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  1. lifesgood

    Do you guys believe in extending harvest time because the strain does not look ripe?

    there is a general rule like that ?? hmmm intersting.... well i dont really smoke this stuff its more just to get rid off it so i really dont care how it smokes or its affect.... the most important thing is does the extra week or 2 make economic sense to say lose 1 or 2 crops in a year...
  2. lifesgood

    Do you guys believe in extending harvest time because the strain does not look ripe?

    Does waiting the extra week or 2 produce more yeild or is this more cosmetic like just for the look of the red ambersish hairs.... I run on a schedule i crop every month so i somewhat have to pull them at the end of week 7 , maybe i could push them 1 week max as i have little ones ready to...
  3. lifesgood

    How important is air flow?

    NO co2 is bad for veg, never do it unless u want to fuck ur plants...... I agree that aircirculation is key but how do u explain sealed rooms that have co2 and only have fans blowing the existing air around, set ups like those still pull great numbers.....
  4. lifesgood

    Do you guys believe in extending harvest time because the strain does not look ripe?

    ok, but the question is..... I Have a 7 week strain by the end of week 7 sometimes it looks ripe and ready for harvest and sometimes it doesnt.....i am not pulling them early as they are a 7 week strain but for whatever reason onece in a while they just dont look as amberish as i am...
  5. lifesgood

    Do you guys believe in extending harvest time because the strain does not look ripe?

    Do you guys believe in extending harvest time because the strain does not look ripe, hairs are not amber goldish color. Does this increase yeild in any way or is this a waste of time and enrgy. It is strange because i grow the same strain and sometimes they are ripe and perfect for...
  6. lifesgood

    The Best Lamp company discussion group

    who really cares.. plug the thing in and focus on the plant and ur nuterients and feed schedule.... as long as u have hps u are good.. sure horitilux is known as a better brand then sylvania but for the cost i much more prefer to purchases sylvania then hortilux....... :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. lifesgood

    Would (5) 400 watt lights emit more heat in the grow room then (2) 1000 watt lights..

    yea im kinda seeing that 2..... thanks so much guys for the input without this disscusion i woulld have wasted a bunch of time and money trying things that wouldnt work from the sounds of it its much better investment for me to get the 2 1000 watt then to be worrying about extra heat cuease d by...
  8. lifesgood

    WTF is up with all of these Gangs/clubs on RIU??

    welll said.... i too have noticed ( groups) people , freinds whatever u wanna called it always ganging up on a topic and stroking eacothers ego and putting others down even when they are not neccesarly right.... almost as a power trip thing I am sorry that some of u dont have power in ur lives...
  9. lifesgood

    Is it worth it for me to get a co2 system when my room has constant intake % exhaust?

    umm no that is my only exhaust i understand they are 2 differnt things but in reality the are both doing the same thing.... shooting hot air out of the room... THe inline fan ( intake) just brings in fresh colder air and prevents from a vacuum affect happening if i just had the ac's on.... i...
  10. lifesgood

    Is it worth it for me to get a co2 system when my room has constant intake % exhaust?

    I got 2 cheap walmart (3500 btu i think) danby ac's , each 1 has an exhaust .. i dont think i can seperate the exhaust as it pumps out the hot air.... i would love to make these ac's central ac's just scrubbing the air but i dont think the models i have are capable of that....
  11. lifesgood

    Is it worth it for me to get a co2 system when my room has constant intake % exhaust?

    well the problem is my exhaust is through my ac's and my ac's need to be on all the time when the lights are on..... i also feed the room fresh air with an inline fan acting as my intake..... any suggestions to my dilemna... should i even bother with the co2 system ....
  12. lifesgood

    Is it worth it for me to get a co2 system when my room has constant intake % exhaust?

    I am considering introducing co2 to my room , however i have my intake and exhaust on constantly to provide fresh clean air and to maintain temps.... If i introduced co2 to my current set up would it be pointless, like wouldnt the co2 enriched air simple be exhausted out of the room, or will...
  13. lifesgood

    Where do you measure temperature?

    measure ur temps at the top of ur plants so have ur theromometers hanging at the same level as the tips of ur plants, u would also want to have fans circultaing the air between the bulb and the tip of ur plants.... 79-82 is said to be the premier temp to grow oin when not using co2
  14. lifesgood

    Would (5) 400 watt lights emit more heat in the grow room then (2) 1000 watt lights..

    Are u 100% sure about this like have u tried doing seomthing like this before.... Maybe im better off investing in 2 1000 watt then investing in another ac if i go 5 400 watts?
  15. lifesgood

    Would (5) 400 watt lights emit more heat in the grow room then (2) 1000 watt lights..

    yea anon my common sense tells me yes as well.... would be great to hear from someone with first hand experiance, then i will know if i shoudl buy an extra ac or not...
  16. lifesgood

    Is it ok for the plant is i have the sulphur burder on always?

    i hope this question isnt to advanced for this forum, so i ask again is it bad for the health of the plants to have a sulfur burner running constantly like 24 hours a day 7 days a week ?
  17. lifesgood

    Would (5) 400 watt lights emit more heat in the grow room then (2) 1000 watt lights..

    welll its more like im working with what ive got,i have and am using 1000 wat lights at the moment 2 lights over a 4 x8 table.but im setting up a new grow for a freind and he only has 400 watt light that he purchased a year ago... I dont really want to invest in 1000 watt lights when we have...
  18. lifesgood

    What is the temperature should the room be when using co2?

    Join Date: Aug 2009 Posts: 32 permalink how does one figure out what temperature to grow in when using co2? Are there some tests i can do to determine the correct temperature, a difference of 10 F seems a bit much.
  19. lifesgood

    Would (5) 400 watt lights emit more heat in the grow room then (2) 1000 watt lights..

    Would (5) 400 watt lights emit more heat in the grow room then (2) 1000 watt lights... The reason i am asking is that i know my ac can maintain the correct temps when i have 2 1000 watt lights running but i am not sure if they can handle 5 400 watt lights... fyi: ballasts in both senerios...
  20. lifesgood

    Au natureal

    last year i plantted some in the bush and let them go, for a reason or a nother i could chekc up on them for like 4 weeks into bloom i thought they would have been dried and fried but somehow mothernature took care of them, when i got there i gave them 1 feeding and a few days later 1 watering...