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  1. guy incognito

    Are your plants talking about you?

    My plants speak Rigellian, which coincidentally is exactly like english.
  2. guy incognito

    Should you get your dog Hi?

    I call bullshit on dogs not metabolizing thc the same as other mammals, and also on 2 dogs dieing from marijuana overdose. As far as I know they have never induced a toxic dose of marijuana on any mammal and they have tried plenty of times. I'm about to go try on myself.
  3. guy incognito

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I cannot see half of winter woman's posts, they are just blank.
  4. guy incognito

    Why doesn't RIU have a store?

    No I would not sport riu gear. I would rather remain anonymous and inconspicuous.
  5. guy incognito

    Apparently I smell like a walking bong...

    Maybe if you did some laundry instead of sitting around getting stoned and playing video games all night.
  6. guy incognito

    im know a felon :(

    *reads title* *gets confused* *reads thread* *shakes head*
  7. guy incognito

    Knockout game gone wrong

    I get the premise of the game, but it was in a busy shopping mall with people filming him. What did he expect to happen? Land a perfect punch on that chick and knock her out? Then what? Everyone in the mall was just gonna let him walk away consequence free? All that evidence on video was gonna...
  8. guy incognito

    Friend sent to jail for breaking and entering

    Maybe he isn't apologizing and just letting us know he wishes he could do it more often. Nah. A true grammar nazi's head would explode reading toke-n-talk.
  9. guy incognito

    Knockout game gone wrong

    Am I the only one confused? It was like the blare witch project, then some black dude getting a beat down. Am I too high or does this not make any sense?
  10. guy incognito

    in case anyone was wondering

    The one that says I don't care what your sexual preference is as long as you still treat everyone with respect. If you mind your own business, are a generally decent person, and aren't hurting anyone then I consider that perfectly reasonable.
  11. guy incognito

    in case anyone was wondering

    1 in 10 people are gay. I have had sex with 10 people. Statistically, one of those dudes was gay. Just sayin.
  12. guy incognito

    Best way to get out of Jury duty ?

    most of these suggestions would land you in jail for contempt of court.
  13. guy incognito

    in case anyone was wondering

    I think it is the specific circumstances and not the homo aspect of it. I don't think most members have anything against gay people as long as they conduct themselves like a reasonable person.
  14. guy incognito

    All Strains Are Fake

    All apples are the same. There are no such thing as apple strains.
  15. guy incognito

    which one of you mods took down my poll thread?

    That's not an LA thing, it's a preying on alcoholics and stupidity thing. They do it at every sporting event or concert I have ever been to.
  16. guy incognito

    which one of you mods took down my poll thread?

    nazi mods! they are worse than hitler!
  17. guy incognito

    Would you F*ck yourself?

    That's why I need a 2nd clone, to cash our 3 welfare checks.
  18. guy incognito

    Wake & Bake...negative effects

    How do you wake up stoned?