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  1. guy incognito

    Life insurance for a stoner

    The blood test is for diseases. They don't want you to take out a policy if you have HIV or some other disease. The blood test is NOT for drugs. Your blood is clean of all drug metabolites after 48 hours anyway, so this is a non issue (assuming you can stop for 2 days - which I already have).
  2. guy incognito

    Life insurance for a stoner

    Thanks. I am only 30 years old so no AARP for me. I don't want to lie because I am afraid they will get my medical records and the dr will have written down that I admitted to marijuana use, or worse they will find out I am a medical patient and went to a couple marijuana-only clinics/doctors...
  3. guy incognito

    Sanjay's Weed Part 2

    That guy has about as much credibility as dr pepper.
  4. guy incognito

    Life insurance for a stoner

    So it's about that time for me to get life insurance. I am married and we are trying to have a baby. I don't want to leave my wife or children with no place to live and lots of bills to pay, so I need a life insurance policy. Does anyone have any insight or wisdom they can impart on me...
  5. guy incognito

    Costa Rica, One heck of a surprise . . . ~

    Scooby is in it for the long con. The first couple trips go fantastic, everyone becomes his friend and visits, and before you know it instead of a single scalped pony tail he has hundreds.
  6. guy incognito

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    The guy is human, just like all of us. Can you honestly say you have never fucked up in anyway? Never fucked someone over? Never stole ANYTHING? I try to be a good person, but I certainly have fucked up and done bad things. I'm pretty sure everyone on here has. No one is perfect. I can at...
  7. guy incognito


    Fucking nazeem. He says "Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't. " while he is standing in the cloud district with you. One of the worst NPCs imo. I am level 74 now and about 180 hours in. I legendaried my alchemy skill, and my pickpocket...
  8. guy incognito

    stupid bitch!!!!!

    Link is broken. When I clicked on it I just got the main page with the first headline saying " DAUGHTER FINALLY GETS JUSTICE: Father who repeatedly raped child starting at age 3 sentenced for his crimes after she tracked him down in Europe where he had fled more than a...
  9. guy incognito

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    You totally glossed over my point about alcohol being significantly cheaper than weed. For the $20 that a gram is going to cost me I can purchase a lot of beer or liquor. If I go bottom shelf liquor I can get a gallon for $20. If I don't go bottom shelf I can get a fifth of decent liquor for...
  10. guy incognito

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Yes I do brew my own alcohol and so do millions of other people. And no they don't to whiskey, or any spirits, because distilling alcohol is illegal. I can only legally brew beer or wine, I can't make liquor. Also beer and liquor are significantly cheaper than buying weed. Again, econ 101.
  11. guy incognito

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Go talk to your econ 101 professor.
  12. guy incognito

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Are you serious? Ever heard of ketchup, pizza, salsa, or spaghetti? I don't have the numbers with me but I will guarantee the demand for tomatoes exceeds the demand for marijuana many times over. And what i'm saying is that it is the illegality of marijuana which creates a black market which...
  13. guy incognito

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Yes if cannabis were legal everyone would be making mad amounts of cash, the same way everyone is making mad amounts of cash from selling tomatoes. Wait wut?
  14. guy incognito

    Life insurance for cannabis users?

    From my research the blood test is for HIV. THC metabolites are out of your blood stream in a matter of a few days, even for heavy smokers. What they are far more concerned about is someone getting HIV, then immediately getting life insurance. I shouldn't have to explain any further why they...
  15. guy incognito

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Didn't read the thread, I just wanted to pop in and say that iced grapefruit was by far the best plant I have ever grown. It was the healthiest, most vigorous, best smelling, best tasting, best yielding, easiest to trim bud I have grown. By a wide margin. I only got 1 seed though, so I don't...
  16. guy incognito

    Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead

    haha that does explain it. I missed that thread.
  17. guy incognito

    American Horror Story Asylum (Spoilers)

    I just finished up the second season last night, and I still don't know what to think. They gave neat little happy endings to a lot of people, and wrapped a bunch of stuff up not leaving too many loose ends. I still can't figure out wtf the season was all about though. It all seemed so...
  18. guy incognito

    Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead

    orly? so nobody has a problem with pharmaceutical grade and dosed opiates (ie pills), and they are quite safe? Did you seriously just type all that?
  19. guy incognito

    what to tell cable guy when he wants to go in basement?

    I thought it would go without saying, but apparently I need to say it: I don't want to appear suspicious in anyway. Joking or not I don't want anyone thinking I have a rape room down stairs. Or a grow room. Or anything to hide. I just want them all to stay out of my business. I let my...
  20. guy incognito

    what to tell cable guy when he wants to go in basement?

    I have cable, and it's already all hooked up but I am having issues with the DVR. The cable company is coming tomorrow to check it out. What do I tell him if he wants to go into the basement (ie grow) and check the connection? Just refuse? I am hoping he will just check signal from tv...