the plants to have the sulfur burner always on?

    Is it bad for the plants to have the sulfur burner always on?
  17. lifesgood

    What is the temperature should the room be when using co2?

  18. lifesgood

    How important is air flow?

    LOL ok go nuts, pump ur lil babies in veg full of co2 then tell me what happens.... get some hands on expeiarence before u open ur mouth.. in theory yes co2 should be good at all times of plant growth ( veg & bloom) however in practice this is not the case....... NEVER USE CO2 IN VEG . TRUST ME